
  theory.fields stdlib_rationals theory.int_pow.
Require Import
  QArith QSig
  abstract_algebra interfaces.orders
  interfaces.integers interfaces.rationals interfaces.additional_operations
  theory.rings theory.rationals.

Module QType_Rationals (Import anyQ: QType).

Module Import props := QProperties anyQ.

Instance QType_equiv: Equiv t := eq.
Instance QType_plus: Plus t := add.
Instance QType_0: Zero t := zero.
Instance QType_1: One t := one.
Instance QType_mult: Mult t := mul.
Instance QType_negate: Negate t := opp.
Instance QType_dec_recip: DecRecip t := inv.

Instance: Setoid t := {}.

Instance: x y: t, Decision (x = y) := λ x y,
  (match anyQ.eq_bool x y as p return p Qeq_bool (to_Q x) (to_Q y) Decision (x = y) with
  | trueλ e, left _
  | falseλ e, right _
  end) (anyQ.spec_eq_bool x y).

Proof with intuition. apply Qeq_bool_iff... apply Qeq_bool_neq... Qed.

Ltac unfold_equiv := unfold equiv, QType_equiv, eq.

Add Ring Q : Qsrt.
Lemma anyQ_field_theory: field_theory zero one add mul sub opp anyQ.div inv eq.
    constructor; intros; qify; ring.
   exact neq_1_0.
  exact div_mul_inv.
 exact mul_inv_diag_l.

Instance: DecField t.
  refine (dec_fields.from_stdlib_field_theory anyQ_field_theory _).
  unfold eq. now rewrite spec_inv, spec_0.

Instance inject_QType_Q: Cast t Q := to_Q.

Instance: Setoid_Morphism to_Q.
Proof. constructor; try apply _. intros x y. auto. Qed.

Instance: SemiRing_Morphism to_Q.
Proof. repeat (constructor; try apply _); intros; qify; reflexivity. Qed.

Instance inject_Q_QType: Cast Q t := of_Q.
Instance: Inverse to_Q := of_Q.

Instance: Surjective to_Q.
Proof. constructor. intros x y E. rewrite <- E. apply spec_of_Q. apply _. Qed.

Instance: Injective to_Q.
Proof. constructor. auto. apply _. Qed.

Instance: Bijective to_Q := {}.

Instance: Inverse of_Q := to_Q.

Instance: Bijective of_Q.
Proof. apply jections.flip_bijection. Qed.

Instance: SemiRing_Morphism of_Q.
Proof. change (SemiRing_Morphism (to_Q⁻¹)). split; apply _. Qed.

Instance: RationalsToFrac t := iso_to_frac of_Q.
Instance: Rationals t := iso_is_rationals of_Q.

Instance QType_le: Le t := le.
Instance QType_lt: Lt t := lt.

Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> iff) QType_le.
  intros ? ? E1 ? ? E2. unfold QType_le, le, equiv, QType_equiv, eq in ×.
  now rewrite E1, E2.

Instance: SemiRingOrder QType_le.
Proof. now apply (rings.projected_ring_order to_Q). Qed.

Instance: OrderEmbedding to_Q.
Proof. now repeat (split; try apply _). Qed.

Instance: TotalRelation QType_le.
Proof. now apply (maps.projected_total_order to_Q). Qed.

Instance: FullPseudoSemiRingOrder QType_le QType_lt.
  rapply semirings.dec_full_pseudo_srorder.
  intros x y.
  change (to_Q x < to_Q y x y x y).
  now rewrite orders.lt_iff_le_ne.

Program Instance: x y: t, Decision (x y) := λ x y,
  match compare x y with
  | Gtright _
  | _left _
Next Obligation.
  rewrite spec_compare in ×.
  destruct (Qcompare_spec (to_Q x) (to_Q y)); try discriminate.
  now apply orders.lt_not_le_flip.

Next Obligation.
  rewrite spec_compare in ×.
  destruct (Qcompare_spec (to_Q x) (to_Q y)); try discriminate; try intuition.
   now apply Zeq_le.
  now apply orders.lt_le.

Program Instance QType_Zpow: Pow t Z := power.

Instance: IntPowSpec t Z QType_Zpow.
  split; try apply _; unfold_equiv.
    intros. now rewrite spec_power, preserves_1.
   intros. rewrite spec_power, preserves_0.
   now apply int_pow_base_0.
  intros ? ? E. rewrite preserves_mult, 2!spec_power.
  rewrite preserves_0 in E.
  now apply int_pow_S.

Program Instance QType_Npow: Pow t N := λ x n, power x (Z_of_N n).

Instance: NatPowSpec t N QType_Npow.
  split; unfold "^", QType_Npow.
   intros. rewrite preserves_0. apply int_pow_0.
  intros ? ?. rewrite preserves_plus, preserves_1.
  apply int_pow.int_pow_S_nonneg.
  apply nat_int.to_semiring_nonneg.

End QType_Rationals.