
Rachit is an associate professor in Department of Computer Science at Cornell University, where he works with an awesome group of students on problems related to systems, networking and algorithms.

Rachit has received a Sloan research fellowship, an NSF CAREER award, an IRTF Applied Networking Prize for SIGCOMM'23 paper on HostCC, best student paper awards at SIGCOMM'24 and at SIGCOMM'18, a distinguished paper award at Usenix Security'20, a Google research scholar award, a Google faculty research award, the Rambus research award (for outstanding performance in computer science and engineering research) and the Wang-Chung research award (for excellence in computer engineering research). Rachit was listed in 2010 UIUC List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, and has also received the James and Mary Tien teaching award, the highest teaching award in Cornell College of Engineering for sustained excellence and innovation in engineering education.

In another life, Rachit was a very mischievous undergrad at IIT Kanpur.

What do I do?

I still don't do research. I research.

I still take photographs. I have recently started shifting my focus from landscape to portraits.

I still do crazier things than most of my crazy friends. Currently, I am working on my pilot license. No, I do not plan to change jobs.

I still travel more than I should. And, I have been to truly out-of-the-box places.

I still drink more beer than most of my friends (Irish ones do come close though :-D). I am learning to mix cocktails, and have gotten much better at mixing recently. No, I do not plan to change jobs.

I still have the lowest undergraduate GPA of any professor I have ever met. Jeff Erickson does come close though. I am not proud of this.

I still wonder if I am a scientist, a mathematician, an engineer, or just a student. But I know this and this :-)

I still am proud of being an IITian.

I still think a lot along the directions:

Finally, my views on education are best captured in: "Creativity is as important in education as literacy!".