Hello and Welcome
I am a final-year PhD candidate at Cornell in the Computer Science Department
(with a Applied Mathematics minor). I am advised by Prof. Thorsten Joachims.
My research interests include Machine learning, Data Science and Web Search & Information Retrieval.
Motivated by applications such as search, recommendation and educational assessment, my research aims to tackle learning problems with a human-in-the-loop.
I am grateful to be supported by the Google PhD Fellowship and the Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenge Award.
I am also grateful for receiving the best student paper award at SIGIR for our work on understanding the role of diversity in complex search tasks.
Before joining Cornell in 2010, I did my B.Tech in Computer Science at IIT-Bombay in the Computer Science Department from 2006 to 2010.
My undergraduate research (under the guidance of Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya) focussed on transfer learning between different languages, by utilizing resource-rich languages such as English to help resource-poor languages such as Finnish.
I also studied ways to improve the robustness of Pseudo-Relevance Feedback using negative information.
I used to study actuarial science and completed a few courses back in 2008. For leisure I tend to follow sports or work out at the gym.
I also occasionally blog about Machine Learning and IR related topics.
You can follow me on different social networks by following the links to the right.