CS 6210 is a graduate-level introduction to numerical linear algebra.
Topics include:
- Background: floating point, cache architecture
- Linear systems and Gaussian elimination; structured linear systems
- Least squares problems
- Unsymmetric eigenvalue problems
- Symmetric eigenvalue problems
- Iterative methods for linear systems and eigenvalue problems
See the syllabus for more information.
- 12/3: Final is posted. Due Dec 18.
- 11/25: Problem 1 has been amended to “prove or disprove”. Feel free to skip Problem 1.3 or to provide a counterexample.
- 11/12: HW 5 is posted. Due November 25. See hw5lanczos.
- 10/30: HW 4 is posted. Due November 13 (corrected problem 1:
it should be an upper bound, not a lower bound).
- 10/14: Midterm is posted. Due October 28.
- 09/30: Correction to HW 3 p1: change “PH” to “Schur complements”. The PDF has been corrected.
- 09/23: HW 3 is posted. Due October 7.
- 09/09: HW 2 is posted. Due September 23.
- 09/09: We have a Piazza page for discussion.
- 08/27: HW 1 is posted. Due September 9.
- 08/20: Lectures begin on Wednesday, August 28.