Next we examine the latencies incurred by CoDoNS for proactive update propagation. Figure 9 shows the delay incurred for disseminating updates to resource records replicated at different levels. 98% of the replicas are updated within one second even for level-0 records, which are replicated at all nodes in the system. It takes a few seconds longer to update some replicas due to high variance in network delays and loads at some hosts. The latency to update 99% of replicas one hop from the home node is about one second. Overall, update propagation latency in CoDoNS depends on the extent of replication of records. In the worst case, it takes log N hops to update all the nodes in the network. For a million node CoDoNS network, updating 99% of replicas would take far less than a minute for even the most popular domain names replicated throughout. This enables nameowners to relocate their services without noticeable disruptions to their clients.