
Require Import Omega.
Require Import abstract_algebra ua_packed.
Require universal_algebra varieties.monoids.

Notation msig := varieties.monoids.sig.
Notation Op := (universal_algebra.Op msig False).
Notation App := (universal_algebra.App msig False _ _).

Import universal_algebra.

Section contents.

  Context (V: Type).

  Notation uaTerm := (universal_algebra.Term0 msig V tt).
  Notation Applied := (@ua_packed.Applied msig V tt).

  Inductive Term := Var (v: V) | Unit | Comp (x y: Term).

  Fixpoint to_ua (e: Term): Applied :=
    match e with
    | Var vua_packed.AppliedVar msig v tt
    | Unitua_packed.AppliedOp msig (ua_packed.NoMoreArguments msig tt)
    | Comp x yua_packed.AppliedOp msig monoids.mult
       (MoreArguments msig tt _ (to_ua x) (MoreArguments msig tt _ (to_ua y) (NoMoreArguments msig tt)))

  Definition from_ua (t: Applied): { r: Term | to_ua r t }.
  Proof with reflexivity.
    refine (better_Applied_rect msig (λ s,
       match s return (ua_packed.Applied msig s Type) with
       | ttλ t, {r : Term | to_ua r t}
       end) _ _ t).
    intros []; simpl.
      (Comp (` (fst (forallSplit msig _ _ X)))
       (` ((fst (forallSplit msig _ _ (snd (forallSplit msig _ _ X))))))).
     do 3 dependent destruction x.
     simpl in ×.
     destruct X. destruct p, s. destruct s0.
     simpl. subst...
    dependent destruction x...
   intros v [].
    (Var v)...

  Fixpoint measure (e: Term): nat :=
    match e with
    | Var v ⇒ 0%nat
    | Unit ⇒ 1%nat
    | Comp x yS (2 × measure x + measure y)

  Context `{Monoid M}.

  Notation eval vs := (universal_algebra.eval msig (λ _, (vs: V M))).

  Program Fixpoint internal_simplify (t: Term) {measure (measure t)}:
      { r: Term | v, eval v (curry (to_ua r)) = eval v (curry (to_ua t)) } :=
    match t with
    | Var _t
    | Unitt
    | Comp Unit yinternal_simplify y
    | Comp x Unitinternal_simplify x
    | Comp ((Var _) as x) yComp x (internal_simplify y)
    | Comp (Comp x y) zinternal_simplify (Comp x (Comp y z))

  Solve Obligations using (program_simpl; simpl; try apply reflexivity; omega).

  Next Obligation.
   destruct internal_simplify.
   rewrite e.
   transitivity (mon_unit & universal_algebra.eval msig (λ _, v) (curry (to_ua y))).
    apply left_identity.

  Next Obligation.
   destruct internal_simplify.
   rewrite e.
   transitivity (universal_algebra.eval msig (λ _, v) (curry (to_ua x)) & mon_unit).
    apply right_identity.

  Next Obligation. destruct internal_simplify. simpl. rewrite e. reflexivity. Qed.
  Next Obligation. destruct internal_simplify. simpl. rewrite e. simpl. apply associativity. Qed.

  Program Definition simplify (t: uaTerm): { r: uaTerm | v, eval v r = eval v t } :=
    curry (to_ua (internal_simplify (from_ua (decode0 t)))).

  Next Obligation.
   destruct @internal_simplify. simpl.
   destruct @from_ua in e. simpl in ×.
   rewrite e.
   rewrite e0.
   rewrite @curry_decode0.

End contents.