
Require Import Program Unicode.Utf8 stdlib_omissions.Pair.
Generalizable All Variables.

In the following type class, r is an "output parameter" in the sense that we will have unification infer it. We cannot turn r into a field instead, because that would hide it behind a projection, which hinders further scrutiny.

Class PointFree {T} (f r: T): Prop := pointfree_eq: f = r.

If no other instances match, give up and declare the thing point-free:

Instance proper_pf {T} (x: T): PointFree x x | 9.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Instances for various forms of lambdas:

Instance eta_pf {A B} (f: A B) `{!PointFree f f'}: PointFree (λ x, f x) (f' id) | 10.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Instance const_pf {A B} (b: B): PointFree (λ _: A, b) (const b).
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Instance id_pf {A}: PointFree (λ x: A, x) id.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Instance pair_pf {A B C} (f: A B) (g: A C) `{!PointFree f f'} `{!PointFree g g'}:
   PointFree (λ x: A, (f x, g x)) (map_pair f' g' diagonal).
Proof. compute. rewrite PointFree0, PointFree1. reflexivity. Qed.

Instance compose_pf {A B C} (f: B C) (g: A B)
  `{!PointFree f f'} `{!PointFree g g'}: PointFree (λ x, f (g x)) (f' g').
Proof. compute. rewrite PointFree0, PointFree1. reflexivity. Qed.

Instance binapp_pf {A B C D} (f: A B C) (g: D A) (h: D B)
  `{!PointFree f f'} `{!PointFree g g'} `{!PointFree h h'}:
     PointFree (λ x: D, f (g x) (h x)) (uncurry f' map_pair g' h' diagonal).
Proof. compute. rewrite PointFree0, PointFree1, PointFree2. reflexivity. Qed.

Instance uncur_pf {A B C} (f: A B C) `{!PointFree (λ p, f (fst p) (snd p)) f'}: PointFree (uncurry (λ x: A, f x)) f'.
Proof. compute. rewrite <- PointFree0. reflexivity. Qed.