
Require Import
  Ring abstract_algebra strong_setoids.
Require Export

Section field_properties.
Context `{Field F}.

Add Ring F : (stdlib_ring_theory F).

Lemma reciperse_alt (x : F) Px : x // xPx = 1.
Proof. now rewrite <-(recip_inverse (xPx)). Qed.

Lemma recip_proper_alt x y Px Py : x = y // xPx = // yPy.
Proof. intro. now apply sm_proper. Qed.

Lemma recip_irrelevant x Px1 Px2 : // xPx1 = // xPx2.
Proof. now apply recip_proper_alt. Qed.

Lemma apart_0_proper {x y} : x 0 x = y y 0.
Proof. intros ? E. now rewrite <-E. Qed.

Global Instance: StrongInjective (-).
  repeat (split; try apply _); intros x y E.
   apply (strong_extensionality (+ x + y)).
   ring_simplify. now symmetry.
  apply (strong_extensionality (+ -x + -y)).
  ring_simplify. now symmetry.

Global Instance: StrongInjective (//).
  repeat (split; try apply _); intros x y E.
   apply (strong_extensionality (`x *.)).
   rewrite recip_inverse, commutativity.
   apply (strong_extensionality (`y *.)).
   rewrite associativity, recip_inverse.
   ring_simplify. now symmetry.
  apply (strong_extensionality (.* // x)).
  rewrite recip_inverse, commutativity.
  apply (strong_extensionality (.* // y)).
  rewrite <-associativity, recip_inverse.
  ring_simplify. now symmetry.

Global Instance: z, StrongLeftCancellation (+) z.
Proof. intros z x y E. apply (strong_extensionality (+ -z)). now ring_simplify. Qed.

Global Instance: z, StrongRightCancellation (+) z.
Proof. intros. apply (strong_right_cancel_from_left (+)). Qed.

Global Instance: z, PropHolds (z 0) StrongLeftCancellation (.*.) z.
  intros z Ez x y E. red in Ez.
  rewrite !(commutativity z).
  apply (strong_extensionality (.* // z↾(Ez : (≶0) z))).
  rewrite <-!associativity, !reciperse_alt.
  now ring_simplify.

Global Instance: z, PropHolds (z 0) StrongRightCancellation (.*.) z.
Proof. intros. apply (strong_right_cancel_from_left (.*.)). Qed.

Lemma mult_apart_zero_l x y : x × y 0 x 0.
Proof. intros. apply (strong_extensionality (.* y)). now rewrite mult_0_l. Qed.

Lemma mult_apart_zero_r x y : x × y 0 y 0.
Proof. intros. apply (strong_extensionality (x *.)). now rewrite mult_0_r. Qed.

Instance mult_apart_zero x y :
  PropHolds (x 0) PropHolds (y 0) PropHolds (x × y 0).
  intros Ex Ey.
  apply (strong_extensionality (.* // y↾(Ey : (≶0) y))).
  now rewrite <-associativity, reciperse_alt, mult_1_r, mult_0_l.

Instance: NoZeroDivisors F.
  intros x [x_nonzero [y [y_nonzero E]]].
  rewrite <-tight_apart in y_nonzero. destruct y_nonzero. intro y_apartzero.
  apply x_nonzero.
  rewrite <- mult_1_r. rewrite <- (reciperse_alt y y_apartzero).
  rewrite associativity, E. ring.

Global Instance: IntegralDomain F.
Proof. split; try apply _. Qed.

Global Instance apart_0_sig_apart_0: (x : F ), PropHolds (`x 0).
Proof. now intros [??]. Qed.

Instance recip_apart_zero x : PropHolds (// x 0).
  apply mult_apart_zero_r with (`x).
  rewrite recip_inverse. solve_propholds.

Lemma field_div_0_l x y : x = 0 x // y = 0.
Proof. intros E. rewrite E. apply left_absorb. Qed.

Lemma field_div_diag x y : x = `y x // y = 1.
Proof. intros E. rewrite E. apply recip_inverse. Qed.

Lemma equal_quotients (a c: F) b d : a × `d = c × `b a // b = c // d.
Proof with try ring.
  split; intro E.
   transitivity (1 × (a // b))...
   rewrite <- (recip_inverse d).
   transitivity (// d × (a × `d) // b)...
   rewrite E.
   transitivity (// d × c × (`b // b))...
   rewrite recip_inverse...
  transitivity (a × `d × 1)...
  rewrite <- (recip_inverse b).
  transitivity (a // b × `d × `b)...
  rewrite E.
  transitivity (c × (`d // d) × `b)...
  rewrite recip_inverse...
Lemma recip_distr_alt (x y : F) Px Py Pxy :
  // (x × y)↾Pxy = // xPx × // yPy.
Proof with try ring.
  apply (left_cancellation_ne_0 (.*.) (x × y)).
   now apply apart_ne.
  transitivity ((x // xPx) × (y // yPy))...
  transitivity ((x × y) // (x × y)↾Pxy)...
  rewrite 3!reciperse_alt...
End field_properties.

Hint Extern 8 (PropHolds (// _ 0)) ⇒ eapply @recip_apart_zero : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 8 (PropHolds (_ × _ 0)) ⇒ eapply @mult_apart_zero : typeclass_instances.

Section morphisms.
  Context `{Field F1} `{Field F2} `{!StrongSemiRing_Morphism (f : F1 F2)}.

  Add Ring F1 : (stdlib_ring_theory F1).

  Lemma strong_injective_preserves_0 : ( x, x 0 f x 0) StrongInjective f.
    intros E1. split; try apply _. intros x y E2.
    apply (strong_extensionality (+ -f y)).
    rewrite plus_negate_r, <-preserves_minus.
    apply E1.
    apply (strong_extensionality (+ y)).
    now ring_simplify.

  Global Instance: StrongInjective f.
    apply strong_injective_preserves_0.
    intros x Ex.
    apply mult_apart_zero_l with (f (// exist (≶0) x Ex)).
    rewrite <-rings.preserves_mult.
    rewrite reciperse_alt.
    rewrite rings.preserves_1.

  Lemma preserves_recip x Px Pfx : f (// xPx) = // (f x)↾Pfx.
    apply (left_cancellation_ne_0 (.*.) (f x)).
     now apply apart_ne.
    rewrite <-rings.preserves_mult.
    rewrite !reciperse_alt.
    now apply preserves_1.
End morphisms.