Many of these papers are available off the
TAL project's homepage in other formats including DVI, and PDF.
Compiling for Run-time Code Generation
Frederick Smith, Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett, Luke Hornof, and Trevor
Submitted for publication to the Journal of Functional Programming,
special issue on the Semantics, Applications, and Implementations of
Program Generation (JFP SAIG 2001).
Hancock: A Language for Extracting Signatures from Data Streams
Corinna Cortes, Kathleen Fisher, Daryl Pregibon, Anne Rogers, and
Frederick Smith.
Proc. of the Sixth ACM Int'l Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (SIGKDD '00),Boston, MA, August 2000, 9-17
This paper received the Best Paper Award.
Alias Types
Frederick Smith, David Walker, and Greg Morrisett
European Symposium on Programming (ESOP '00), Berlin Germany, October
2000, 366-381.
(postscript 229K,gzipped postscript 84K)
Companion Technical Report TR99-1773 with complete proofs. (postscript 435K, gzipped postscript 149K)
Hancock: A Language for Describing Signatures
Dan Bonachea, Anne Rogers, Kathleen Fisher, and Frederick Smith
In USENIX 2nd Conference on Domain-Specific Languages 1999, 163-176.
(postscript 771K, gzipped postscript 233K)
TALx86: A Realistic Typed Assembly Language
Greg Morrisett, Karl Crary, Neal Glew, Dan Grossman, Richard Samuels, Frederick Smith, David Walker, Stephanie Weirich, and Steve Zdancewic
In 1999 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Compiler Support for Systems Software (WCSSS '99), Atlanta, GA, May 1999, 25-35.
(postscript 321K,gzipped postscript 153K)
Comparing Mostly-Copying and Mark-Sweep Conservative Collection.
Frederick Smith and Greg Morrisett
Proc. of the International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM '98),
Vancouver, British Columbia, October 1998, 68-78.
(postscript 445K, gzipped postcript 105K)
Kleene Algebra with Tests: Completeness and Decidability.
Dexter Kozen and Frederick Smith
Proc. of the 10th Int. Workshop on Computer Science Logic(CSL'96),
ed. D. van Dalen and M. Bezem, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 1258, September 1996, 244-259.
(postscript 230K,gzipped postscript 64K)
Technical Reports