QMG 1.1 Reference Manual
This guide contains a list of the QMG functions organized by categories of functionality. There are some general principles about QMG functions.

The categories of functionality are:

You may also select from the following alphabetized list of QMG functions. Some of the low-level and utility functions are missing from this list.

General principles about QMG functions

QMG functions all begin with the prefix "gm" for geometry. The lower level functions begin with "gm_"; these lower level functions are often accessed through higher level functions. QMG functions are "functional" in nature. This means that their arguments are passed in via a call-by-value mechanism, they produce outputs that are the actual objects rather than handles or pointers, and they have no side effects (except for I/O routines). This functional nature simplifies the model of programming but means that there is a lot of extra copying done in QMG. In the future we may support a more object-oriented user interface. Some of the functions, like gm_addface, would be more natural in an object-oriented setting than in the current functional setting.

If an argument or return variable is a brep or simplicial complex, then the argument/return variable is in chunk format unless otherwise indicated.

After the name of each routine, there is an indication whether it is written Matlab, Tcl/Tk, or C++. For routines written in C++, we indicate the Matlab and Tcl/Tk calling formats.

Arguments in curly braces are optional. The text describes the default values for optional arguments. Many of the routines take an optional 'tol' argument as their last argument. There is a separate page about the tol argument.

Other standard formats for arguments are as follows. Vectors and matrices in Matlab are just ordinary vectors and matrices. Vectors in Tcl are lists, and matrices in Tcl nested lists. See the syntax synopsis for an example. String literals in Matlab must be quoted with single quotes. In Tcl/Tk double quotes are used for string literals, and are optional unless the string has embedded spaces.

Geometric modeling: low-level constructors

Cautionary notes concerning low-level constructors

gm_addface (C++)

Matlab: newbrep=gm_addface(brep, dim, eq, rhs, point);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gm_addface $brep $dim $eq $rhs $point]
This function adds a new face to the given brep. The face is added at dimension dim. The new face will be the highest-numbered face of that dimension. Arguments eq is a matrix with orthonormal rows and rhs is the right-hand side vector. Together these two arguments specify the linear equations Ax=b containing the hull of the new face. Argument point is a vector containing a point in the relative interior of the new face.

Note that if you want to build a brep, but you want QMG to figure out the affine coefficients, rhs and point, you can alternatively construct the brep as a string and then execute gm_in on the string. (You must specify the coordinates of 0-dimensional faces with this technique.) This is the technique used in gmcone.

The new face has no children, internal boundaries, or property-value pairs. These can be inserted with gm_addpropvl and gm_addsubface.

See the cautionary notes.

gm_addpropval (C++)

Matlab: newbrep=gm_addpropval(brep, fdim, faceind, prop, val);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gm_addpropval $brep $fdim $faceind $prop $val]
This function adds a new property-value pair to a face of a brep, and returns the so-modified brep. Arguments fdim and faceind indicate the facespec of the face to modify. Arguments prop and val are both strings. If the property already exists, then this routine replaces its old value with val. The built-in properties (children, internalboundary, affine_coef, affine_rhs, point) cannot be changed with this function.

To delete a property-value pair from a face, set the val to the empty string.

Property names of faces are not case sensitive.

See the cautionary notes.

gm_addsubface (C++)

Matlab: newbrep=gm_addsubface(brep, fdim, faceind, type, subfacedim, subfaceind);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gm_addsubface $brep $fdim $faceind $type $subfacedim $subfaceind]
This function adds a subface (i.e., an internal boundary or a bounding child face) to a face of a brep. The input brep is the first argument. Arguments fdim and faceind are the facespec of the face that will get the subface. Argument type is 0 for an internal boundary and 1 for a child. Finally, arguments subfacedim and subfaceind are the facespec of the subface that is getting added.

See the cautionary notes.

gm_emptybrep (C++)

Matlab: newbrep = gm_emptybrep(dim);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gm_emptybrep $dim]
This function creates an empty brep (no faces) whose embedded dimension is the given argument. Generally one starts adding faces to this object with gm_addface. The intrinsic dim is initially -1 and goes up as faces are added.

gm_poly (C++)

Matlab: newbrep = gm_poly(vtxlist, startpos {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gm_poly $vtxlist $startpos { $tol}]
This routine creates a 2D polygon. The argument vtxlist is a matrix of vertices. Each row has two entries that are vertex coordinates. These are the vertices of the polygon in consecutive order. (It doesn't matter whether the order is clockwise or counterclockwise.) This list of vertices may be contain several different loops (if the boundary of the polygon has more than loop). The integer array startpos is an increasing array of integers; each of these integers is a row index into matrix vtxlist. Each entry in startpos is the starting position of a loop. Array startpos must have at least one entry: its first entry must be zero since the first loop starts at position 0.

A graphical front-end to this routine is provided by gmmouse.

gm_rmface (C++)

Matlab: newbrep = gm_rmface(brep, fdim, faceind);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gm_rmface $brep $fdim $faceind]
This function deletes the face whose facespec specified by (fdim,faceind). It then renumbers the faces of that level, and updates the child and internal boundary lists of higher-dimensional faces for the new numbering. A warning is printed on the console if you delete a face that is referred to as a subface by a higher-dimensional face. (A brep with a dangling child/internal boundary index can cause a segmentation violation.)

gm_simpcomplex (C++)

Matlab: newsmpcomp = gm_simpcomplex(idim, edim, vtxcoord, smpvtx, vtxsource);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newsmpcomp [gm_simpcomplex $idim $edim $vtxcoord $smpvtx $vtxsource]
This function creates a new simplicial complex whose intrinsic dimension is idim (integer), whose embedded dimension is edim (integer), with coordinates located at vtxcoord (matrix with real entries, one row per vertex), simplices specified by smpvtx (matrix with integer entries; each row is the indices of the vertices that define that particular simplex), and vertex sources specified by vtxsource (integer matrix with two entries per row; each row is a facespec). In smpvtx, the number of vertices starts at 0.

Geometric modeling: high-level constructors

High-level constructors are used to construct breps and transformation matrices. The constructors for breps are as follows:

gmbasics (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: [p,l,s,c]=gmbasics;
The four return variables are four breps, which are the following: a point embedded in R^0, a line segment embedded in R^1, a square embedded in R^2 and a cube embedded in R^3. The segment is [0,1], the square is [0,1] x [0,1] and the cube is [0,1] x [0,1] x [0,1].

The Tcl/Tk version is slightly different:

Tcl/Tk: gmset b [gmbasic $dim]
where $dim is the dimension of the unit object that you want (e.g., $dim=2 sets b to a square).

gmhalfspace (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: brep = gmhalfspace(nrml, rhs);
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep [gmhalfspace $nrml $rhs]
This routine constructs a halfspace, that is, a set of the form {x: a'x<=b}. Argument nrml is the vector a in this formula, and scalar argument rhs is the scalar b in this formula.

gmmouse (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: brep = gmmouse; or brep = gmmouse(tol);
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep [gmmouse {$tol}]
This routine allows the user to click the mouse in the drawing window to draw the boundary a 2-D brep. The boundary is composed of one or more closed paths. A brep is returned. This function passes the sequence of clicks directly to gm_poly.

The paths may be clicked in either clockwise or counterclockwise order.

The user should not click a path in which boundary segments cross through each other. The program does not currently check for this error condition, but this can be checked with gmcheckbrep.

gmpolygon (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: brep = gmpolygon(k);
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep [gmpolygon $k]
Here, k is an integer 3 or larger. This routine constructs a regular polygon (a 2D brep) with k sides centered at the origin. The polygon is scaled so that it is inscribed in the unit circle.

High-level transformation constructors

The following routines construct affine transformation matrices. These transformation matrices are meant to be used by the gmapply function. A transformation matrix is m-by-(n+1), with m>=n. The last column of a transformation is a translation; the first m-by-n columns are a linear operator.

gmdilate (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: mat = gmdilate(arg1,arg2,...,argd);
Tcl/Tk: gmset mat [gmdilate $arg1 $arg2 ... $argd];
Each arg is a nonzero real number. The result is a d-by-(d+1) transformation that does dilation of the coordinates. Negative entries do reflection. The number of arguments d can be as large as 6.

gmrotate (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: mat = gmrotate(angle {, d, coord1, coord2});
Tcl/Tk: gmset mat [gmrotate $angle { $d $coord1 $coord2}]
This routine constructs a d-dimensional rotation in plane coord1-coord2. The amount of the rotation is angle radians in the counterclockwise direction. If there is only one argument to this routine, then d=2 is assumed, and the plane rotation is in the (x_1,x_2) plane.

Note that the third and fourth argument, coordinates, are numbered starting from 1 in Matlab but starting from 0 in Tcl/Tk.

gmtranslate (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: mat = gmtranslate(arg1,arg2,...,argd);
Tcl/Tk: gmset mat [gmtranslate $arg1 arg2 ... $argd]
Each arg is a real number. This routine constructs a d-dimensional translation operator, where the translation amounts in each dimension are the arguments. The number of arguments can be as large as 6.

Unary operations

Unary operators are used to construct a brep from another brep, or a simplicial complex from another simplicial complex.

gmapply (C++)

Matlab: obj2 = gmapply(mat, obj1{, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset obj2 [gmapply $mat $obj1 {$tol}]
Here, obj1 is a brep or simplicial complex, and mat is an affine transformation of the correct dimension. The affine transformation is applied to the object, and the transformed object is returned.

This function, when applied to breps, assigns the same property-value lists to faces of the output brep that were assigned to the input brep.

The mat argument can be any matrix of size m-by-(d+1), where d is the embedded dimension of the object and m>=d. This matrix can be constructed using some combination of transformation constructors, possibly combined with gmcompose. If we partition the matrix as [A,b] where A is m-by-d and by is m-by-1, then the transformation applied is x --> Ax-b.

gmboundary (C++)

Matlab: newsimpcomp = gmboundary(simpcomp);
or: [newsimpcomp, vtxsrc] = gmboundary(simpcomp);
Tcl/Tk: gmset lst [gmboundary $simpcomp]
This routine applies the boundary operator to a simplicial complex, and returns the resulting simplicial complex. The resulting simplicial complex has the same embedded dimension, an intrinsic dimension of one less, and a subset of the vertices.

The second return argument vtxsrc is an array of integer indices. This array has one entry for each vertex of the new simplicial complex. This entry is the index of the corresponding vertex in the original simplicial complex.

In the Tcl/Tk version, the return variable is a list with two elements, the first being the new simplicial complex and the second being the integer array (vtxsrc).

gmbrepsimplify (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newbrep = gmbrepsimplify(brep {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gmbrepsimplify $brep {$tol}]
This routine simplifies a brep by repeatedly calling the C++ routine gm_brepsimp(brep,j,tol), with j=0,1,2. Each time it calls this routine, it checks whether the number of brep faces decreases or child and internal boundary links decreases. When the numbers stop decreasing, the routine returns the resulting brep.

The lower-level routine gm_brepsimp(brep,opcode,tol) simplifies a brep in one of three ways. If opcode is 0, it tries to merge faces of the brep with the same dimension and same affine hull. Merging can take place only if the two faces have the same collection of parent faces.

If opcode=1, then gm_brepsimp searches for faces containing interior boundaries that are external to the face. Such internal boundaries are then unlinked from the face containing them.

If opcode=2, gm_brepsimp deletes all internal boundaries that can be legally deleted. An internal boundary can be legally deleted only if it is a subface of a zero or one superfaces.

This routine can be called after the boolean operations to get rid of unwanted internal boundaries. For instance, suppose you execute:

s2 = gmunite(s, gmapply(gmtranslate(1,0)), s);
In other words, you unite the unit square with a copy of the unit square translated right by 1 unit. The result s2 will be a brep that looks like this:

The gmbrepsimplify routine will first merge e2 and e6, as well as e4 and e5. It will also delete the internal boundary e3. Then it will notice that v3, v4 are internal boundaries of the new merged edges and delete them. The result will be a rectangle with four sides (two sides of length 2 and two of length 1) and four vertices.

gmcompo (C++)

Matlab: result=gmcompo(obj, {tol});
Tcl/Tk gmset result [gmcompo $obj {$tol}]
This routine splits the input object obj (either a brep or simplicial complex) into connected components. The return value depends on whether the object is a brep or simplicial complex. If it is a brep, then the return value is a new brep. In this new brep, every face has been individually split into connected components. Each face of the new brep assigned a property name "previous" whose value is the facespec of the face in the input brep of which it is a component. In addition, each face is tagged with a property-value pair "component" followed by an integer. This tag identifies which component of the whole brep contains the face. The components are numbered sequentially starting from 0.

If a face has an internal boundary that is external to the face itself, then this internal boundary is dropped by gmcompo.

If the input argument obj is a simplicial complex, then the return variable is an integer array whose number of entries is equal to the number of vertices in the simplicial complex. These integers identify which component contains the specified vertex. The components are numbered sequentially starting from 0.

gmcone (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: brep2=gmcone(brep1,point {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep2 [gmcone $brep1 $point {$tol}]
If brep1 has embedded dimension d, this creates a new brep with embedded dimension d+1. The new brep is a cone whose base is a copy of brep1 embedded in the x_{d+1}=0 plane. The second argument is the apex of the cone. It must be a d+1-vector whose last entry is not zero.

The gmcone function ignores the property-value lists of faces of the input brep, and its output brep has no property-value pairs initially.

gmdoubleib (C++)

This function is documented in the finite-element solver page.

gmembed (C++)

Matlab: obj2=gmembed(obj1 {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset obj2 [gmembed $obj1 {$tol}];
Argument obj1 is either a brep or a simplicial complex. If the object has embedded dimension d, this creates a new object with embedded dimension d+1. The new object is simply a copy of the old one, embedded in the x_{d+1}=0 plane of the higher dimensional space.

The gmembed function calls gmapply with a matrix that consists of the identity with a row of zeros concatenated (for the new dimension) and a column of zeros (for a translation of zero) concatenated.

gmprism (C++)

Matlab: brep2=gmprism(brep1 {, height {, tol} });
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep2 [gmprism $brep1 { $height { $tol} }]
If brep1 has embedded dimension d, this creates a new brep with embedded dimension d+1. The new brep is the prism formed by joining a copy of brep1 embedded in the x_{d+1}=0 plane to a parallel copy in the x_{d+1}=height plane. If the height argument is absent, the default value is 1.

The gmprism function, like gmcone, clears property-value pairs.

gm_unary (C++)

Matlab: brep2=gm_unary(brep1 , opcode {, tol} );
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep2 [gm_unary $brep1 $opcode { $tol}]
This routine computes either a complement or an outside/inside version of an object. If the opcode argument is 0, the routine computes a complement. The complement for a full-dimensional object is defined as follows. All boundary faces of lower dimension stay the same. The toplevel face is replace by a toplevel face consisting of those points that are not in any boundary and were not in any toplevel face of the input brep. (There may not be any such points, in which case the complement has no toplevel face.)

The complement of an object that is not full-dimensional is a new brep with all the same lower dimensional faces, and a toplevel face that is all of R^d, with internal boundaries that are the lower dimensional faces.

Note that the complement of the complement of g is not necessarily g. The complement of the complement differs in the case that g has multiple top-level faces ( g is said to be "MTL" in this case). In this case, the complement of the complement will have a single top-level face, and any subface that bounded two top-level subfaces of the original g will now be an internal boundary of the new g.

If the opcode is 1, the routine computes an inside/outside version of the object. This is an object has the same top-level face or faces as the input brep, plus one additional toplevel face that is the complement of all the original top-levels. Thus, the inside-outside version has top level faces covering all of R^d, where d is the embedded dimension of the brep.

Binary operations

General notes on set-booleans

Set boolean operations take two breps as operands and return a new brep. All of these functions are implemented internally by gm_bool, a C++ routine that computes intersections. Function gm_bool may also invoke the C++ routines underlying gm_unary depending on the operation code given to it.

If A,B are two breps, then their intersection C is defined as follows. First, A and B must have the same embedded dimension. Consider embedding both of them in the space of their embedded dimension, say R^d. Label each point of R^d with the facespec of the lowest dimensional face of A containing the point, and also the lowest dimensional face of B. A point that is not in A or B is missing one of its labels. Only points that have both labels present are in the intersection. The faces of the intersection are defined by taking equivalence classes of points that have the same pair of labels.

If some of the faces of A or B have property-value pairs, then if this same face appears (either partly or in whole) in C, then its appearance in C is also marked with the same property-value pairs.

The algorithm for boolean operations is a fairly naive looping over all pairs of faces. The complexity of a boolean operation is O(mn(m+n)) where m is the combinatorial complexity of the first object and n is the combinatorial complexity of the second object. The standard reference for boolean operations on geometric objects is C. Hoffmann, ``Geometric and Solid Modeling: An Introduction,'' Morgan Kaufmann, 1989. The algorithms used in gm_bool for processing degeneracies (see below) are not the algorithms in Hoffmann's book, however. Optimizations to improve running time described in the book, such as face boxing, have not been implemented.

The result of set boolean operations often have internal boundaries because of degeneracies. Suppose that the embedded dimension is d, U is a face of A of dimension e, and V is a face of B of dimension f. Then in the generic case we would expect either that U and V do not meet or else that the intersection of U and V has intrinsic dimension e+f-d.

If the intrinsic dimension is some other integer, this is called a degeneracy. The set boolean routines check for degeneracies, and if so, carefully work around them in order to produce a correct brep. We believe that, in the presence of exact arithmetic, the set-boolean operations correctly handle degeneracies of any dimension. However, because the operations are implemented in double-precision floating point, there are cases when the degeneracy routines might fail. For instance

c = gmunite(a,gmapply(gmrotate(1e-12),a), 1e-13);
(that is, the union of a two-dimensional brep with a copy of it rotated by 10^(-12) radians) will very likely cause the routine gm_bool to generate an error or an erroneous brep.

Unwanted internal boundaries can be deleted with gmbrepsimplify.

gmintersect (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newbrep=gmintersect(brep1, brep2 {, tol} );
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gmintersect $brep1 $brep2 { $tol}]
This function computes the geometric intersection of two breps. See the preceding notes for the details on what "intersection" means.

gmsplit (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newbrep=gmsplit(brep1, brep2 {, tol} );
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gmsplit $brep1 $brep2 { $tol}]
This operation splits brep1 into two pieces, the part inside brep2 and the part outside brep2. The two pieces are both returned as the two top-level faces of newbrep. The resulting brep thus may have one or more MTL internal boundaries. This routine is equivalent to the intersection of brep1 with the outside/inside version of brep2. See the preceding notes for the details on what "intersection" means. See the notes on gm_unary for information about computing outside/inside breps.

gmsubtract (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newbrep=gmsubtract(brep1, brep2 {, tol} );
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gmsubtract $brep1 $brep2 { $tol}]
This computes the set difference brep1 minus brep2 is computed. This routine is implemented as the intersection of brep1 with the complement of brep2. See the preceding notes for the details on what "intersection" means. See the notes on gm_unary for information about computing complements.

In the case that brep2 has a lower dimension than brep1, this routine is a useful way to create SL internal boundaries.

gmunite (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newbrep=gmunite(brep1, brep2 {, tol} );
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gmunite $brep1 $brep2 { $tol}]
This operation computes the set union of two breps. The set union is defined to be the complement of the intersection of the complement of brep1 and the complement of brep2. See the preceding notes for the details on what "intersection" means. See the notes on gm_unary for information about computing complements.

gmcompose (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: mat = gmcompose(mat1,mat2);
Tcl/Tk: gmset mat [gmcompose $mat1 $mat2]
This function composes two affine transformations, and returns the composition. Thus, result = gmapply(mat1, gmapply(mat2, obj)) should be equivalent to result = gmapply(gmcompose(mat1, mat2), obj) for any obj, but the latter is more efficient.

The transformations must have compatible sizes: the number of columns in the first must be one more than the number of rows in the second.

Geometric modeling: accessors

This suite of routines allows you to query, and in some cases modify, properties of brep, simplicial complexes, and faces of breps.

gmcheckbrep (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: error_string = gmcheckbrep(brep {,tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset error_string [gmcheckbrep $brep {$tol}]
This routine checks the correctness of a brep. The return variable is a string containing an error message, or a length-zero string if the brep is correct. See the list of correctness properties. The routine first calls the low level routine gm_verif which checks things like correct containment of the face's point in the affine hull of the face, all boundary faces closing, and so on. Then the routine uses gmintersect to intersect the object with itself. This intersection should be a copy of the original object. If not, then the original object has two faces that meet each other improperly.

This second part of gmcheckbrep (intersecting the brep with itself) has cubic running time. If the you would prefer something faster but less comprehensive, you should call gm_verif instead.

gmget (C++)

This routine is called in one of two ways. The call gmget(obj) in Matlab or gmget $obj in Tcl/Tk prints a list of properties and values of an object. For a brep, the properties are Type (which is the string ``brep''), EmbeddedDim, IntrinsicDim, Level0Size, and so on up to LeveldSize, where d is an integer that is the intrinsic dimension. There are no values returned. Please see the documentation on breps.

For a simplicial complex, the properties are Type (which is the string ``simpcomplex''), EmbeddedDim, IntrinsicDim, NumVertices, NumSimplices, Vertices, Simplices, and SourceSpec. Please see the documentation on simplicial complexes.

The second way of calling gmget is

Matlab: val = gmget(obj,prop);
Tcl/Tk: gmset val [gmget $obj $prop]
Here, prop is a string that is the name of a valid property for the object (e.g. 'IntrinsicDim') in question. The return value is the value of this property. It may be a string, integer, array, or matrix.

The names of the properties are not case sensitive, i.e., intrinsicdim is the same as IntrinsicDim.

gmgetf (C++)

This routine is called in one of two ways. The call gmgetf(brep,fdim,faceind) in Matlab or gmgetf $brep $fdim $faceind in Tcl/Tk displays all the properties and values associated with a face of the brep, where (fdim,faceind) is a facespec.

Note that fdim must lie between 0 and the intrinsic dim of the brep and faceind must lie between 0 and LeveldSize-1, where d stands for fdim,

These properties always include the built-in properties of Children, InternalBoundary, Affine_Coef, Affine_Rhs, and Point. The remaining properties are user-defined and can be inserted with the gm_addpropval function. A property that is meaningful for the mesh generator is size_control. Properties that are meaningful for the finite-element solver are bc, source and conductivity. The color property is meaningful for the graphics routines. The user may define additional properties at his/her discretion.

The second way to call the routine is

Matlab: val = gmgetf(brep,fdim,faceind,prop);
Tcl/Tk: gmset val [gmgetf $brep $fdim $faceind $prop]
Here, prop is a string that is a property name. If the brep face in question does not have the property, then an empty string is returned. In either case, this can be tested by checking the length of val.

Property names for faces are not case-sensitive.

The property name can be a built-in name such as affine_coef, point, affine_rhs, children, or internalboundary. It can also be numpropval, propd, or vald, to access the number of property-value pairs and the dth property value pair.

gm_isfinite (C++)

Matlab: result = gm_isfinite(brep {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset result [gm_isfinite $brep {$tol}]
This routine returns 1 if the brep is finite and zero if it is infinite.

gm_smpsrc (C++)

Matlab: fspecarray = gm_smpsrc(brep, simpcomplex {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset fspecarray [gm_smpsrc $brep $simpcomplex {$tol}]
This routine takes a brep and a simplicial complex that is a mesh for that brep (generated with one of the mesh generators). For each simplex of the simplicial complex, this routine returns the lowest dimensional face of the brep containing that simplex. The return argument fspecarray is an array with one row per simplex of the simplicial complex, and two integers per row. These two integers are a facespec.

Mesh generation and finite element analysis

The mesh generator is gmmeshgen, which is either a Matlab program or Tcl/Tk program that is a front end for the two mesh generation algorithms. The mesh generator is documented in a separate page.

There are two separate mesh generation algorithms in QMG, the quadtree/octree mesh generator and the Delaunay mesh generator. To directly invoke the quadtree/octree mesh generator, use the call:

Matlab: mesh = gm_meshgen(brep, size_control, user_data, expansion_factors, logfilename, verbosity_level, gui_active {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset mesh [gm_meshgen $brep $size_control $user_data $expansion_factors $logfilename $verbosity_level $gui_active {$tol}]
See the separate page for an explanation of these items. The Delaunay mesh generator is directly invoked with:
Matlab: mesh = gm_ldmeshgen(brep, dim, size_control, user_data {, min_angle {, tol} });
Tcl/Tk: gmset mesh [gm_ldmeshgen $brep $dim $size_control $user_data { $min_angle {$tol}}]
It is recommended that you invoke both of these with gmmeshgen since their argument sequence may change in future releases of QMG.

After every single run of the mesh generator, you should immediate execute gmchecktri, which is also documented in the separate page.

A mesh can be refined; that is, each of its simplices can be subdivided into 2^d subsimplices by gmrefine. This routine is documented in the other page.

The finite element solver is named gmfem.. It is documented separately. Before calling gmfem, you must set boundary conditions on the brep using the gm_addpropval routine. You must also have generated a mesh with the gmmeshgen function. Routine gmfem and its subsidiary routines are all written in Matlab.

In order to figure out how QMG has numbered the faces of your brep (you must know the numbering to use gm_addproval) it is very helpful to use the graphics routines described below.


gmrndcolor (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newbrep=gmrndcolor(brep {, dim});
Tcl/Tk: gmset newbrep [gmrndcolor $brep {$dim }]
This routine produces a new brep that is the same as the old brep, except that all faces of dimension dim are colored according to a random ordering of about 20 pre-designated colors. (Just like gm_addpropval, this routine does not change its calling argument and therefore is useless without a return variable.) See the graphics page for more information about colors.

The dim argument is optional; if it is not specified, then it defaults to the embedded dimension of the brep minus 1, or the intrinsic dimension, whichever is smaller.

If a face is already colored, then gmrndcolor leaves it with the color that it has.

gmshowcolor (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: gmshowcolor(brep {, dim});
Tcl/Tk gmshowcolor $brep {$dim}
This routine displays a diagram showing the colors of the faces of the brep of dimension dim. Using this routine in conjunction with gmrndcolor and gmvize is very helpful for figuring out the numbering of the faces so that you can assign boundary conditions for the finite element package.

The dim argument is optional; if it is not specified, then it defaults the same way as in gmrndcolor.

gmviz (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: gmviz(obj {, colorspecs, {dims {,tol}}});
Tcl/Tk: gmviz $obj {$colorspecs {$dims {$tol}}}
This routine displays a brep or simplicial complex. The display is controlled by gmvizgui. See the graphics page for more information on this function.

gmvizgui (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: gmvizgui
Tcl/Tk: gmvizgui
This routine pops up a GUI. This GUI controls the behavior of the graphics commands gmviz and gmplot. See the graphics page for more information.

gmplot (Matlab only)

Matlab: gmplot(scomplex, field {, solnrange {, cmap}});
The gmplot routine displays a color picture of a 2D or surface 3D finite element solution. It is available only in Matlab. See the graphics page for more information.

External Interfaces and Format Conversion

gm_in (C++)

Matlab: obj = gm_in(str {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset obj [gm_in $str {$tol}]
Argument str is a string and obj is an object. This routine takes a brep or simplicial complex in Ascii form and returns the same object in chunk form. The various formats are documented in the page on geometric objects.

gm_out (C++)

Matlab: str = gm_out(obj {, compress {, tol}});
Tcl/Tk: gmset str [gm_out $obj { $compress { $tol}}]
Here, str is a string and obj is an object, either a brep or simplicial complex in chunk form. The return argument is a string. This routine converts the object from chunk format to Ascii format. For simplicial complexes, the latter two arguments have no effect. For breps, if compress is set to 1 then gm_out will omit the affine-hull property-value pairs and point property-value pairs wherever possible. The default is compression.

gmwrite (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: gmwrite(obj,filename);
Tcl/Tk: gmwrite $obj $filename
where filename is a string and obj is an object. This routine writes a brep or simplicial complexes in Ascii format into the file using gm_out with compression enabled. The filename is first processed by gm_ofile .

gmread (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: obj = gmread(filename);
Tcl/Tk: gmset obj [gmread $filename]
where filename is a string and obj is an object. This filename argument is a string. This string is processed by gm_ifile. This routine reads in a brep/simplicial complex in Ascii format that was saved by the gmwrite command.

gm_ifile (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newfilename = gm_ifile(filename);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newfilename [gm_ifile $filename]
This routine processes an input filename argument, that is, the argument to gmread or gmoffread. It looks for the file in the current working directory, and if the file is not found there, it looks in the path specified by global variable qmg_data. This global variable is initialized to be the environment variable QMG_DATA by startup.m in Matlab, or by qmg_init.tcl in Tcl/Tk.

gm_ofile (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: newfilename = gm_ofile(filename);
Tcl/Tk: gmset newfilename [gm_ofile $filename]
This routine processes an output filename argument, that is, the argument to gmwrite or gmoffwrite. It checks whether the file name is a relative or absolute path. If the filename is absolute, then newfilename is set to filename. If filename is relative, then newfilename is set to qmg_data/filename. This global variable is initialized to be the environment variable QMG_DATA by startup.m in Matlab or by qmg_init.tcl in Tcl/Tk.

gmoffread and gmoffwrite (C++)

brep = gmoffread(filename {,tol});
gmoffwrite(brep,filename {,tol});
gmset brep [gmoffread $filename {$tol}]
gmoffwrite $brep $filename {$tol}
This pair of routines reads and writes breps in OFF format. The filename argument is a string. In the case of gmoffread, the filename argument is processed by gm_ifile. In the case of gmoffwrite, it is processed by gm_ofile.

OFF file format was designed by the Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota. This format is much simpler than QMG's Ascii format, but it also has less expressive power. With OFF format you can store only finite three-dimensional breps. No internal boundaries (either SL or MTL) are permitted, and each facet must be a simple polygon (no holes in a facet). No property-value pairs are stored, except colors can be stored in a limited manner.

In OFF format, there is a header line "OFF". The next line contains three integers, the number of vertices, the number of facets, and the number of edges. Say n is the number of vertices. The next n lines each contain three floating-point numbers which are vertex coordinates in R^3. Say m is the number of facets. The next m lines contain the specifications of the facets as sequences of integers. The first integer in a facet specification is the number of vertices in that facet, say p. The next p integers are the indices of the vertices in order around the boundary of the facet. These indices are zero-based and refer to the n coordinates. Following these p integers, there are optionally three real numbers between 0 and 1 which are an RGB color specification.

In the directory $QMG_ROOT/data shipped with QMG, the five Platonic solids are shipped in OFF-format.

Convex Hulls

There is no routine in QMG for computing convex hulls. However, you can obtain "qhull" from the Geometry Center for this purpose. Qhull can produce output in OFF format, which can then be read into QMG. If you use qhull to generate a convex hull, you must first modify the OFF file it produces. The OFF file produced by qhull begins with the number "3" as its first line (which is the dimension of the object). This line must be replaced with a line consisting of the word "OFF".

gmmpout (Matlab only)

Matlab: [A,xy]=gmmpout(mesh);
This routine produces a sparse symmetric matrix A that encodes the adjacency of the simplicial complex mesh, and a matrix xy with the coordinate information. These two data items A and xy can be used as input to the mesh partitioning toolbox. This is a Matlab toolbox for partitioning meshes and computing nested dissection orderings. For instance, to compute a nested dissection ordering from A and xy, you would say p = geond(A,xy); where geond is a routine in the toolbox. This permutation can then be used with gmrenumber to renumber a mesh.

The mesh partitioning toolbox was written by John Gilbert and Shang-Hua Teng at Xerox PARC. The geometric partitioning algorithm is based on work by Miller, Teng, Thurston and Vavasis. The matlab m-files for the toolbox are here.

gmrenumber (Matlab only)

Matlab: newmesh=gmrenumber(mesh, perm {,order});
This routine renumbers the vertices of a simplicial complex mesh according to the permutation vector perm. The permutation vector must be a permutation of {1,...,n}, where n is the number of vertices in the mesh. (Note: not {0,...,n-1}!). This can be used with an ordering computed by Metis or the mesh partitioning toolbox to get a nested dissection ordering of the stiffness matrix.

The optional third argument indicates whether to invert the permutation. If the third argument is nonnegative (default), then the permutation is used in its forward manner, i.e., the ith vertex of newmesh is the perm(i)'th vertex of mesh. If the third argument is negative, then the permutation is used inversely, i.e., the perm(i)'th vertex of newmesh is the ith vertex of mesh.

gmchacowrite (C++)

Matlab: gmchacowrite(mesh,filename);
Tcl/Tk: gmchacowrite $mesh $filename
This routine writes out the graph adjacency matrix for a mesh into the file specified by filename. The filename is first processed by gm_ofile. This graph adjacency data can then be used by either Chaco or Metis to partition the graph.

The file format is as follows. The first line contains two integers, the number of vertices and number of edges of the graph. Let n denote the number of vertices. Then the file has n+1 lines total. Let i (between 1 and n) be a vertex number. Then line i contains a space-delimited list of the vertices (numbered starting with 1) that are adjacent to vertex i.

Chaco was written by B. Hendrickson and R. Leland of Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque. Chaco is free software (at least for U.S. educational institutions), but it is not downloadable from the web. You must contact Sandia to obtain a copy. The Chaco user's guide, including information on how to obtain the software, is here in compressed format.

Metis was written by G. Karypis and V. Kumar of University of Minnesota. Metis is free software downloadable from the Metis home page.

gmq10in (C++)

Matlab: brep = gmq10in(string {, tol});
Tcl/Tk: gmset brep [gmq10in $string {$tol}]
This routine is analogous to gm_in, except that the string argument is in QMG1.0 format instead of QMG1.1 format. The brep may not have any properties named "affine_coef", "affine_rhs" or "point". The property name "color" is changed from a 3-tuple to a 4-tuple by appending a 1.

Utility routines and examples

delpt (Matlab; Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: mesh = delpt(points);
Tcl/Tk: gmset mesh [delpt $points]
This routine computes the Delaunay triangulation of points in the plane. The points are stored in the matrix points, which has one row per point with two entries per row. The two entries are the coordinates of the point (x,y). The routine returns a simplicial complex which is the Delaunay triangulation of the points. This routine is a "demo" rather than a shipped routine because the algorithm used is O(n^2) instead of the more efficient O(n log n) algorithms that can solve this problem.

The script ptdel.m/ptdel.tcl runs through a demo of this routine; you click the mouse in the graphics window to trace points, then delpt is invoked to compute a triangulation, which is then displayed via gmviz.

eval_log (Matlab; Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: eval_log(scriptfilename, logfilename);
Tcl/Tk: eval_log $scriptfilename { $logfilename }
This routine evaluates a script file and prints the results in the specified log file. In addition, it adds time stamps at the beginning and end of each command.

The matlab version of this routine is not able to handle multi-line constructions like 'if-then-else-end' or 'for-end'. These multi-line constructions should be expressed as a logically single line using commas and '...'. For instance, the following is OK for eval_log:

if a < 0, ...
  a = 0;, ...

In the Tcl/Tk version, if the logfile is omitted then the log is displayed on the console. (This option is not necessary for Matlab because Matlab has the "echo on" feature.)

gmhelp (Tcl/Tk only)

Tcl/Tk: gmhelp cmdname
This command prints out help on a function, similar to the help feature in matlab. In the case that the function is a Tcl procedure, this routine prints out comments that come at the beginning of the procedure's body. If the function is implemented in C++, then gmhelp looks up the help information in a file called built_in_help.

gmset (C++ but Tcl/Tk only)

Tcl/Tk: gmset varname value
This is a C++ routine in QMG that is part of the Tcl/Tk interface. It is the same as the built-in Tcl/Tk command set, except that it does not produce a return value. This is useful in an interactive setting, because typically the QMG routines return huge unreadable strings (chunk format breps and simplicial complexes) that the user does not want to see. The use of gmset is analogous to terminating a Matlab assignment statement with a semicolon.

gm_url (Matlab & Tcl/Tk)

Matlab: gm_url(browser, url);
Tcl/Tk: gm_url $browser $url
In this call, browser and url are both strings. This command tells the browser to open the specified URL. This is used by gmviz and gmplot for notification so that 3D VRML plots appear immediately in your browser. Currently supported browsers are Netscape Navigator for Windows and Unix, and Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows.

This documentation is written by Stephen A. Vavasis and is copyright (c) 1996 by Cornell University. Permission to reproduce this documentation is granted provided this notice remains attached. There is no warranty of any kind on this software or its documentation. See the accompanying file 'Copyright' for a full statement of the copyright.

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Stephen A. Vavasis, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, vavasis@cs.cornell.edu