In file relquery.h:

class RelQueryNode : public XxxQueryNode

Defines a relational query node for construction of a query graph


Public Fields

RelCatalogInfo* CatalogInfo
A handle on the catalog information associated with this node
RelOperator* Op
A handle on the operator associated with this node

Public Methods

XxxErrCode AddChildren (RelQueryNode **NodeList, int Quantity)
Adds children to this node
virtual XxxErrCode GetDependencies (XxxBitMap& Dependency, int CorrelationHt)
/ Used to get correlation dependencies
virtual void NodePrint (ostream &OStr, int CurBlockId, int Level, int NumChildren, int *ChildrenIds)
Prints a textual representation of this node to the output stream
virtual void PrintThis (ostream& OStr)
Prints a textual representation of this node to the output stream
virtual XxxErrCode PropagateMetaInfoDown ()
There is currently no information which must be propagated down the query graph tree
virtual XxxErrCode PropagateMetaInfoUp (const XxxArgEnv* Env = NULL)
Propagates meta-info, such as schema and statistical information, up the query tree
RelQueryNode (RelOperator* Op, int ChildArity, RelQueryNode **Children, int NumNames = 0, char **NodeNames = NULL)
virtual XxxRecordSchema* Schema ()
Returns the schema associated with the output of this node
virtual void TreePrint (ostream& OStr, int &CurBlockId, int Level = 0)
Prints a textual representation of this node, and its children to the output stream
virtual ~RelQueryNode ()

Inherited from XxxQueryNode:


Defines a relational query node for construction of a query graph
RelOperator* Op
A handle on the operator associated with this node

RelCatalogInfo* CatalogInfo
A handle on the catalog information associated with this node

RelQueryNode(RelOperator* Op, int ChildArity, RelQueryNode **Children, int NumNames = 0, char **NodeNames = NULL)
Op - The operator associated with this node
ChildArity - The number of children of this node
Children - An array of pointers to this node's children
NumNames - The number of names supplied for children (optional)
NodeNames - The names of the children operators (optional)

XxxErrCode AddChildren(RelQueryNode **NodeList, int Quantity)
Adds children to this node. Added to facilitate query rewrite.
NodeList - An array of the children to add to this node
Quantity - The number of children to add

virtual ~RelQueryNode()

virtual void PrintThis(ostream& OStr)
Prints a textual representation of this node to the output stream
OStr - The stream to print to

virtual void TreePrint(ostream& OStr, int &CurBlockId, int Level = 0)
Prints a textual representation of this node, and its children to the output stream. The output is formatted such that it can be read by the Java client's QueryProcDisplayer frame and be displayed graphically.
OStr - The stream to print to
CurBlockId - The node id to be given to this node
Level - The level of this node in the tree (0 is root)

virtual void NodePrint(ostream &OStr, int CurBlockId, int Level, int NumChildren, int *ChildrenIds)
Prints a textual representation of this node to the output stream. For use with TreePrint.
OStr - The stream to print to
CurBlockId - The node id to be given to this node
Level - The level of this node in the tree (0 is root)
NumChildren - The number of children of this node
ChildrenIds - The id numbers of this node's children

virtual XxxErrCode PropagateMetaInfoUp(const XxxArgEnv* Env = NULL)
Propagates meta-info, such as schema and statistical information, up the query tree
XXX_NOT_OK if an error occurs.
Env - The environment information

virtual XxxErrCode PropagateMetaInfoDown()
There is currently no information which must be propagated down the query graph tree. This function is empty.
XXX_NOT_OK if an error occurs.

virtual XxxRecordSchema* Schema()
Returns the schema associated with the output of this node
The schema associated with this node's output, or NULL if no catalog information is available.

virtual XxxErrCode GetDependencies(XxxBitMap& Dependency, int CorrelationHt)
/ Used to get correlation dependencies

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling