Exams cover material primarliy from the labs and programming
assignments, though all course material might be tested. We usually suggest
readings from the texts to help you follow the lecture and lab material.
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Check the schedule for exams at
What if you have a known *university-excused* conflict,
like a prelim scheduled at the same time? (Plane tickets for do not count.)
You must first try rescheduling the event conflicting with the CS99 exam:
many courses already offer alternate test times.
often the conflicting exam was not officially scheduled,
so the CS99 exam takes precedence.
If you have exhausted other means for rescheduling your conflict,
you must contact David Schwartz or Kim Hamilton and bring a copy of your
course registration slip:
at least two weeks before the exam
during office hours or class
You might be eligible to take an early prelim offering
at 5:45-7:15 pm. Remember: We will allow only university-excused students
that contacted us according to our policy.
What happens if you miss one prelim because of illness,
unresolvable conflicts, or any other reason? You must take a comprehensive
makeup exam during the last week of classes:
This exam covers all course material and replaces the missed
The comprehensive makeup exam will not replace more than
one prelim, except in some cases determined by the instructor's discretion.
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Date: Tuesday, October 17
Time: 7:30-8:30 PM
Location: 101 Philips Hall
Topics: cs99pl1.txt
Review: cs99review1.txt
Solutions: t199fa00sol.mws
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Date: Tuesday, November 14
Time: 7:30-9:00 PM
Location: 101 Bradfield Hall
Review: Mon 4:30-5:30 pm, Upson 207 (definite location)
| testprelimsol.mws
Solutions: prelim2.mws
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