
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Export StdlibMisc.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import CoList.

Definition MsgHandlerType (S I O : Type) := S I (S × O).

Require Export Coq.Lists.List.

CoFixpoint outMsgsAux {S I O : Type} (st : S) (mh : MsgHandlerType S I O)
           (ins : CoList I) : CoList O :=
  match ins with
    | cnil _cnil O
    | ccons h tllet (ns,out) := (mh st h) in
                    ccons out (outMsgsAux ns mh tl)

Definition mkPureHandler {In Out}
 (f : In Out) : MsgHandlerType unit In Out :=
 λ st inp, (st, f inp).

Record Process (In Out : Type) :Type := {
  State : Type;
  curState : State;
  handler : MsgHandlerType State In Out

Definition procOutMsgs {I O : Type} (p : Process I O)
           (ins : CoList I) : CoList O :=
  outMsgsAux (curState p) (handler p) ins.

Definition getOutput {In Out : Type}
  (p: Process In Out) (inp : In ): Out :=
 snd ((handler p) (curState p) inp).

Definition applyProc {In Out : Type}
  (p: Process In Out) (inp : In ): (State p) × Out :=
((handler p) (curState p) inp).

Definition updateState {In Out : Type}
  (p: Process In Out) (state : State p)
 := {| State := State p; curState := state; handler := handler p|}.

Definition getNewProc {In Out : Type}
  (p: Process In Out) (inp : In ): Process In Out :=
updateState p (fst ((handler p) (curState p) inp)).

Fixpoint getNewProcL {In Out : Type}
  (p: Process In Out) (linp : list In ): Process In Out :=
match linp with
| nilp
| hi::tligetNewProc (getNewProcL p tli) hi

Definition mkPureProcess {In Out}
 (f : In Out) : Process In Out :=
{| State := _; curState := tt; handler := mkPureHandler f|}.

Lemma getNewProcLPure :
    {In Out : Type}
    (f : In Out)
    (prefix : list In),
  getNewProcL (mkPureProcess f) prefix = (mkPureProcess f).
  induction prefix; simpl;[ reflexivity| ].
  rewrite IHprefix.
  unfold getNewProc.
  simpl. reflexivity.

Definition getLastOutput {In Out : Type}
    (p: Process In Out)
    (prefix : list In)
    (last : In) : Out :=
  let procBeforeLast := getNewProcL p prefix in
  getOutput procBeforeLast last.

Lemma getLastOutputPure :
    {In Out : Type}
    (f : In Out)
    (prefix : list In)
    (last : In),
  getLastOutput (mkPureProcess f) prefix last
  = f last.
  unfold getLastOutput.
  rewrite getNewProcLPure.

Definition getLastOutputL {In Out : Type}
    (p: Process In (list Out))
    (allInputs : list In) : list Out :=
    match allInputs with
    | nilnil
    | last :: restgetLastOutput p rest last