This page summarizes some of the interesting work related to
modern bibliographic tools and bibliographic databases.
DBLP is a huge effort by a dedicated team that has so
far assembled bibliographic entries for 830,000 publications in
computer science. CrossTeX collects its data from DBLP, thereby
ensuring that it is fresh and constantly updated.
- CS Bib
The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies.
- CiteSeer
Scientific literature digital library.
- Google Scholar
Search engine dedicated to scientific publications on the web.
- arXiv
E-prints in physics, mathematics, computer science and quantitative biology.
- BibTeX
The venerable workhorse of academic publishing. I cannot find
a definitive project page for it, however.
- EndNote
A PC product that does what BibTex does, for Word on Windows.
- Nbibtex
A tool for semantics citations.
- Pybliographer
A Python tool for managing bibliographic databases.
- JabRef
A graphical editor for BibTeX databases, which are compatible with CrossTeX. JabRef includes the ability to convert between short and long journal names by changing the database based on included lists of abbreviations, which have been used as the base of CrossTeX journal databases of objects with short and long forms that can be chosen when invoking crosstex.
- KBibTeX
Another graphical database manager.
- BibTex-XML-HTML Project
Transforms your BibTeX database into HTML by way of XML.
- RefDB
A reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and LaTeX/BibTeX documents that allows users to share databases over a network.
Subsection on BibTeX related tools.