Com S 100J Introduction to Computer Programming Grade: letter or S/U Fall 2003
4 credits Newsgroup: cornell.class.cs100j Instructor: David Gries

Grading policies
About email
Academic Excellence Workshop
Academic integrity
Exams & grades
Handouts, general
Staff info
Times & places
Email Gries

Academic Integrity

Respect academic integrity! Cheating may seem an easy way out, but in the long run, it really hurts you more than anyone else. You end up not learning what you should learn, and it does something to your character, to your self-image. Cheating is not worth it. Please review the Code and notes for CS100 here.

Course Grade Computation

We calculate your raw numerical score based on core points for assignments and exams, which is used as a base when calculating final grades. The final grade is not based solely on this numerical score. Other items enter in, such as what the instructor and your TA know about your work in the course, special problems you have had (such as illnesses), whether your performance gets better or worse as the course progresses.

Below is a list of the percentage of the total score that is allocated to each component of the course. Everyone is expected to do every lab (we allow two misses, and more only if they have been excused), and these don't count in the total score.

Final: 30%

Prelim 1: 08%
Prelim 2: 10%
Prelim 3: 12%

A1: 5%   (JFrames)
A2: 3%   (drawing objects)
A3: 5%   (times)
A4: 3%   (drawing frames)
A5: 5%   (bowling 1)
A6: 5%   (bowling 2)
A7: 5%   (bowling 3)
A8: 4%   (manipulating jpeg files)
A9: 2%   (Matlab)

Q1: 1%
Q2: 1%

E1: 1%   (course evaluation completion)

Thus far, the maximum total score based on the completed work is 46, the mean is 37.1, and the standard deviation is 5.7.

Letter Grades

A typical distribution for final grades is 25% A, 35% B, 35% C, 5% D or F. However, that is only a typical, average, distribution, and it is not what we expect. If everyone does A work, everyone will get an A.


If you feel that the graders have incorrectly graded an exam or hand-written assignment:

  1. Submit a regrade request online using the Course Management System, if it is possible.
  2. Fill out a regrade request form in the Carpenter lab.

Please note the CS100 policies:

  1. We photocopy a random number of exams after grading.
  2. You must submit your request within one week after we return your graded work.
  3. We regrade the entire submission from scratch.
  4. Your grade may go up or down.

You can retrieve the regraded material in Carpenter about 1 week after you submit your request.

Posted Grades

You can always see your grades online, on the CS Course Management System (CMS)

Exam and exam conflicts

The three prelims are 7:30--9:00PM, on Monday 29 Sept., Tuesday 21 Oct., and Tuesday 18 Nov.
The final period 9: Monday 15 Dec, 3:00--5:30PM.

You must take every exam! CS100J does not offer alternative tests. If you still have a conflict, contact David Gries two weeks before the exam..