Require Import CRArith.
Require Import List.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import Qring.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import CornTac.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Definition CRsum_list_raw (l:list CR) (e:QposInf) : Q :=
fold_left Qplus
match l with
| nilnil
| cons h t
  let e' := QposInf_mult (1#(P_of_succ_nat (length t)))%Qpos e in
   (map (fun xapproximate x e') l)

Lemma CRsum_list_prf : l, is_RegularFunction (CRsum_list_raw l).
 intros [|a t] e1 e2.
  apply ball_refl.
 unfold CRsum_list_raw.
 set (p:=P_of_succ_nat (@length (RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpace) t)).
 set (e1':=((1 # p) × e1)%Qpos).
 set (e2':=((1 # p) × e2)%Qpos).
 assert (Qball (e1' + e2') (0 + approximate a e1') (0 + approximate a e2')).
  apply (regFun_prf a).
 assert (X: e:Qpos, ((1 # p) × e)%Qpos*(length t) + ((1 # p) × e)%Qpos e).
  intros e.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  replace LHS with (((1#p)*(length t) + (1#p))*e) by simpl; ring.
  field_simplify (1%positive / p × length t + 1%positive / p);[|unfold Qeq; auto with *].
  setoid_replace ((length t + 1) / p) with 1.
   rewrite Qmult_1_l.
   auto with ×.
  unfold p.
  change 1 with (1%nat:Q).
  rewrite <- injz_plus.
  rewrite <- inj_plus.
  rewrite plus_comm.
 generalize (X e1) (X e2).
 fold e1' e2'.
 unfold e1' at 1 3.
 unfold e2' at 1 3.
 generalize ((1 # p) × e1)%Qpos ((1 # p) × e2)%Qpos e1' e2' (0 + approximate a e1') (0 + approximate a e2') H.
 clear - t.
 induction t; intros e1'' e2'' e1' e2' x y Hxy H1 H2.
  simpl in ×.
  ring_simplify in H1.
  ring_simplify in H2.
  apply (@ball_weak_le Q_as_MetricSpace (e1' + e2')); auto.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qplus_le_compat; auto.
 simpl in ×.
 change ('P_of_succ_nat (length t))%Z with (Z_of_nat (1+(length t))) in H1.
 change ('P_of_succ_nat (length t))%Z with (Z_of_nat (1+(length t))) in H2.
 rewriteinj_plus in ×.
 rewriteinjz_plus in ×.
 ring_simplify in H1.
 ring_simplify in H2.
 apply (IHt e1'' e2'' (e1'' + e1')%Qpos (e2'' + e2')%Qpos);
   try (autorewrite with QposElim; ring_simplify; assumption).
 unfold Qball.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 replace RHS with ((x - y) + (approximate a e1'' - approximate a e2'')) by simpl; ring.
 replace LHS with ((e1' + e2') + (e1'' + e2'')) by simpl; ring.
 apply AbsSmall_plus.
 apply: (regFun_prf a).

Definition CRsum_list (l:list CR) : CR := Build_RegularFunction (CRsum_list_prf l).

Lemma CRsum_correct : l, (CRsum_list l == fold_right (fun x yx + y) 0 l)%CR.
 induction l.
  apply: regFunEq_e; intros e.
  apply ball_refl.
 simpl (fold_right (fun x y : CR ⇒ (x + y)%CR) 0%CR (a :: l)).
 rewrite <- IHl.
 clear -l.
 apply: regFunEq_e; intros e.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 unfold CRsum_list_raw.
 destruct l; simpl.
  setoid_replace (e+e)%Qpos with ((1 # 1) ×e + (1 # 2) × e + (1 # 2) × e)%Qpos by QposRing.
  apply: ball_weak.
  apply regFun_prf.
 set (n:= (@length (RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpace) l)).
 cut ( (z1:Q) (e3 e5 e1 e2 e4 e6:Qpos) (z2 z3:Q), ball e5 z1 z2
   (z3 == approximate a e3 + z1) → (e1×n + e2×n +e3 +e4 + e5 e6) → Qball e6 (fold_left Qplus
     (map (fun x : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpaceapproximate x e1) l) z3) (approximate a e4 +
       fold_left Qplus (map (fun x : RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpaceapproximate x e2) l) z2)).
  intros H.
  apply (H (approximate s ((1 # Psucc (P_of_succ_nat n)) × e)%Qpos)
    ((1 # Psucc (P_of_succ_nat n)) × e)%Qpos ((1 # Psucc (P_of_succ_nat n)) × e +
      (1 # P_of_succ_nat n) × ((1 # 2) × e))%Qpos).
    apply: regFun_prf.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  replace LHS with ((1 # Psucc (P_of_succ_nat n)) × (2+n) ×e +
    ((1 # P_of_succ_nat n) × (1 + n) × ((1 # 2) × e) + (1 # 2) × e)) by simpl; ring.
  repeat rewriteQmake_Qdiv.
  change (Zpos (Psucc (P_of_succ_nat n))) with (Z_of_nat (1+1+n)).
  change (Zpos (P_of_succ_nat n)) with (Z_of_nat (1+n)).
  repeat rewriteinj_plus.
  repeat rewriteinjz_plus.
   apply Qle_shift_div_r; auto with ×.
   apply Qle_refl.
  clear - n.
  rewrite <- (injz_plus 1 n).
  rewrite <- (injz_plus 2 n).
  assert ( (z:Z), ¬z=0%Z¬z==0).
   intros [|z|z]; auto with ×.
  auto with ×.
 unfold n.
 clear n.
 induction l; intros z1 e3 e5 e1 e2 e4 e6 z2 z3 Hz H0 H.
  simpl in ×.
  ring_simplify in H.
  unfold Qball.
  replace RHS with ((approximate a e3 - approximate a e4) + (z1 - z2)) by simpl; ring.
  apply AbsSmall_leEq_trans with (e3 + e4 + e5); auto.
  apply AbsSmall_plus; auto.
  apply: (regFun_prf a).
 apply (IHl (z1 + approximate a0 e1) e3 (e5 + (e1 + e2))%Qpos).
   unfold Qball.
   replace RHS with ((z1 - z2) + (approximate a0 e1 - approximate a0 e2)) by simpl; ring.
   rewrite Q_Qpos_plus.
   apply AbsSmall_plus.
   apply (regFun_prf a0).
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 simpl in H.
 set (n:= (@length (RegularFunction Q_as_MetricSpace) l)) in ×.
 change (Zpos (P_of_succ_nat n)) with (Z_of_nat (1+n)) in H.
 rewrite inj_plus in H.
 rewriteinjz_plus in H.
 replace LHS with (e1 × (1 + n) + e2 × (1 + n) + e3 + e4 + e5) by simpl; ring.