dp_connect, dp_shutdown, dp_accept - Tcl-DP connection management
dp_send, dp_receive - Stream transmission over TCP sockets
dp_packetSend, dp_packetReceive - Message transmission using TCP sockets
dp_sendTo, dp_receiveFrom - Message transmission using UDP sockets

This page describes the Tcl commands for managing basic network connections provided by the Tcl-DP (Tcl Distributed Programming) extension to Tcl/Tk. These commands provide basically the same level of service to Tcl/Tk as the UNIX C socket(2) related system calls. The page is divided into two sections. The first section describes the commands needed to set up and shut down connections. The second section describes various commands for transmitting data between machines.

All connection management commands return and take as arguments identifiers called sockId's. (A sockId represents a UNIX file descriptor, which UNIX uses to represent both open files and open sockets. A socket is an endpoint of network communication.) SockId's are identical to the identifiers manipulated by the read, gets, puts, eof, and close file management commands of Tcl.

Three basic commands are useful for connection setup and tear down: dp_connect, dp_accept, and dp_shutdown. Dp_connect is used to create either internet (INET) or unix domain TCP/IP sockets, INET based UDP/IP sockets, and INET based IP-multicast sockets. If given the -server flag, dp_connect creates a listening socket which other clients can connect to. When a remote machine attempts to connect to this listening socket, it becomes readable. Servers use the dp_accept command to accept the connection, which creates a new sockId connected to the client as a side effect while the listening socket continues to listen for new connections. Client may close half of a duplex connection using the dp_shutdown command. When clients wish to terminate a connection, the tcl close command should be used.

The rest of this sections describes the various options for dp_connect, dp_accept, and dp_shutdown.

dp_connect -server port ?-linger? ?-reuseAddr?

In this form, dp_connect creates a listening (server) socket. This listening socket will listen for client connections on the specified port number and will become readable whenever a client process attempts a connection. The creator of the listening socket may then dp_accept the client connection. (See the dp_accept command below. Also see the dp_filehandler and dp_isready manual pages for testing when a socket becomes readable.)

The port argument, which can be a number or service name (see services(5) for more information), must specify an unused port number. If the port number argument is empty or 0, the dp_connect command will automatically select an unused port number.

The -linger flag changes the behavior of the close function on this socket. By default, the socket will close and any unsent data in the socket will be discarded. If -linger is specified, close will return immediately and the system will attempt to deliver any data remaining in the socket.

The -reuseAddr, if specified, instructs the system to allow reuse of the specified port number.

This form of the dp_connect command returns a list of two values. The first value is the sockId that represents the created listening socket. The second value is the port number that the socket is listening to.

dp_connect -server path

This command creates up a UNIX domain listening socket. This command is identical to the one above except that a UNIX domain socket is created using an address specified by path.

dp_connect host port

This command creates a TCP protocol INET socket and connects it to a remote server process. The remote server process should be running on the machine given by the host network address and should be listening for and accepting client connections on the given port. Port can be specified by number or by service name (see services(5) for more information). This command returns a list of two values: a sockId to represent the newly created socket and the port number used for the connection.

dp_connect path

This command creates a TCP protocol UNIX domain socket and connects it to the UNIX domain socket specified by path. It is otherwise identical to dp_connect host port.

dp_connect -udp ?port?

In this form, dp_connect creates a UDP protocol INET socket (a connectionless socket). Since this socket is connectionless, only the dp_sendTo and dp_receiveFrom commands described below may be used with this socket to transmit and receive data.

Port can be specified by number or by service name (see services(5) for more information). If the port argument is missing or 0, the system will select an unused port number for you. This command returns a list containing a sockId (that represents the created socket) and the port number (where the socket will receive and transmit data using the UDP protocol).

dp_connect -mudp address port ttl

In this form, dp_connect creates an IP-multicase socket (a connectionless socket). Since this socket is connectionless, only the dp_sendTo and dp_receiveFrom commands described below may be used with this socket to transmit and receive data. This command returns a list containing a sockId (that represents the created socket) and the port number (same as the port parameter).

dp_accept sockId

The sockId argument must represent a listening (server) socket (i.e., a sockId returned by the dp_connect command that was called with the -server flag). If this listening socket is readable (i.e., a client process is attempting to connect), the dp_accept command creates a new socket that is connected to the client process. If the listening socket is not readable, th dp_accept command will block until a client process attempts to connect to the listening socket. The listening socket (represented by the sockId argument) will remain a listening socket. This command returns a new sockId to represent the newly created socket that is connected to the accepted client process, and the internet address of the connecting party (eg, ""). If the connection occurs on a Unix domain socket, the second element of the return value will be ""

dp_shutdown sockId code

Shutdown a socket for reading, writing, or both. This command is not the same as close, which you should use for truly closing the socket. The sockId argument must represent a file descriptor that represents a socket, not an open file.

If code is "0", "read" or "receives" then  further  reception  of
data from sockId will be disabled.

If code is "1", "write" or "sends", then further sending of data using sockId will be disabled (and an EOF will be automatically sent down the socket).

If code is "2", "all" or "both", then further reception and sending of data on sockId will be disabled.

As a side effect, the appropriate filehandlers previously installed on the sockId will be deleted. (See dp_filehander.)

Four pairs of commands are useful for sending and receiving data on sockets. The Tcl functions gets and puts can be used to read and write string data to and from sockets. These functions are appropriate for communicating with text based programs (e.g., telnet). Applications can detect closed connection when the Tcl command eof sockId returns 1.

Dp_send and dp_receive are similar to gets and puts, but have the side effect of automatically detecting closed connections. When these functions detect a closed connection, they remove any previously instantiated file handlers for sockId and close the socket. Applications can install callbacks associated with this "close-file" event using the dp_atclose command. Dp_send and dp_receive also support non blocking input and are more efficient than gets and puts.

Dp_sendTo and dp_receiveFrom are used to send and receive data on connectionless sockets (i.e., created using the dp_connect command using the -udp option). Dp_receiveFrom also supports non blocking input and peeking (i.e., reading data from a socket without advancing the file pointer).

Dp_packetSend and dp_packetReceive provide a message based protocol for TCP sockets. The extra protocol is necessary since TCP provides a stream interface which does not preserve message boundaries. The protocol attaches an 8 byte binary header on the message containing a magic number and the length of the message. Due to the presence of this header, applications should be careful about intermixing calls to dp_packetSend and dp_packetReceive with other data transmission calls.

The options for each command are described below.

dp_send sockId message ?nonewline?

Writes the string message to a connected socket. Like the Tcl puts command, dp_send normally outputs a newline character after message, but this feature may be suppressed by specifying the nonewline switch.

If insufficient buffer space exists to send message, this command will block until message is transmitted unless the socket is in non-blocking mode (see dp_socketOption). In this case, only part of message is transmitted. The return value is the number of characters sent. The rest of the message can be sent when the socket becomes writeable. See the manual pages for the dp_filehandler and dp_isready commands for testing when a socket becomes writeable.

The sockId argument must represent a connected (i.e., TCP protocol) socket. If the connection is broken, dp_send will automatically close the socket, delete any previously created file handlers, and return a value of 0.

dp_receive sockId ?numBytes? ?-peek?

This command reads the immediately available data from sockId. If numBytes is specified, at most this many bytes of the immediately available data on will be returned. If the socket is nonblocking (see dp_socketOption), all data available on the socket will be returned -- should no data be available, dp_receive will return a null string.

If the socket is in blocking mode (the default), dp_receive will block until input is received. If -peek is specified, the data present on the socket is returned but not consumed, so that a subsequent dp_receive call will see the same data.

The sockId argument must represent a connected (i.e., TCP protocol) socket. If the connection is broken, dp_send will automatically close the socket, delete any previously created file handlers, and return a null string.

dp_packetSend sockId message

Sends the string message through the socket (sockId) to the connected, remote process. This command is similar to dp_sendTo, except that it works with TCP sockets, so message delivery is reliable. It differs from dp_send in that message boundaries are preserved. When the remote socket calls dp_packetReceive, it will never receive a partial message. The receiver must use dp_packetReceive to read the message.

Notes: Message boundaries are preserved by attaching an 8 byte binary header onto the message, half of which is a magic number indicating a packet, and half of which indicates the size of the message. Because this header represents binary data, care must be taken if puts or dp_send calls are intermixed with dp_packetSend on the same channel.

If dp_packetSend is used with non-blocking I/O mode and the send would have blocked, dp_packetSend returns the number of bytes transmitted. It is up to the caller to transmit the remaining characters in the string using dp_send with the nonewline option (not dp_packetSend) when the socket becomes writeable. See dp_filehandler and dp_isready manual pages for testing when a socket becomes writeable.)

dp_packetReceive sockId ?-peek?

Receives a single message from the connection (represented by the sockId). The connected, remote process which sent the message must use the dp_packetSend command. Dp_packetReceive differs from dp_receive in that message boundaries are preserved. If the entire message is available, the return value is the message received. If only part of the packet is available when dp_packetReceive is called, a zero length string is returned. See the note in dp_packetSend above about using dp_packetReceive and gets on the same channel.

If -peek is specified, the data present on the socket is returned but not consumed, so that a subsequent dp_packetReceive calls will see the same data.

If no data is available at the socket and the socket is in non blocking mode, a zero length string is returned. Otherwise, this operation blocks until at least some data (but possibly not the entire packet) is received.

dp_sendTo sockId message addr

Sends the string message to the process at the destination address specified by the addr handle. The addr handle must be created using the dp_address command or taken from the return value of the dp_receiveFrom command. The sockId argument must represent a connectionless socket (i.e., created using the dp_connect command using the -udp option). Dp_sendTo uses sockId as the transmitting socket.

dp_receiveFrom sockId ?numBytes? ?-peek? ?-noaddr?

Receives a message that was sent from another process that used the dp_sendTo command. Normally, a list of two values is returned. The first value is the address (an addr handle) of the sending process, and the second element is the message received. If the -noaddr flag is specified, the address of the sending process is ommitted. If the socket is in non-blocking mode (see dp_socketOption) and not readable, -1 will be returned. Otherwise, this command will block until a message arrives. If -peek is specified, the message is read from the socket but not removed from the queue. If numBytes is specified, at most this many bytes of the message is returned. Because of the way connectionless sockets work, the rest of the datagram will be discarded from the queue, regardless of the value of numBytes, unless -peek is specified.

The sockId argument must represent a connectionless socket (i.e., created using the dp_connect command using the -udp option). The dp_receiveFrom command uses the connectionless socket, sockId, as the reception socket.

Brian Smith (bsmith@cs.berkeley.edu)
Steve Yen (syen@cs.berkeley.edu)
Stephen Tu (tus@roger-rabbit.cs.berkeley.edu)