Postdoc Openings
Posted: January 13, 2023
Updated: February 16, 2023
The newly established Cornell University AI for Science Institute (CUAISci) is joining the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship program, a program of Schmidt Futures, to accelerate the next scientific revolution by applying artificial intelligence to research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The Cornell program has selected ten postdocs in different scientific domains for the 2022–2023 academic year, and will host 20 new and continuing postdocs each year for the next five years. In addition, the program will host one new or continuing postdoc per year in computer science and AI.
CUAISci is seeking applications for one or two postdocs in computer science. The postdocs will focus on AI for science and will engage in research, mentoring, teaching activities, and scientific coordination of postdoc research projects, to support the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship program, a program of Schmidt Futures. The postdocs will be mentored by Professor Carla Gomes.
This is the same opportunity as the Cornell postdoc job listing and the CUAISci postdoc listing.
Requirements and Qualifications
- Applicants must hold a PhD in computer science, with a focus in AI, prior to their start date.
- The focus of the postdocs will be AI for Science.
- Interested candidates must exhibit excellence in computer science and AI.
- Preference will be given to candidates who have experience in AI knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, and integration of AI reasoning, search, optimization, and machine learning approaches.
Support and Benefits
The selected postdocs will be appointed as an endowed employee in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science. Starting salary is dependent on the qualifications and experience of the postdocs.
Application and Selection Process Overview
- Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted.
- Criteria: Applications will be evaluated on (i) intellectual merit and scientific excellence, (ii) AI for science potential, (iii) cross disciplinary connections, (iv) broader societal impact, and (v) diversity, equity, and inclusion experiences and vision.
- Interviews: A subset of applicants will be chosen for an interview. Interviews will take place via zoom.
- Selection: We are looking to fill this position right away. The intended start date is no later than August 16, 2023.
Application Materials
- Please submit applications to Laura Schad, copying Prof. Carla Gomes, by email.
- The subject line should be CS-AISCI-Postdoc.
- Applications should be submitted as a single pdf named as ApplicantLastName_ApplicantFirstName-computer-science.pdf.
- Applications should contain the following:
- Applicant's CV
- Applicant's transcript showing proof of PhD; or intended completion date, which must be confirmed in a separately submitted letter from the current PhD advisor (can be in a reference letter)
- Names of two references, who will submit reference letters separately
- The references and (if applicable) current PhD advisor must also provide their letters directly to Laura Schad, copying Prof. Carla Gomes, before the application will be considered complete. These are submitted separately to maintain confidentiality.
Contact Information
Dept. Computer Science
353 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA
Faculty of Computing and Information Science
Dept. Information Science
Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
607-255-9189 (voice); 607-255-4428 (fax)
gomes at