We have a history of writing texts that influence the field. Gries wrote the first text on compiler writing in 1971, and his 1981 text on the science of programming brought formal programming methodology to the undergrad level. John Hopcroft, and Ullman wrote the classic algorithms text in 1974; Kozen followed up with an algorithms text in 1991, and Tardos and Kleinberg just published an algorithms text that reflects modern multidisciplinary practices. Charlie Van Loan’s text on Matrix Computations (coauthored with Gene Golub) is one of the most widely cited text in the computing and mathematical sciences. Look, and you’ll find some 75 books by members of the CS department. You can also judge our education efforts by our awards: 7 honorary doctorates, 4 national/international awards for education, a NY State Professor of the Year (over all disciplines), and 9 exclusive Cornell teaching and advising awards to our current faculty.