Class wais.WAISResultSet
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Class wais.WAISResultSet


public class WAISResultSet
extends Object
The class for combining the results returned by filter queries and ranking queries to the WAIS search engine. WAIS does not have a facility for internally handling. So our way around it is to submit two queries - one based on the filter expression and one on the ranking expression. The final result set includes all documents in the filter expression with their socre adjusted as follows - if the document appears in the result set from the ranking expression, use the ranking score as the score; if the documennt does not appear in the result set from the ranking expressing, set its score to 0.

Constructor Index

 o WAISResultSet(Query)
Instantiate a new WAISResultSet and create the hashtables.

Method Index

 o AddFilterResult(String)
Add a new document to the filter results set
 o AddRankingResult(String)
Add a new document to the ranking results set
 o MergeFilterAndRanking()
Merge the filter and ranking result sets and create a generic results set including the merged documents.


 o WAISResultSet
  public WAISResultSet(Query query)
Instantiate a new WAISResultSet and create the hashtables.


 o AddFilterResult
  public void AddFilterResult(String result) throws SourceException
Add a new document to the filter results set
result - The result string from the WAIS search engine.
 o AddRankingResult
  public void AddRankingResult(String result) throws SourceException
Add a new document to the ranking results set
result - The result string from the WAIS search engine.
 o MergeFilterAndRanking
  public int MergeFilterAndRanking() throws SourceException
Merge the filter and ranking result sets and create a generic results set including the merged documents. Return the final number of results

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