Functions with compact domain
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.
Variables f g : CSetoid_fun (subset I) IR.
Section Const.
Variable c : IR.
Lemma IConst_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, c [#] c → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ c H).
Definition IConst := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ c) IConst_strext.
End Const.
Lemma IId_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, scs_elem _ _ x [#] scs_elem _ _ y → x [#] y.
intros x y; case x; case y; intros; algebra.
Definition IId := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ _ IId_strext.
Next, we define addition, algebraic inverse, subtraction and product of functions.
Lemma IPlus_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, f x[+]g x [#] f y[+]g y → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ H); intro H0; exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H0).
Definition IPlus := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ f x[+]g x) IPlus_strext.
Lemma IInv_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, [--] (f x) [#] [--] (f y) → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
generalize (un_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ H); intro H0.
exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H0).
Definition IInv := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ [--] (f x)) IInv_strext.
Lemma IMinus_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, f x[-]g x [#] f y[-]g y → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
elim (cg_minus_strext _ _ _ _ _ H); intro H0; exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H0).
Definition IMinus := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ f x[-]g x) IMinus_strext.
Lemma IMult_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, f x[*]g x [#] f y[*]g y → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ H); intro H0; exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H0).
Definition IMult := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ f x[*]g x) IMult_strext.
Section Nth_Power.
Exponentiation to a natural power n is also useful.
Variable n : nat.
Lemma INth_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, f x[^]n [#] f y[^]n → x [#] y.
apply csf_strext_unfolded with (IR:CSetoid) f.
apply nexp_strext with n; assumption.
Definition INth := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ f x[^]n) INth_strext.
End Nth_Power.
If a function is non-zero in all the interval then we can define its multiplicative inverse.
Section Recip_Div.
Hypothesis Hg : ∀ x : subset I, g x [#] [0].
Lemma IRecip_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, ([1][/] g x[//]Hg x) [#] ([1][/] g y[//]Hg y) → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
elim (div_strext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H); intro H0.
elim (ap_irreflexive_unfolded _ _ H0).
exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H0).
Definition IRecip := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ [1][/] g x[//]Hg x) IRecip_strext.
Lemma IDiv_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, (f x[/] g x[//]Hg x) [#] (f y[/] g y[//]Hg y) → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
elim (div_strext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H); intro H0; exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H0).
Definition IDiv := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ f x[/] g x[//]Hg x) IDiv_strext.
End Recip_Div.
Absolute value will also be needed at some point.
Lemma IAbs_strext : ∀ x y : subset I, AbsIR (f x) [#] AbsIR (f y) → x [#] y.
intros x y H.
apply csf_strext_unfolded with (IR:CSetoid) f.
simpl in H; unfold ABSIR in H; elim (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
intro; apply un_op_strext_unfolded with (cg_inv (c:=IR)); assumption.
Definition IAbs := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ (fun x ⇒ AbsIR (f x)) IAbs_strext.
End Operations.
The set of these functions form a ring with relation to the operations
of sum and multiplication. As they actually form a set, this fact can
be proved in Coq for this class of functions; unfortunately, due to a
problem with the coercions, we are not able to use it (Coq will not
recognize the elements of that ring as functions which can be applied
to elements of [a,b]), so we merely state this fact here as a
Finally, we define composition; for this we need two functions with
different domains.
a',b' be real numbers and denote by I' the
compact interval [a',b'], and let g be a setoid function of type
I' → IR.
Section Composition.
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.
Variables a' b' : IR.
Hypothesis Hab' : a' [<=] b'.
Variable f : CSetoid_fun (subset I) IR.
Variable g : CSetoid_fun (subset I') IR.
Hypothesis Hfg : ∀ x : subset I, I' (f x).
Lemma IComp_strext : ∀ x y : subset I,
g (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ (Hfg x)) [#] g (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ (Hfg y)) →
x [#] y.
intros x y H.
apply csf_strext_unfolded with (IR:CSetoid) f.
exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H).
Definition IComp := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _
(fun x ⇒ g (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ (Hfg x))) IComp_strext.
End Composition.
Implicit Arguments IConst [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IId [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IPlus [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IInv [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IMinus [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IMult [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments INth [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IRecip [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IDiv [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IAbs [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IComp [a b Hab a' b' Hab'].
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.
Variables a' b' : IR.
Hypothesis Hab' : a' [<=] b'.
Variable f : CSetoid_fun (subset I) IR.
Variable g : CSetoid_fun (subset I') IR.
Hypothesis Hfg : ∀ x : subset I, I' (f x).
Lemma IComp_strext : ∀ x y : subset I,
g (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ (Hfg x)) [#] g (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ (Hfg y)) →
x [#] y.
intros x y H.
apply csf_strext_unfolded with (IR:CSetoid) f.
exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H).
Definition IComp := Build_CSetoid_fun _ _
(fun x ⇒ g (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ (Hfg x))) IComp_strext.
End Composition.
Implicit Arguments IConst [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IId [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IPlus [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IInv [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IMinus [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IMult [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments INth [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IRecip [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IDiv [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IAbs [a b Hab].
Implicit Arguments IComp [a b Hab a' b' Hab'].