lite::array_comparator Class Reference
[Array Operations]

This class defines a function object that can be used to compare two compatible arrays to define an ordering. More...

#include <array.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

LITE_INLINE array_comparator (const array_comparator &)
LITE_INLINE array_comparatoroperator= (array_comparator &)
template<typename signature_ , typename traits_type_ , typename l_rep_ , typename r_rep_ >
LITE_INLINE bool operator() (const array< signature_, traits_type_, l_rep_ > &a, const array< signature_, traits_type_, r_rep_ > &b) const
 Returns true if a is lexicographically before b.

Detailed Description

This class defines a function object that can be used to compare two compatible arrays to define an ordering.

        typedef array<float[2]> Point2D;

        std::map<Point2D, Shape*, array_comparator> space_map;

        space_map[Point2D(0f, 2.5f)] = new Circle();

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Generated on Fri Nov 6 02:03:21 2009 for Lite by  doxygen 1.6.0