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With that in mind, i created this website... i hope that it will lead to the fulfillment of all your wishes... or, at least, help you get started. :-) Mostly now the site is just links, but i hope to have more content up soon... but currently, if you're interested in Buddhism you can read about/look at a list of annotated links on Buddhism, or just skip to a huge, barely organized list. You can also read about and get links to a list of Tibetan Monasteries in India, historic Tibet (the Chinese Tibet Autonomous Region), Bhutan, and Nepal. Or, read about His Holiness the Dalai Lama or other teachers i have studied with in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Along these lines, i also have a historic speech given by Venerable Tenzin Gephel at an Amnesty International human rights day event. Then when you're done with that... anyone who's studied Tibetan Buddhism for long gets involved in Tibet issues... read about it over in my Activism pages. Email your Senators today. Bo Ranzen! Free Tibet! :-) Or if you're still feeling like you need some inspiration.... head over to my Spirituality/Inter-religious Dialogue page. I also have a page about little ol' me, which you can read if you're bored. Peace, Joy, Happiness to You, [ Buddhism | Activism | Spirituality | About Us | Links ] |