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Black History month - Feb. 2002

I'm not black, of course, just full of liberal white guilt. :-) So here's a tip of the hat to my brothers and sisters of color who helped get this country closer to living up to it's creed, that all men are created equal.


William Edward Burghardt
Du Bois
Laura Wheeler Waring
Oil on canvas, not dated
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, gift of Walter Waring in memory of his wife, Laura Wheeler Waring, through the Harmon Foundation


10 Great Novels by African Americans

Biography and literary criticism of Maya Angelou

Encarta's coverage of Black History month

CNN's coverage, mostly bogus, got one right here with a profile on Myrlie Evers-Williams.

Chuck D's pick for who should be honored during Black History month.

The History Channel's coverage, which includes video clips of African-Americans, hosted by actor Don Cheadle. Also, check out the History Channel's collection of speeches; included are historic speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.

William Albert Allard's "Traveling with the Blues" photo exhibit (National Geographic).


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