M is for methodology —the programming
It’s not caught on big, but don’t sell it short.
A sonnet’s too long to capture its worth,
But a Haiku will work, if it’s absent of mirth.
Programming methodology
What economy,
elegance, simplicity,
beauty, poetry.
Cornell was heavily involved in formal programming methodology almost
from the start, e.g. with the first text to take correctness issues seriously
(Conway & Gries, 1973), automated proof checking (Constable, 1974
onward), an award-winning paper on proving parallel programs correct
(Owicki & Gries, 1975), a text on the science of programming (Gries,
1981), fault tolerance (Schneider & students, 1980s), a discrete
math text emphasizing calculational logic (Gries & Schneider, 1990s),
and a comprehensive text on concurrent programming (Schneider, 1997).
Unfortunately, methodological issues have not been integrated into the
undergrad curriculum as expected. In fact, the word “invariant” doesn’t
even appear in most intro-to-programming texts. The reason, I think,
is that teaching a “science” of programming requires teaching
a skill rather than simply facts, and instructors themselves have not
been willing to learn the skills. It is a pity, because with suitable
education in programming methodology, later courses in data structures,
algorithms, etc. become more efficient and effective. Moreover, students
are missing the sheer joy and intellectual fun that comes from watching
a beautiful algorithm emerge from following a methodology. The elegance,
the simplicity, the poetry in programming are missing.
/** Assume virtual elements
b[-1] = -infinity and b.[b.length] = +infinity.
Return a value i that satisfies
R: b[i] <= x < b[i+1] */
public static int binarySearch(int[] b, int x)
int i= -1; int j= b.length;
// inv: b[i] <= x < b[j] and
-1 <=
i < j <=
while (j != i+1) {
int e= (i+j)/2;
if (b[e] <=
x) i= e;
else j= e;
return i;
“…back in 1986, I wasn’t very impressed, and
I didn’t understand why I had to learn that stuff. … But
with the passing of the years, I have found that … [what]
you imparted to me —against my will— was the most valuable
thing I learned at Cornell. You taught us how to do proofs of correctness
of programs in the languages and environments, at the level that
we would need to do them in the real world, at a level of detail
that gave real assurance of correctness of code.”
—a Cornell PhD alumnus, in 2005