University courses

CS5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics, Spring 2025

CS4621: Computer Graphics Practicum, Fall 2024

CS5643: Physically Based Animation for Computer Graphics, Spring 2023

CS6630: Realistic Image Synthesis, Fall 2022

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2022

CS7620: Special Topics in Computer Graphics, Fall 2021

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2021

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Fall 2020

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2020

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Fall 2019

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2019

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Fall 2018

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring 2018

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring 2017

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2016

CS6630: Realistic Image Synthesis, Fall 2015

CS5625: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2015

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Fall 2014

CS1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python, Spring 2014

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Fall 2013

CS1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python, Spring 2013

CS6640: Computational Photography, Fall 2012

CS6630: Realistic Image Synthesis, Spring 2012

CS1110: Introduction to Computing Using Java, Fall 2011

CS3220: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Spring 2010

CS6630: Realistic Image Synthesis, Fall 2009

CS3220: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Spring 2009

CS4620: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Fall 2008

CS569: Interactive Computer Graphics, Spring 2008

CS667: Physically Based Rendering, Fall 2007

CS322: Introduction to Scientific Computing, Spring 2007

CS465: Computer Graphics I, Fall 2006

CS667: Physics Based Rendering, Spring 2006

CS465: Computer Graphics I, Fall 2005

CS667: Physics Based Rendering, Spring 2005

CS465: Computer Graphics I, Fall 2004

CS667: Physics Based Rendering, Spring 2004

CS465: Computer Graphics I, Fall 2003

CS417: Computer Graphics, Spring 2003

Stanford CS448a: Digital photography and image-based rendering
with Marc Levoy, Spring 2002

Stanford CS448c: Appearance Models for Computer Graphics and Vision
with Pat Hanrahan, Jitendra Malik, Henrik Wann Jensen, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Fall 2000

Conference courses

“Hair Rendering.” In Sunil Hadap, organizer, Strands and Hair: Modeling, Animation, and Rendering. SIGGRAPH 2007 Course 33.

“Fibers.” In Hendrik P.A. Lensch and Michael Goesele, organizers, Realistic Materials in Computer Graphics. SIGGRAPH 2005 Course 10.

“Radiometry.” In Philip Dutré and Henrik Wann Jensen, organizers, State of the Art in Monte Carlo Global Illumination. SIGGRAPH 2004 Course 4.

“Measuring the BSSRDF.” In Steve Marschner and Ravi Ramamoorthi, organizers, Acquiring Material Models Using Inverse Rendering. SIGGRAPH 2002 Course 39.

“BRDF Measurement.” In Michael Ashikhmin, organizer, State of the Art in Modeling and Measuring of Surface Reflection. SIGGRAPH 2001 Course 10.

“Image-based BRDF Measurement.” In Yizhou Yu, organizer, Image-based Surface Details. SIGGRAPH 2000 Course 16.