The Early Years of Academic Computing, May 2014.
Digital Libraries. MIT Press, 2000.
"The 1990s: The Formative Years of Digital Libraries". Library Hi Tech, 30(4), 2012. PDF.
(with Manuel Calimlim, and Lucia Walle). "EScience in Practice: Lessons from the Cornell Web Lab". D-Lib Magazine, May/June 2009, 15 (5/6).
"Implementation and Innovation in the NSDL". Wordpress. September 2008.
"Cyberscholarship: High Performance Computing meets Digital Libraries", Journal of Electronic Publishing. January 2008.
(with Ronald L. Larsen, co-chairs). "The future of scholarly communication: building the infrastructure for cyberscholarship". NSF/JISC workshop, Phoenix, Arizona, April 17 to 19, 2007.
Electronic Text Meets High-Performance Computing: The Cornell Web Lab. CaSTA 2006 , October 2006. MS Word
(with D. Huttenlocher, J. Kleinberg, M. Macy, and D. Strang). "From Wayback Machine to Yesternet: New opportunities for social science." Second International Conference on e-Social Science. June 28-30, 2006. Manchester U.K. PDF
"Trust and reputation on the web", Nature's peer review debate, doi:10.1038/nature05035. June 2006.
(with Aya, S., Dmitriev, P., Kot, B., Mitchell, R., Walle, L.) "Building a Research Library for the History of the Web". Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2006. MS Word
(with S. Aya, M. Calimlim, J. Cordes, J. Deneva, P. Dmitriev, J. Gehrke, L. Gibbons, C. D. Jones, V. Kuznetsov, D. Lifka, M. Riedewald, D. Riley, A. Ryd, and G. J. Sharp) "Three Case Studies of Large-Scale Data Flows". In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Workflow and Data Flow for Scientific Applications (SciFlow).2006. PDF.
(with Aya, S., Dmitriev, P., Kot, B., Mitchell, R., Walle, L., "A Research Library based on the Historical Collections of the Internet Archive". D-Lib Magazine, February 2006.
"A Viewpoint Analysis of the Digital Library", D-Lib Magazine 10th Anniversary Issue, 11(7/8), July/August 2005.
"Information Science as a Liberal Art", Interlending and Document Supply, (33) 2, February 2005, pp. 81-84. MS Word
(with Caroline R. Arms) "Mixed Content and Mixed Metadata: Information Discovery in a Messy World." In Metadata in Practice, edited by Diane Hillmann and Elaine Westbrooks, ALA Editions, 2004. HTML
(with Naomi Dushay, Dave Fulker, and Carl Lagoze) "A Case Study in Metadata Harvesting: the NSDL." Library HiTech Vol. 21, no. 2, 2003. MS Word
"What Are the Alternatives to Peer Review? Quality Control in Scholarly Publishing On The Web." Journal of Electronic Publishing, 8(1), August 2002.
(with Carl Lagoze, and others) "Core Services in the Architecture of the National Digital Library for Science Education (NSDL)". Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, July 2002.
(with others) "A Spectrum of Interoperability The Site for Science Prototype for the NSDL." D-Lib Magazine, 8(1), January 2002.
"Uniform resource names: handles, PURLs, and digital object identifiers." Communication of the ACM, 44(5), p. 68, May 2001. PDF
(with Roger Adkins, Cassy Ammen, and Allene Hayes) "Collecting and Preserving the Web: The Minerva Prototype." RLG DigiNews, 5(2), April 2001.
(with Donna Bergmark and Carl Lagoze) "An Architecture for Reference Linking." Technical Report TR 2000-1820, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, October, 2000. PDF
"Thoughts about Interoperability in the NSDL", Draft for discussion, August 2000. MS Word
"Automated digital libraries. How effectively can computers be used for the skilled tasks of professional librarianship?"D-Lib Magazine, 6(7/8), July/August 2000.
"Economic models for open-access publishing." iMP, March 2000. HTML
"Preservation of scientific serials: three current examples. " Journal of Electronic Publishing, 5(2), December 1999.
(with Priscilla Caplan) "Reference Linking for Journal Articles." D-Lib Magazine, July/August 1999 5(7).
(with Greg Jan�e, Carl Lagoze, William H. Mischo, Ginger Ogle, and Scott Stevens) "The D-Lib Test Suite: testbeds for digital libraries research." D-Lib Magazine, February 1999 5(2).
(with others) "Report of the SMETE Library Workshop", July, 1998. National Science Foundation, NSF 99-112.
"Implementing Policies for Access Management." D-Lib Magazine, February 1998.
"A national library for undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education: needs, options, and feasibility (technical considerations)." In: National Research Council, Developing a national digital library for undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology, August 1997.
(with Christophe Blanchi and Edward A. Overly) "An architecture for information in digital libraries." D-Lib Magazine, February 1997.
(with Amy Friedlander) "D-Lib Magazine." Ariadne, 5, September 1996.
"Library and information services in context." In Librarianship and Information Worldwide 1995, edited by Maurice B. Line. East Grinstead, Sussex: Bowker-Saur. 1996.
(with others) "Uniform Resource Names: a progress report." D-Lib Magazine, February 1996.
"Digital library research in the United States." British Library Follett Lecture Series. September 1995.
(with David Ely) "The Handle System." Internet Draft draft-ietf-uri-urn-handles-00.txt, June 23, 1995. MS-Word
"Key concepts in the architecture of the digital library." D-Lib Magazine, July 1995.
"The institutional implications of electronic information in the humanities." Leonardo 27(2):165-169. 1994.
"Library strategy towards the year 2001." In Proceedings of the Telephassa Seminar, edited by Jos de Kort and Ellis Vermeer. Tilburg: Tilburg University Library. 1993.
"Experience in collection development for an electronic library." In Knowledge for Europe: librarians and publishers working together, edited by Hans-Peter Geh, John Davies and Marc Walckiers, 144-157. M�nchen: K. G. Saur. 1993.
(with Thomas Dopirak, Parviz Dousti, Joseph Rafail, and Arthur W. Wetzel) "The design of the Mercury Electronic Library." EDUCOM Review 27(6):38-41. 1992.
"The virtual library." In National Conference on Networking and the Future of Libraries. Bath: UK Office for Library Networking. 1992.
"Scholarly publishing on the national networks." Scholarly Publishing 23:158-169. 1992.
(with others) "The Mercury Electronic Library and Library Information System II: the First Three Years". Mercury Technical Reports Series, 6, February 1992. MS Word.
"Reflections on Andrew." EDUCOM Review 25(3):33-43. 1990.
"Electronic publishing and the academic library." In Publishing: the next generation, proceedings of the eleventh annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, 11-16. 1989.
(with Thomas J. Michalak) "The merger of libraries with computing at Carnegie Mellon University." British Journal of Academic Librarianship 3:153-164. 1989.
(with Thomas J. Michalak) "Carnegie Mellon University." In Campus strategies for libraries and electronic information, edited by Caroline R. Arms, 243-273. Bedford MA: Digital Press. 1989.
"Andrew Plus: personal computing at Carnegie Mellon." Abacus, 5:30-43. 1988.
(with John Leong) "Carnegie Mellon University." In Campus networking strategies, edited by Caroline R. Arms, 67-89. Bedford MA: Digital Press. 1988.
"Institutional decision-making and commitment to computers in education." In Proceedings of the Symposium on Medical Informatics, 101-107. Association of American Medical Colleges. 1986.
"Intellectual property rights and computer software." SIGUCCS Newsletter 16:8-16. 1985.
"The Museum Prototype Project, the search for integration." In Second international conference on automatic processing of art history data and documents, edited by Laura Corti, 1:27-42. Pisa: Regione Toscana. 1984.
"Scholarly information." EDUCOM Bulletin 18(3/4):21-23. 1983.
(with Douglas Van Houweling) "Information technology opportunities for higher education: the view from Carnegie-Mellon and Dartmouth." In Colleges Enter the Information Society, the 1983 national conference for higher education. Washington DC: American Association for Higher Education. 1983.
"Dartmouth College." In Campus computing strategies, edited by John W. McCredie, 43-65. Bedford MA: Digital Press. 1983.
(with Stanley D. Dunten and David S. Pearson) "The Kiewit Network." IEEE Compcon fall '82 conference. 1982.
"The Kiewit Network at Dartmouth College." In Emerging campus communications, proceedings of the thirteenth annual seminar for academic computing services, 165-170. Corvallis OR: Oregon State University. 1982.
"Micros, networks, and time-sharing". In Proceedings of the IFIP conference Involving Micros in Education, edited by R. Lewis and E. D. Tagg, 13-17. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 1982.
(with A. Elizabeth Hanes) Linear, an interactive linear programming package. Hanover NH: Dartmouth College Computing. 1980.
(with Elisha R. Huggins and others) "Minicomputers in undergraduate education." In: Computer assisted learning, edited by E. D. Tagg and R. Lewis, 13-22. London: IFIP. 1979.
"The Dartmouth CAUSE project" In Proceedings of NECC 1979 National Education Computing Conference, edited by Diana Harris, 99-100. Iowa City: University of Iowa. 1979.
(with Caroline R. Arms) The application of clustering techniques to citation data. Bath: Bath University Library. 1978.
(with Caroline R. Arms) "Cluster analysis used on social science journal citations." Journal of Documentation 34:1-11. 1978.
"A design for computational teaching packages." In Proceedings of 1977 Conference on Computers in the Undergraduate Curricula, edited by Don A. Christensen, 159-163. East Lansing MI: Michigan State University. 1977.
"Usefulness and style of secondary publications: an experimental information service." In: EURIM II, a European conference on the application of research in information services and libraries, edited by W. E. Batten. London: Aslib. 1976.
(with F. Leslie Irvine) "A mathematical programming package: one of a family of interactive teaching programs." In Conference on Computer Aided Instruction. Loughborough: Loughborough University. 1976.
"Individual secondary services and their optimization." In International workshop of secondary service producers, edited by Peter M. Ketley, 9-13. British Library Research and Development Reports 5289. 1976.
(with John E. Baker and R. Michael Pengelly) A practical approach to computing. London: John Wiley. 1976.
(with Caroline R. Arms) The relationship between usefulness and style of secondary publications. Bath: Bath University Library. 1974.
(with Timothy P. Walter) "A simulation model for purchasing duplicate copies in a library." Journal of Library Automation 7:73-82. 1974.
"Operational research in libraries." In Studies in library management, volume two, edited by Gileon Holroyd, 76-91. London: Clive Bingley. 1974.
"Duplication in union catalogues." Journal of Documentation 29:373-379. 1973.
(with Caroline R. Arms) Clustering of journal titles according to citation data: report on preparatory work, design, data collection and preliminary analysis. Bath: Bath University Library. 1973.
(with Caroline R. Arms) Pilot conversion of the Union Catalogue of Books. London: National Central Library. 1972.
"Interlibrary lending and photocopying." In The scope for automatic data processing in the British Library, edited by Maurice B. Line, 363-496. London: HMSO. 1972.
Last changed: September 2017