
ϕ holds at a world ω, 187

ith ranked player, 111

acceptable, 75

achievable, 151

acyclic, 19

adoption threshold, 34

allocation, 74

appropriate, 201

attainable, 149

Augmenting Path Algorithm, 55

balanced, 93

best response, 11

best-response dynamics, 12, 213

best-response set, 11

better-response dynamics, 29

BFS, 20

bipartite graph, 59

blocking pair, 148

BRD, 12

breadth-first search, 20

canonical web search algorithms, 171

capacitated graph, 53

capacity, 56

cascading, 46

Clarke pivot rule, 107

common prior, 193

complete bipartite graph, 59

complete graph, 18

complete matching context, 140

complete social-choice context, 119

complete two-sided matching context, 154

Condorcet winner, 121

connected, 19

connected component, 19

constricted set, 61

context, 100

converges, 12

cut, 56

cycle, 19

DA algorithm, 149

deferred acceptance algorithm, 149

degree, 18

density, 46, 49

dictator, 125

dictator for x, 125

dictatorial, 125

directed graph, 18

disconnected, 19

dominant strategy, 6

dominant-strategy truthful, 103

DST, 103

DST-implement, 103

equilibrium, 9, 213

event, 187, 222

exchange network, 85

exchange network corresponding to, 87

finite normal-form game, 5

first-price auction mechanism, 101

flow, 54

game, 3

graph, 18

herding behavior, 183

higher-level beliefs, 190

house allocation problems, 139

Hubs–and–Authorities, 162

in-degree, 18

incoming, 18

induced acceptability graph, 75

induced preferred choice graph, 75

inefficiency of equilibria, 39

information cascade, 183

intrinsic value function, 37

ISD, 8

iterated strict dominance, 8

JTB, 198

justified true belief, 198

knowledge cells, 188

knowledge partitions, 188

length, 19

majority voting rule, 121

man-optimal, 151

market clearing, 76

market equilibrium, 76

market-for-bundles context, 111

matching, 59, 74

matching context, 140

matching context with strict preferences, 140

matching market, 74

matching market context, 109

matching market corresponding to, 87

matching market for bundles, 83

matching rule, 140

max-(s,t)-flow, 54

maximize social welfare, 77

maximizes social value, 77, 102

maximum matching, 59

maximum social welfare, 40

mechanism, 100

mechanism design context, 100

median voter theorem, 133

min-(s,t)-cut, 56

mixed strategy, 14

mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium, 14

monotone, 126, 143

MSW, 40

Nash equilibrium, 10

Nash truthful, 103

Nash-implement, 104

networked coordination game, 37

neutral, 143

no-trade theorem, 196

noise-traders, 197

non-bossy, 143

normal-form game, 5

one-sided matchings, 139

onto, 125

ordinal potential function, 27

out-degree, 18

outcome, 75, 85, 100, 147

outgoing, 18

PageRank, 163

Pareto-optimal, 126, 142

partner preference profile, 151

path, 19

payment-free mechanism, 120

perfect, 61

plain networked coordination game, 34

plain VCG, 106

plurality voting rule, 122

PNE, 10

posterior beliefs, 193

potential, 26

preference ordering, 119

preferred choice, 75

price function, 75

price of stability, 40, 69

priority mechanism, 141

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 3

probability mass function, 221

probability space, 221

pure-strategy Nash equilibrium, 10

reachable, 19

reserve price, 112

residual graph, 54

sample space, 221

scoring-based voting rule, 123

SDM, 141

search engine optimization, 171

second-price auction, 101

self-fulfilling, 213, 216

self-loop, 18

Serial Dictator Mechanism, 141

single-item auction context, 101

single-peaked preferences, 132

sink, 19

size, 59

size of a graph, 18

social value, 76

social welfare, 26

social-choice context, 119

social-choice context with strict preferences, 119

socially optimal, 36

source, 19

stable, 87, 148, 157

stable equilibria, 214

stable matching, 151

strategy, 5

strategy-proof, 120

strategy-proof for the men, 154

strategy-proof for the women, 154

strategy-proof matching rules, 140

strictly dominant strategy, 6

strictly dominated, 7

strictly dominates, 7

strongly cascading, 48

subgraph, 18

subjective adoption threshold, 37

tipping point, 214

tradable, 196

traffic network game, 65, 66

traffic network problem, 66

two-sided matching context with strict preferences, 154

two-sided matching market context, 153

two-sided matching problem, 147

two-sided matching rule, 154

ultimatum game, 91

undirected graph, 18

unstable, 86, 87

unstable equilibrium, 214

utilitarian social welfare, 26

utility, 4

utility functions, 4

value, 54

VCG mechanism, 107

voting rule, 120

walk, 19

Walrasian equilibrium, 76

weakly ordinal potential function, 27

web structure, 161

weighted density, 49

weighted subjective threshold, 43

woman-pessimal, 152