- WikiPedia Consider removing. (Now we can embed search engines into browsers, who needs this?)
- Google Scholar Consider removing. (Almost never gives you a direct download)
- Google Code Search
- Cornell University Library Consider removing. (Coz they always send me 'Courtesy Notice')
- Google University Search
- Skitter: A tool for actively probing the Internet in order to analyze topology and performance. They have a fantastic gallery! Free download of raw data is available by request.
- Otter:
A tool for visualizing network data. This is an ancient package, but still handy sometimes.
Note: in Java is now obsolete. Edit Makefile to make it work with current versions of Java (For Sun Java, Install JDK): After setting up JAVA_BIN (should be $(JAVA)/bin/), point CLASSES_ZIP to $(JAVA)/lib/. Works with JDK1.6. - ipqueue: the Netfilter userspace IPQueue module for Python.
- Network monitoring tools
- Personal blog hosted on live spaces (Chinese, English)
- Technical blog hosted on wordpress (English)