Postdoctoral associates

Silke Glas
Ph.D., Ulm University, 2018
Optimization of stellarators

PhD students


Caira Anderson
Applied Math
MHD stability in stellarators
Michael Czekanski
Monte Carlo transport calculations for stellarators
Ariel Kellison
Computer Science
Formal verification of numerical methods
Darian Nwankwo
Computer Science
Transformed kernel methods for prediction and optimization


Max Ruth
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2024
Numerical Methods for Identifying Integrability with Applications in Plasma Confinement
Xinran Zhu
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2024
Scalable Gaussian processes and Bayesian optimization with application to hyperparameter tuning
Misha Padidar
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2023
Challenges in the optimization-aided design of magnetic confinement systems
Eric Lee
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2020
Budget-Constrained Bayesian Optimization
Kun Dong
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2019
Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra for Large-Scale Matrix Data
David Eriksson
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2018
Scalable kernel methods and their use in black-box optimization
Co-advised (secondary advisor: Christine Shoemaker)
Moontae Lee
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2018
Joint-stochastic spectral inference for robust co-occurrence modeling and latent topic analysis
Co-advised (primary advisor: David Mimno)
Amanda Hood
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2017
Localizing the eigenvalues of matrix-valued functions: analysis and applications
Colin Ponce
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2016
Network-Structured Error Flattening for Power Grids and Other Real-World Networks
Erdal Yilmaz
Applied Physics
Ph.D., 2016
Design, Analysis and Simulation of Microscale Solid-Wave Gyroscopes
Research advisor (formally advised by Richard Lovelace)

Masters students

Felix Hohne
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2023
Interfacing DESC with Julia
Sahil Dev
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2022
Streamlining Spark Cluster Setup with Flintrock
Junyoung Lim
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2021
Learning to Cluster
Erik Louie
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2021
Learning to Cluster
Kevin Chaudhuri
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2020
Matrix exponentials in modeling electron spin resonance spectra
Yuanxi Shen
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2020
Fast Bayesian Transformed Gaussian Prediction
Sungjun Cho
Computer Science
M.S., 2020
Robust and Scalable Spectral Topic Modeling for Large Vocabularies
Bingqing Ma
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2018
Web Interface to a Finite Element Analysis Program
Alvin Zhu
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2018
Fast non-negative projection of low rank matrices
Tommy Shum
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2018
PySOT in the Cloud
Peiyu Shi
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2018
A web dashboard for PySOT
Israr Mahmood
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2018
A web dashboard for PySOT
Daniel Liu
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2017
Bayesian optimization in PySOT
Han Wen Chen
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2017
Jupyter Notebooks for Finite Element Analysis
Michael Ficenic
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2017
Network Classification via Spectral Features
Paul West
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2017
Optimization with Pre-Emptible VMs
Joel Lubitinsky
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2017
Resource-Coupled Evolutionary Games
Ioana-Maria Tamas
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2017
Resource-Coupled Evolutionary Games
Batu Inal
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Super Seminar Scraper
Sania Nagpal
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Fast Trial Spaces for Parameterized PageRank Problems
Suarabh Netravalkar
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Fast Trial Spaces for Parameterize PageRank Problems
Shitong Jia
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Etch-a-Sketch 3D
Jing Jing
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Super Seminar Scraper
Jiankun Lu
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Super Seminar Scraper
Xiangyu Zhang
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Edge-Weighted Parameterized PageRank: A Demo
Markus Salasoo
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Edge-Weighted Parameterized PageRank: A Demo
Ziyang Tang
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Optimizing Price of Anarchy in a Model of Opinion Formation
Jia Zhang
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2016
Spectral Histograms on Networks
Xiaoan Yan
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2015
Edge-Weighted Parameterized PageRank: A Demo
Chen Ting-Hao
Electrical Engineering
M.Eng., 2013
MEMS Simulation as a Service
Syed Hassan
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2013
MEMS Simulation as a Service
Kim Young Jae
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2013
Teaching Support Vector Machines to Predict Profitable Stock Offers
Jungmin Yun
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2012
Python Implementation of a Stochastic RBF Optimization Method
Jesseon Chang
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2012
Python Implementation of a Stochastic RBF Optimization Method
Chen-Yi Chen
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2012
A Flexible Interface to FEAP
Scott Purdy
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2010
Process Replication for HPC Applications
Peter Hunt
Computer Science
M.Eng., 2010
Process Replication for HPC Applications
Silvio Tarca
Scientific Computing (NYU)
M.S., 2010
Performance Optimization of Symmetric Factorization Algorithms

Undergraduate students

Ethan Hersch Multifidelity Bayesian Optimization (2024)
Alkis Bouklas Nonlinear Eignvalues for Periodic Potential Eigenvalue Problems (2023)
Chad Yu Walk on Spheres (2023)
Yeuk Yin (Roy) Lam Varying GP Length Scales with Height Fields (2023)
Austin Zhao Stellarator Computations (2023)
Tejal Nair Variational Gaussian Processes (2023)
Tony Xu Stability-Constrained Optimization for Stellarators (2023)
Sean Yang Near-Axis Expansion of Stellarators in Julia (2023)
Stella Dang Soliton Stability (2022)
Paco Rilloraza Stellarator Optimization (2020)
Catherine Horng Learning to Cluster (2020)
Shengye Zang Learning to Cluster (2020)
Andrew Yates Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems and Traveling Wave Stability (2020)
Ziwei Gu Learning to Cluster (2020)
Leo Huang Fast Bayesian Transformed Gaussian Prediction (2019)
Cameron Ibrahim Fast Bayesian Transformed Gaussian Prediction (2019)
Sungjun Cho Spectral Topic Modeling (2017)
Nathaniel Rogalskyj Identifying Network Changes from Ringdown Analysis (2016)
Anna Yesypenko Graph Analysis via Density of States (2016)
Moteleolu Onabajo Graph Analysis via Density of States (2016)
Jianqiu Wang Graph Analysis via Density of States (2016)
Humam Alwassel Automated Floating Point Error Analysis (2015)
Patrick Chen Super Seminar Scraper (2015-16)
Jooyoung Park Maximum Entropy Method Implementation in MATLAB (2015)
Sheroze Sherifdeen MatScat for Python (2015-16)
Nimit Sohoni Review of the FEAST Eigensolver (2015)
Leon Davis Diagonal Completion for Low-Rank Matrices (2015)
Greg Rosenthal PageRank with Random Edge Weights (2015)
Eric Ma Graph Analysis via Spectral Histograms (2015)
Brandon Hartz Fast PageRank on Parameter-Dependent Graphs (2014)
Marshall Jiang Randomly Projected GMRES (2014-15)
Kyu-Young Kim Evaluating Overlapping Community Detection via Matrix Factorizations (2011-12)
Jiexun Xu Fast Factorizations for Network Tomography (2008)
Iva Vukicevic Error Bounds and Estimates for a Discrete Sine-Gordon Equation (2008)
Daniel Parry Bounds on Biased and Unbiased Random Walks (2008)
Anwis Davis MEMS Web Service (2002)
Ernest Zhu MEMS Web Service (2001)
Wayne Kao MEMS Web Service (2001)

Thesis committees


  1. Griffin Berlstein (Computer Science)
  2. Jonah Botvinivk-Greenhouse (Applied Math)
  3. Jacob Brown (Applied Math)
  4. Poompol Buathong (Applied Math)
  5. Chiatai Chen (Applied Physics)
  6. Aditya Chetan (Computer Science)
  7. Michael Czeskanski (Statistics)
  8. Yuanqi Du (Computer Science)
  9. Youssef Fahmy (Statistics)
  10. Tayler Fernandes Nuñez (Applied Math)
  11. Mallory Gaspard (Applied Math)
  12. Tushaar Gangavarapu (Computer Science)
  13. Arnav Gupta (Theoretical and Applied Mechanics)
  14. Ariel Kellison (Computer Science)
  15. Kapil Khanal (Systems Engineering)
  16. David Lee (Computer Science)
  17. Si Yi Meng (Computer Science)
  18. Shriya Nagpal (Applied Math)
  19. Darian Nwankwo (Computer Science)
  20. Shawn Ong (Applied Math)
  21. Cade Sbrocco (Physics)
  22. Jiatian Sun (Computer Science)
  23. Katerina Tang (Applied Math)
  24. Albert Tseng (Computer Science)
  25. Junxiong Wang (Computer Science)
  26. Aaron Wheeler (Chemical Engineering)
  27. Qian Xie (Operations Research)
  28. Xinchen Xu (Applied Math)
  29. Yunxiang Zhang (Operations Research)
  30. Jennifer Zvonek (Applied Math)


Max Ruth
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2024
Numerical Methods for Identifying Integrability with Applications in Plasma Confinement
Xinran Zhu
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2024
Scalable Gaussian processes and Bayesian optimization with application to hyperparameter tuning
Yujia Zhang
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2024
Save University Instruction During COVID-19: Simulation, Statistics, and Uncertainty Quantification
Yandong Li
Applied Physics
Ph.D., 2023
Towards Robust Photonic Information Processing -- Fundamentals, Designs, Limitations, and Improvements
Yuchen Xu
Ph.D., 2023
Statistical Advances in Simultaneous Diagonalization and Joint Object Detection
Dongping Qi
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2023
Challenges in Continuous Path Planning: Rarefactions, Uncertainty, and Reinforcement Learning
Yurong You
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2023
Enhancing 3D Perception with Unlabeled Repeated Historical Data for Autonomous Vehicles
Misha Padidar
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2023
Challenges in the optimization-aided design of magnetic confinement systems
Christophe Bonneville
Civil Engineering
Ph.D., 2023
Bayesian Machine Learning Algortihms for Uncertainty Quantification, Optimization, and Equation Discoveries in Engineering Physics
Max Lipton
Ph.D., 2023
Dynamical Systems in Pure Mathematics
Jikun Wang
Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., 2023
Time-dependent Damage of Soft Materials with Bond Breaking and Healing Kinetics
Raul Astudillo Marban
Operations Research
Ph.D., 2022
Exploting Composite Functions in Bayesian Optimization
Mengqi Xia
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2022
Physically Realistic Rendering of Complex Materials Using Wave Optics
Qinru Shi
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2022
Combinatorial Optimization and Decision-Making with Applications in Computational Sustainability
Sebastian Ament
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2022
Advances in Bayesian and Sparse Optimization for Autonomous Scientific Discovery
John Ryan
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2022
Fast Kernel Matrix Approximations by Series Expansions
Hubert Lin
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2022
Towards Robust Visual Perception Systems in Real-World Environments
Tianyi Shi
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2022
Tensor Computations with Dimensionality Manipulations
Andrew Horning
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2021
Computing Spectral Properties of Infinite-Dimensional Operators
Fujun Luan
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2021
Forward and Inverse Rendering with Gradient-Based Optimization
Ankita Mukhtyar
Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., 2021
Towards Understanding the Disorder to Order Transitions in Soft Materials
Junteng Jia
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2021
Modeling and Learning Attributed Graphs
Gabriela Calinao Correa
Material Science
M.S., 2020
Direct electron detectors: architecture and algorithms
Aasim Ayaz Wani
Chemical Engineering
M.S., 2020
Computer Aided Retrosynthesis for Metabolic Pathways
Eric Lee
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2020
Budget-Constrained Bayesian Optimization
Chaitali Joshi
Ph.D., 2020
Frequency Domain Quantum Processing via Four-Wave Mixing
Enrique Rojas
Atmospheric Science
Ph.D., 2020
Farley-Buneman instabilities in the auroral region: Continuous hybrid simulations and empirical modeling.
Saul Toscano
Operations Research
Ph.D., 2019
Grey-Box Bayesian Optimization: Improving Performance by Looking Inside the Black-Box
Calvin Wylie
Operations Research
Ph.D., 2019
Partly Smooth Models and Algorithms
Kun Dong
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2019
Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra for Large-Scale Matrix Data
Marc Gilles
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2019
At the intersection of differential equations and optimization: inverse problems, path planning and Krylov subspaces
Shreyas Honrao
Material Science
Ph.D., 2018
DFT study of the complex diffusion of oxygen in cobalt and machine learning of ab-initio energy landscapes for crystal structure predictions.
David Eriksson
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2018
Scalable kernel methods and their use in black-box optimization
Sheng Wang
Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., 2018
Towards large-scale simulations of two-phase flows with moving contact lines in complex geometries
Yu Su
Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., 2018
Modeling many-body hydrodynamic interactions in concentrated colloidal suspensions via large-scale dynamic simulations
Moontae Lee
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2018
Joint-stochastic spectral inference for robust co-occurrence modeling and latent topic analysis
Jiayi Guo
Operations Research
Ph.D., 2018
Smooth Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization
Benjamin Revard
Material Science
Ph.D., 2017
Development of an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Ab Initio Discovery of Two-Dimensional Materials
Nicholas Savva
Computer Science
M.S., 2017
A Practical Framework for Measuring and Modeling the Appearance of Strongly Anisotropic Materials
Zachary Clawson
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2017
Shortest Path Problems: Domain Restriction, Anytime Planning, and Multi-Objective Optimization
Amanda Hood
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2017
Localizing the eigenvalues of matrix-valued functions: analysis and applications
Sepehr Saroukhani
Civil Engineering
Ph.D., 2017
Atomistic Modeling of Dislocation Motion at Experimental Time-Scales
Michael Meyer
Computational Biology
Ph.D., 2017
Methods for Functional Inference in the Proteome and Interactome
William Nicholson
Ph.D., 2016
Tools For Modeling Sparse Vector Autoregressions
Kyle Wilson
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2016
Robustly Modeling The World From Photos
Danielle Toupo
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2016
Nonlinear Dynamics Of Cycles In Evolutionary Games
Colin Ponce
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2016
Network-Structured Error Flattening For Power Grids And Other Real-World Networks
Erdal Yilmaz
Applied and Engineering Physics
Ph.D., 2016
Design, Analysis And Simulation Of Microscale Solid-Wave Gyroscopes
Shuo Chen
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2016
Representation Learning For Sequence And Comparison Data
Manuel Diaz
Civil Engineering
Ph.D., 2015
A Modified Error In Constitutive Equation Approach For Viscoelasticity Imaging With Interior Data
Parvez Sukheswalla
Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., 2015
Computational Investigation Of The Dynamics Of Inertial Particles In Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow
Hyung Joo Park
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2015
Topics In Structure Determination Of Submicron Sized Objects
Wenlei Xie
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2015
Iterative Graph Computation In The Big Data Era
Tao Zou
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2015
Optimizing Response Time For Distributed Applications In Public Clouds
Santoshkalyan Rayadhurgam
Chemical Engineering
M.S., 2015
Computational Study Of Charge Conducting Spacer Molecules In Leadchalcogenide Quantum Dots
Shashank Adimulam
Electrical Engineering
M.S., 2015
Hardware Model Of A Mixed Radix Fast Fourier Transform For LTE 3Gpp
Laura Fegely
Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., 2014
Goblits To OMG: 3D Fabrication Techniques For An Opto-Mechanical Gyroscope
James Warner
Civil Engineering
Ph.D., 2014
Advances In Uncertainty Quantification And Inverse Problems In Computational Mechanics
Adam Chacon
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2014
Eikonal Equations: New Two-Scale Algorithms And Error Analysis
Anthony Sabelli
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2013
Novel Methods For Source Localization And Material Identification
Ilias Bilionis
Applied Math
Ph.D., 2013
Bayesian Methods For Uncertainty Quantification
Guozhang Wang
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2013
Automatic Scaling Iterative Computations
Jeffrey Chadwick
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2013
Sound Synthesis For Physics-Based Computer Animation
David Rowinski
Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., 2013
Calculations Of Turbulent Reacting Flows Using PDF Methods
Ananth Kaushik
Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., 2013
A Computational Study Of The Molecular And Electronic Structure Of Self-Assembled Nanocrystal Superlattices
Ryan Peterson
Computer Science
Ph.D., 2012
Efficient Content Distribution With Managed Swarms