Cornell students

Working with Cornell students on research projects is part of my job, and I am likely very happy to talk to you about research! In general, you should feel free to send me email or (even better) come by my office during open office hours. We also welcome visitors at group meetings.

Undergrads and MEng students

My students work primarily on a mix of numerical algorithms, physics problems, and data science problems. We welcome undergraduate and MEng students who want to work with us! Ideally, we will find a project that is interesting both to you and to one of the graduate students in the group, so that you can get multiple sources of guidance. If you want to learn more about what we do, you can swing by our group meetings. Or send me an email, or stop by my office hours

Students can get credit for research via CS 4999 (undergraduate independent study credits) or CS 5999 (MEng project credits) depending on whether they are undergraduates or masters students. Alternately, there may be opportunities to work with me on research for pay, depending on the project, person, and timing.

PhD students

I am happy to talk to you about being a primary advisor, though I usually only have time and funding to serve as primary advisor for a few PhD students at a time.

I am also happy to talk to you if I’m not your advisor and you are doing something numerical where I might be able to provide pointers! In the past, these types of questions have led to all sorts of outcomes: sometimes I just give a pointer, sometimes a joint paper comes out of the conversation, and sometimes I end up as an effective co-advisor.

I am generally willing to serve as a member of a special committee for Cornell PhD students if there is some reason why my expertise would be particularly useful. At Cornell, I can represent the graduate fields of computer science, math, applied math, statistics, civil engineering, data science, and computational science and engineering. I am on a lot of committees, so if there is someone else who would be an equally good committee member, do consider asking them instead.

Prospective PhD students

If you are applying to Cornell and think you might want to work with me, please read my applicant FAQ first. I am most likely to respond to direct questions and to queries directly about my research area.

Outside students

When I receive questions in my general research area, I try to make a good faith attempt to answer them. Please don’t be offended if you write and don’t get a response – I am likely just behind on email.

In the interest of being able to offer opportunities to Cornell students, I usually cannot accommodate cold-call requests for internships or projects from students from other universities (or high schools).