
Require Import
  abstract_algebra universal_algebra interfaces.monads.

Section contents.
  Context (operation: Set) (operation_type: operation OpType unit).

  Let sign := Build_Signature unit operation operation_type.

  Definition M (T: Type): Type := Term sign T ( tt).

  Section equality.
    Context `{Setoid A}.

    Fixpoint geneq {s s'} (x: Term sign A s) (y: Term sign A s'): Prop :=
      match x, y with
      | Var v _, Var w _v = w
      | App _ z t t', App _ z' t'' t'''geneq t t'' geneq t' t'''
      | Op o, Op o'o o'
      | _, _False

    Lemma geneq_sym s (x: Term sign A s): s' (y: Term sign A s'), geneq x y geneq y x.
    Proof with intuition.
     induction x.
       destruct y...
       simpl. symmetry...
      destruct y0... simpl in ×...
     destruct y... simpl in ×...

    Lemma geneq_trans s (x: Term sign A s): s' (y: Term sign A s') s'' (z: Term sign A s''),
      geneq x y geneq y z geneq x z.
    Proof with simpl in *; intuition.
     induction x; simpl.
       destruct y, z...
      destruct y0...
      destruct z... eauto. eauto.
     destruct y, z...
     transitivity o0...

    Global Instance gen_equiv: Equiv (M A) := geneq.

    Global Instance: Setoid (M A).
        intros x. unfold M, equiv, gen_equiv in ×. induction x; simpl; intuition.
       repeat intro. now apply geneq_sym.
      repeat intro. now apply geneq_trans with _ y.
  End equality.

  Definition gen_bind_aux {A B: Type} (f: A M B): {s}, Term sign A s Term sign B s
    := fix F {s} (t: Term sign A s): Term sign B s :=
      match t with
      | Var v ttf v
      | App o z x yApp _ _ _ z (F x) (F y)
      | Op oOp _ _ o

  Arguments gen_bind_aux {A B} _ {s} _.

  Instance gen_bind: MonadBind M := λ _ _ f z, gen_bind_aux f z.

  Instance: `{Equiv A} `{Equiv B},
    Proper (((=) ==> (=)) ==> (=) ==> (=)) (@bind M _ A B).
  Proof with intuition.
   intros A H1 B H2 x0 y0 E' x y E.
   revert x y E.
   change ( x y : M A, geneq x y geneq (gen_bind_aux x0 x) (gen_bind_aux y0 y)).
   cut ( s (x: Term sign A s) s' (y: Term sign A s'),
      geneq x y geneq (gen_bind_aux x0 x) (gen_bind_aux y0 y))...
   revert s' y H.
   induction x.
     destruct y... simpl in ×.
     destruct a, a1. apply E'...
    simpl in ×. destruct y... destruct y...
    simpl in ×... destruct y...

  Instance gen_ret: MonadReturn M := λ _ x, Var sign _ x tt.

  Instance: `{Equiv A}, Proper ((=) ==> (=)) (@ret M _ A).
  Proof. repeat intro. assumption. Qed.

  Instance: Monad M.
  Proof with intuition.
   constructor; intros; try apply _.
     now apply setoids.ext_equiv_refl.
    intros m n E. rewrite <-E. clear E n. unfold M in m.
    change (geneq (gen_bind_aux (λ x : A, Var sign A x tt) m) m).
    induction m; simpl...
    destruct a... simpl...
   intros m n E. rewrite E. clear E m.
   unfold bind, gen_bind, equiv, gen_equiv.
   revert n. assert ( o (m : Term sign A o),
     geneq (gen_bind_aux f (gen_bind_aux g m))
     (gen_bind_aux (λ x : A, gen_bind_aux f (g x)) m)) as H.
    induction m; simpl...
    destruct a.
    change (gen_bind_aux f (g v) = gen_bind_aux f (g v))...
   now apply H.
End contents.