Require Export Raster.
Require Import Interval.
Require Export FinEnum.
Require Export ProductMetric.
Require Import Classic.
Require Import CornTac.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Interval.
Require Export FinEnum.
Require Export ProductMetric.
Require Import Classic.
Require Import CornTac.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Rasters on Planes
By attaching coordinates to the top-left and bottom-right corners of a raster, it can be interpreted as a finite set in Q^2.
Definition Q2 := (ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace).
Lemma stableQ2 : stableMetric Q2.
apply ProductMS_stable; apply stableQ.
Lemma stableQ2 : stableMetric Q2.
apply ProductMS_stable; apply stableQ.
For Q2, classical membership in a finite enumeration is the
same as a constructive membership.
Lemma InStrengthen : ∀ x (l:FinEnum stableQ2),
InFinEnumC x l → ∃ y : ProductMS _ _, In y l ∧ st_eq x y.
induction l.
intros H.
assert (L:st_eq x a ∨ ¬st_eq x a).
destruct (Qeq_dec (fst x) (fst a)).
destruct (Qeq_dec (snd x) (snd a)).
split; auto.
right; intros [_ B]; auto.
right; intros [B _]; auto.
destruct L.
∃ a.
split; auto with ×.
destruct (IHl) as [y [Hy0 Hy1]].
destruct H as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
elim H0; auto.
∃ y.
split; auto with ×.
Definition InterpRow (up : list Q) n (v:Vector.t bool n) : FinEnum stableQ:=
map (@fst _ _ ) (filter (@snd _ _) (combine up v)).
Definition InterpRaster n m (bitmap : raster n m) (tl br:(ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace)) : FinEnum stableQ2 :=
let (l,t) := tl in
let (r,b) := br in
let up := (UniformPartition l r n) in
flat_map (fun (p:Q×Vector.t bool _) ⇒ let (y,r):=p in map (fun x ⇒ (x,y)) (InterpRow up r)) (combine (UniformPartition t b m) bitmap).
InFinEnumC x l → ∃ y : ProductMS _ _, In y l ∧ st_eq x y.
induction l.
intros H.
assert (L:st_eq x a ∨ ¬st_eq x a).
destruct (Qeq_dec (fst x) (fst a)).
destruct (Qeq_dec (snd x) (snd a)).
split; auto.
right; intros [_ B]; auto.
right; intros [B _]; auto.
destruct L.
∃ a.
split; auto with ×.
destruct (IHl) as [y [Hy0 Hy1]].
destruct H as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
elim H0; auto.
∃ y.
split; auto with ×.
Definition InterpRow (up : list Q) n (v:Vector.t bool n) : FinEnum stableQ:=
map (@fst _ _ ) (filter (@snd _ _) (combine up v)).
Definition InterpRaster n m (bitmap : raster n m) (tl br:(ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace)) : FinEnum stableQ2 :=
let (l,t) := tl in
let (r,b) := br in
let up := (UniformPartition l r n) in
flat_map (fun (p:Q×Vector.t bool _) ⇒ let (y,r):=p in map (fun x ⇒ (x,y)) (InterpRow up r)) (combine (UniformPartition t b m) bitmap).
Notation for the interpretation of a raster.
Notation "a ⇱ b ⇲ c" := (InterpRaster b a c) (at level 1,
format "a ⇱ '[v' '/' b ']' '[v' '/' ⇲ c ']'") : raster.
format "a ⇱ '[v' '/' b ']' '[v' '/' ⇲ c ']'") : raster.
Correctness properties of our interpretation.
Section InterpRasterCorrect.
Let f := fun l r (n:nat) (i:Z) ⇒ l + (r - l) × (2 × i + 1 # 1) / (2 × n # 1).
Lemma InterpRaster_correct1 : ∀ n m (t l b r:Q) (bitmap: raster n m) i j,
Is_true (RasterIndex bitmap i j) → In (f l r n j,f t b m i) (InterpRaster bitmap (l,t) (r,b)).
intros n m t l b r bitmap.
unfold InterpRaster, InterpRow, UniformPartition.
fold (f l r n).
fold (f t b m).
generalize (f l r n) (f t b m).
induction bitmap as [ | a]; intros f0 f1 i j H.
unfold RasterIndex in H.
destruct (nth_in_or_default i (map (@Vector.to_list _ _) (@Vector.nil (@Vector.t bool n))) nil) as [A | A].
rewrite A in H; clear A.
destruct (nth_in_or_default j nil false) as [A | A].
rewrite A in H; clear A.
destruct i as [|i].
apply in_or_app.
unfold RasterIndex in H.
simpl in H.
clear bitmap IHbitmap.
revert f0 j H.
induction a as [|a]; intros f0 j H.
destruct (nth_in_or_default j (@Vector.nil bool) false) as [A | A].
rewrite A in H; clear A.
destruct j as [|j].
simpl in H.
destruct a; try contradiction.
left; reflexivity.
rewrite inj_S.
cut (In ((f0 (Zsucc j)), (f1 0%Z)) (map (fun x : Q ⇒ (x, (f1 0%Z)))
(map (@fst _ _) (filter (@snd _ _) (combine (map f0 (iterateN Zsucc 1%Z n)) a0))))).
intros L.
destruct a; try right; auto.
change (1%Z) with (Zsucc 0).
rewrite iterateN_f.
rewrite (map_map Zsucc f0).
apply (IHa (fun x:Z ⇒ f0 (Zsucc x))).
apply H.
rewrite inj_S.
set (f1':= fun (x:Z) =>(f1 (Zsucc x))).
fold (f1' i).
apply in_or_app.
change (1%Z) with (Zsucc 0).
rewrite iterateN_f.
rewrite map_map.
fold f1'.
apply IHbitmap.
apply H.
Lemma InterpRaster_correct2 : ∀ n m (t l b r:Q) x y (bitmap: raster n m),
In (x,y) (InterpRaster bitmap (l,t) (r,b)) →
∃ p, Is_true (RasterIndex bitmap (fst p) (snd p)) ∧ x=f l r n (snd p) ∧ y=f t b m (fst p).
intros n m t l b r x y bitmap.
unfold InterpRaster, InterpRow, UniformPartition.
fold (f l r n).
fold (f t b m).
generalize (f l r n) (f t b m).
induction bitmap as [|a]; intros f0 f1 H.
simpl in H.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H0 | H0]; clear H.
cut (∃ p : nat, Is_true (nth p a false) ∧ x = f0 p ∧ y = f1 0%Z).
intros [z Z].
clear -Z.
∃ (0%nat,z).
clear bitmap IHbitmap.
revert f0 H0.
induction a as [|a]; intros f0 H0.
destruct a.
simpl in H0.
destruct H0 as [H0 | H0].
∃ 0%nat.
simpl in H0.
inversion_clear H0.
edestruct IHa as [z Hz].
change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0) in H0.
rewrite iterateN_f in H0.
rewrite (map_map Zsucc f0) in H0.
apply H0.
∃ (S z).
rewrite inj_S; auto.
edestruct IHa as [z Hz].
simpl in H0.
change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0) in H0.
rewrite iterateN_f in H0.
rewrite (map_map Zsucc f0) in H0.
apply H0.
∃ (S z).
rewrite inj_S; auto.
change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0) in H0.
rewrite iterateN_f in H0.
rewrite (map_map) in H0.
edestruct IHbitmap as [z Hz].
apply H0.
∃ (S (fst z),snd z).
simpl (fst ((S (fst z)), (snd z))).
rewrite inj_S.
End InterpRasterCorrect.
Let f := fun l r (n:nat) (i:Z) ⇒ l + (r - l) × (2 × i + 1 # 1) / (2 × n # 1).
Lemma InterpRaster_correct1 : ∀ n m (t l b r:Q) (bitmap: raster n m) i j,
Is_true (RasterIndex bitmap i j) → In (f l r n j,f t b m i) (InterpRaster bitmap (l,t) (r,b)).
intros n m t l b r bitmap.
unfold InterpRaster, InterpRow, UniformPartition.
fold (f l r n).
fold (f t b m).
generalize (f l r n) (f t b m).
induction bitmap as [ | a]; intros f0 f1 i j H.
unfold RasterIndex in H.
destruct (nth_in_or_default i (map (@Vector.to_list _ _) (@Vector.nil (@Vector.t bool n))) nil) as [A | A].
rewrite A in H; clear A.
destruct (nth_in_or_default j nil false) as [A | A].
rewrite A in H; clear A.
destruct i as [|i].
apply in_or_app.
unfold RasterIndex in H.
simpl in H.
clear bitmap IHbitmap.
revert f0 j H.
induction a as [|a]; intros f0 j H.
destruct (nth_in_or_default j (@Vector.nil bool) false) as [A | A].
rewrite A in H; clear A.
destruct j as [|j].
simpl in H.
destruct a; try contradiction.
left; reflexivity.
rewrite inj_S.
cut (In ((f0 (Zsucc j)), (f1 0%Z)) (map (fun x : Q ⇒ (x, (f1 0%Z)))
(map (@fst _ _) (filter (@snd _ _) (combine (map f0 (iterateN Zsucc 1%Z n)) a0))))).
intros L.
destruct a; try right; auto.
change (1%Z) with (Zsucc 0).
rewrite iterateN_f.
rewrite (map_map Zsucc f0).
apply (IHa (fun x:Z ⇒ f0 (Zsucc x))).
apply H.
rewrite inj_S.
set (f1':= fun (x:Z) =>(f1 (Zsucc x))).
fold (f1' i).
apply in_or_app.
change (1%Z) with (Zsucc 0).
rewrite iterateN_f.
rewrite map_map.
fold f1'.
apply IHbitmap.
apply H.
Lemma InterpRaster_correct2 : ∀ n m (t l b r:Q) x y (bitmap: raster n m),
In (x,y) (InterpRaster bitmap (l,t) (r,b)) →
∃ p, Is_true (RasterIndex bitmap (fst p) (snd p)) ∧ x=f l r n (snd p) ∧ y=f t b m (fst p).
intros n m t l b r x y bitmap.
unfold InterpRaster, InterpRow, UniformPartition.
fold (f l r n).
fold (f t b m).
generalize (f l r n) (f t b m).
induction bitmap as [|a]; intros f0 f1 H.
simpl in H.
destruct (in_app_or _ _ _ H) as [H0 | H0]; clear H.
cut (∃ p : nat, Is_true (nth p a false) ∧ x = f0 p ∧ y = f1 0%Z).
intros [z Z].
clear -Z.
∃ (0%nat,z).
clear bitmap IHbitmap.
revert f0 H0.
induction a as [|a]; intros f0 H0.
destruct a.
simpl in H0.
destruct H0 as [H0 | H0].
∃ 0%nat.
simpl in H0.
inversion_clear H0.
edestruct IHa as [z Hz].
change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0) in H0.
rewrite iterateN_f in H0.
rewrite (map_map Zsucc f0) in H0.
apply H0.
∃ (S z).
rewrite inj_S; auto.
edestruct IHa as [z Hz].
simpl in H0.
change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0) in H0.
rewrite iterateN_f in H0.
rewrite (map_map Zsucc f0) in H0.
apply H0.
∃ (S z).
rewrite inj_S; auto.
change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0) in H0.
rewrite iterateN_f in H0.
rewrite (map_map) in H0.
edestruct IHbitmap as [z Hz].
apply H0.
∃ (S (fst z),snd z).
simpl (fst ((S (fst z)), (snd z))).
rewrite inj_S.
End InterpRasterCorrect.