In file values.h:

class XxxArgEnv

The XxxArgEnv supports two kinds of arguments to a (sub)query 1) "Host" variables that are bound as run-time arguments They appear in a query as $1, $2, etc


Public Classes

class NestingParseEnv
Class used as an environment for correlations


The XxxArgEnv supports two kinds of arguments to a (sub)query 1) "Host" variables that are bound as run-time arguments They appear in a query as $1, $2, etc. 2) Correlation values During type checking, there must be a phase in which a list of all such values is extracted and maintained. At run time, they will get instantiated from the execution environment
class NestingParseEnv
Class used as an environment for correlations

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling