Require Import
RelationClasses Relation_Definitions List Morphisms
universal_algebra ua_homomorphisms
abstract_algebra canonical_names
theory.categories categories.varieties.
Section contents.
Variable et: EquationalTheory.
Let ClosedTerm := (Term et False).
Let ClosedTerm0 a := ClosedTerm ( a).
Fixpoint app_tree {o}: ClosedTerm o → op_type ClosedTerm0 o :=
match o with
| _ ⇒ id
| ne_list.cons _ _ ⇒ λ x y, app_tree (App _ _ _ _ x y)
Instance: AlgebraOps et ClosedTerm0 := λ x, app_tree (Op _ _ x).
Inductive e: ∀ o, Equiv (ClosedTerm o) :=
| e_refl o: Reflexive (e o)
| e_trans o: Transitive (e o)
| e_sym o: Symmetric (e o)
| e_sub o h: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) (App _ _ h o)
| e_law (s: EqEntailment et): et_laws et s → ∀ (v: Vars et ClosedTerm0 nat),
(∀ x, In x (entailment_premises _ s) → eval et v (fst (projT2 x)) = eval et v (snd (projT2 x))) →
eval et v (fst (projT2 (entailment_conclusion _ s))) = eval et v (snd (projT2 (entailment_conclusion _ s))).
Existing Instance e.
Existing Instance e_refl.
Existing Instance e_sym.
Existing Instance e_trans.
Instance: ∀ a, Equiv (ClosedTerm0 a) := λ a, e ( a).
Instance: ∀ a, Setoid (ClosedTerm0 a) := {}.
Proof. split; apply _. Qed.
Let structural_eq a: relation _ := @op_type_equiv (sorts et) ClosedTerm0 (λ _, eq) a.
Instance structural_eq_refl a: Reflexive (structural_eq a).
Proof. induction a; repeat intro. reflexivity. subst. apply IHa. Qed.
Instance app_tree_proper: ∀ o, Proper ((=) ==> (=)) (@app_tree o).
Proof with auto.
induction o; repeat intro...
apply IHo, e_sub...
Instance: Algebra et ClosedTerm0.
constructor. intro. apply _.
intro. apply app_tree_proper. reflexivity.
Lemma laws_hold s (L: et_laws et s): ∀ vars, eval_stmt _ vars s.
Proof with simpl in *; intuition.
rewrite boring_eval_entailment.
destruct s. simpl in ×. intros.
apply (e_law _ L vars). clear L.
induction entailment_premises... subst...
Global Instance: InVariety et ClosedTerm0.
Proof. constructor. apply _. intros. apply laws_hold. assumption. Qed.
Definition the_object: varieties.Object et := varieties.object et ClosedTerm0.
Section for_another_object.
Variable other: varieties.Object et.
Definition eval_in_other {o}: ClosedTerm o → op_type other o := @eval et other _ False o (no_vars _ other).
Definition morph a: the_object a → other a := eval_in_other.
Lemma subst_eval o V (v: Vars _ ClosedTerm0 _) (t: Term _ V o):
@eval _ other _ _ _ (λ x y, eval_in_other (v x y)) t =
eval_in_other (close _ v t).
induction t; simpl.
apply IHt1. auto.
apply (@algebra_propers et other _ _ _ o).
Lemma eval_is_close V x v (t: Term0 et V x): eval et v t ≡ close _ v t.
Proof with auto; try reflexivity.
pattern x, t.
apply applications_rect; simpl...
cut (@equiv _ (structural_eq _) (app_tree (close _ v (Op et _ o))) (eval et v (Op et _ o)))...
generalize (Op et V o).
induction (et o); simpl...
intros ? H ? E. apply IHo0. simpl. rewrite E. apply H...
Instance prep_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=)) (@eval_in_other o).
Proof with intuition.
intros o x y H.
induction H; simpl...
induction x; simpl...
apply IHx1...
apply (@algebra_propers et other _ _ _ o).
apply IHe...
unfold Vars in v.
pose proof (@variety_laws et other _ _ _ s H (λ a n, eval_in_other (v a n))) as Q.
clear H.
destruct s.
rewrite boring_eval_entailment in Q.
simpl in ×.
do 2 rewrite eval_is_close.
do 2 rewrite <- subst_eval.
apply Q. clear Q.
induction entailment_premises; simpl...
do 2 rewrite subst_eval.
do 2 rewrite <- eval_is_close...
Instance: ∀ a, Setoid_Morphism (@eval_in_other ( a)).
Proof. constructor; simpl; try apply _. Qed.
Instance: @HomoMorphism et ClosedTerm0 other _ (varieties.variety_equiv et other) _ _ (λ _, eval_in_other).
Proof with intuition.
constructor; try apply _.
change (Preservation et ClosedTerm0 other (λ _, eval_in_other) (app_tree (Op _ _ o)) (varieties.variety_ops _ other o)).
generalize (algebra_propers o : eval_in_other (Op _ _ o) = varieties.variety_ops _ other o).
generalize (Op _ False o) (varieties.variety_ops et other o).
induction (et o)...
simpl. intro. apply IHo0, H.
apply reflexivity. Qed.
Program Definition the_arrow: the_object ⟶ other := λ _, eval_in_other.
Theorem arrow_unique: ∀ y, the_arrow = y.
Proof with auto; try intuition.
intros [x h] b a.
simpl in ×.
pattern b, a.
apply applications_rect...
pose proof (@preserves et ClosedTerm0 other _ _ _ _ x h o).
change (Preservation et ClosedTerm0 other x (app_tree (Op _ _ o)) (@eval_in_other _ (Op _ _ o))) in H.
revert H.
generalize (Op _ False o).
induction (et o); simpl...
apply IHo0.
simpl in ×.
assert (app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v) = app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v)).
apply app_tree_proper...
apply (@Preservation_proper et ClosedTerm0 other _ _ x _ _ _ o0
(app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v)) (app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v)) H1
(eval_in_other t0 (eval_in_other v)) (eval_in_other t0 (x t v)))...
pose proof (@prep_proper _ t0 t0 (reflexivity _))... Qed.
End for_another_object.
Hint Extern 4 (InitialArrow the_object) ⇒ exact the_arrow: typeclass_instances.
Instance: Initial the_object.
Proof. intro. apply arrow_unique. Qed.
End contents.
RelationClasses Relation_Definitions List Morphisms
universal_algebra ua_homomorphisms
abstract_algebra canonical_names
theory.categories categories.varieties.
Section contents.
Variable et: EquationalTheory.
Let ClosedTerm := (Term et False).
Let ClosedTerm0 a := ClosedTerm ( a).
Fixpoint app_tree {o}: ClosedTerm o → op_type ClosedTerm0 o :=
match o with
| _ ⇒ id
| ne_list.cons _ _ ⇒ λ x y, app_tree (App _ _ _ _ x y)
Instance: AlgebraOps et ClosedTerm0 := λ x, app_tree (Op _ _ x).
Inductive e: ∀ o, Equiv (ClosedTerm o) :=
| e_refl o: Reflexive (e o)
| e_trans o: Transitive (e o)
| e_sym o: Symmetric (e o)
| e_sub o h: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) (App _ _ h o)
| e_law (s: EqEntailment et): et_laws et s → ∀ (v: Vars et ClosedTerm0 nat),
(∀ x, In x (entailment_premises _ s) → eval et v (fst (projT2 x)) = eval et v (snd (projT2 x))) →
eval et v (fst (projT2 (entailment_conclusion _ s))) = eval et v (snd (projT2 (entailment_conclusion _ s))).
Existing Instance e.
Existing Instance e_refl.
Existing Instance e_sym.
Existing Instance e_trans.
Instance: ∀ a, Equiv (ClosedTerm0 a) := λ a, e ( a).
Instance: ∀ a, Setoid (ClosedTerm0 a) := {}.
Proof. split; apply _. Qed.
Let structural_eq a: relation _ := @op_type_equiv (sorts et) ClosedTerm0 (λ _, eq) a.
Instance structural_eq_refl a: Reflexive (structural_eq a).
Proof. induction a; repeat intro. reflexivity. subst. apply IHa. Qed.
Instance app_tree_proper: ∀ o, Proper ((=) ==> (=)) (@app_tree o).
Proof with auto.
induction o; repeat intro...
apply IHo, e_sub...
Instance: Algebra et ClosedTerm0.
constructor. intro. apply _.
intro. apply app_tree_proper. reflexivity.
Lemma laws_hold s (L: et_laws et s): ∀ vars, eval_stmt _ vars s.
Proof with simpl in *; intuition.
rewrite boring_eval_entailment.
destruct s. simpl in ×. intros.
apply (e_law _ L vars). clear L.
induction entailment_premises... subst...
Global Instance: InVariety et ClosedTerm0.
Proof. constructor. apply _. intros. apply laws_hold. assumption. Qed.
Definition the_object: varieties.Object et := varieties.object et ClosedTerm0.
Section for_another_object.
Variable other: varieties.Object et.
Definition eval_in_other {o}: ClosedTerm o → op_type other o := @eval et other _ False o (no_vars _ other).
Definition morph a: the_object a → other a := eval_in_other.
Lemma subst_eval o V (v: Vars _ ClosedTerm0 _) (t: Term _ V o):
@eval _ other _ _ _ (λ x y, eval_in_other (v x y)) t =
eval_in_other (close _ v t).
induction t; simpl.
apply IHt1. auto.
apply (@algebra_propers et other _ _ _ o).
Lemma eval_is_close V x v (t: Term0 et V x): eval et v t ≡ close _ v t.
Proof with auto; try reflexivity.
pattern x, t.
apply applications_rect; simpl...
cut (@equiv _ (structural_eq _) (app_tree (close _ v (Op et _ o))) (eval et v (Op et _ o)))...
generalize (Op et V o).
induction (et o); simpl...
intros ? H ? E. apply IHo0. simpl. rewrite E. apply H...
Instance prep_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=)) (@eval_in_other o).
Proof with intuition.
intros o x y H.
induction H; simpl...
induction x; simpl...
apply IHx1...
apply (@algebra_propers et other _ _ _ o).
apply IHe...
unfold Vars in v.
pose proof (@variety_laws et other _ _ _ s H (λ a n, eval_in_other (v a n))) as Q.
clear H.
destruct s.
rewrite boring_eval_entailment in Q.
simpl in ×.
do 2 rewrite eval_is_close.
do 2 rewrite <- subst_eval.
apply Q. clear Q.
induction entailment_premises; simpl...
do 2 rewrite subst_eval.
do 2 rewrite <- eval_is_close...
Instance: ∀ a, Setoid_Morphism (@eval_in_other ( a)).
Proof. constructor; simpl; try apply _. Qed.
Instance: @HomoMorphism et ClosedTerm0 other _ (varieties.variety_equiv et other) _ _ (λ _, eval_in_other).
Proof with intuition.
constructor; try apply _.
change (Preservation et ClosedTerm0 other (λ _, eval_in_other) (app_tree (Op _ _ o)) (varieties.variety_ops _ other o)).
generalize (algebra_propers o : eval_in_other (Op _ _ o) = varieties.variety_ops _ other o).
generalize (Op _ False o) (varieties.variety_ops et other o).
induction (et o)...
simpl. intro. apply IHo0, H.
apply reflexivity. Qed.
Program Definition the_arrow: the_object ⟶ other := λ _, eval_in_other.
Theorem arrow_unique: ∀ y, the_arrow = y.
Proof with auto; try intuition.
intros [x h] b a.
simpl in ×.
pattern b, a.
apply applications_rect...
pose proof (@preserves et ClosedTerm0 other _ _ _ _ x h o).
change (Preservation et ClosedTerm0 other x (app_tree (Op _ _ o)) (@eval_in_other _ (Op _ _ o))) in H.
revert H.
generalize (Op _ False o).
induction (et o); simpl...
apply IHo0.
simpl in ×.
assert (app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v) = app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v)).
apply app_tree_proper...
apply (@Preservation_proper et ClosedTerm0 other _ _ x _ _ _ o0
(app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v)) (app_tree (App _ _ o0 t t0 v)) H1
(eval_in_other t0 (eval_in_other v)) (eval_in_other t0 (x t v)))...
pose proof (@prep_proper _ t0 t0 (reflexivity _))... Qed.
End for_another_object.
Hint Extern 4 (InitialArrow the_object) ⇒ exact the_arrow: typeclass_instances.
Instance: Initial the_object.
Proof. intro. apply arrow_unique. Qed.
End contents.