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justification The rule names and parameters to them make up a very important part of the proof called the justificationjustification of the inference step. We can think of the justification as an operator on sequents which decomposes the goal sequent into a subgoal sequents. This format for the justification reveals that role graphically.
$\bar{x}: \bar{H} \vdash G$ by $r(\bar{x};
        $1. \bar{H}_1 \vdash G_1$  
        $k. \bar{H}_k \vdash G_k$  
For example
$\bar{H} \vdash (P \vee Q)\ \mbox{by} \vee\!\!R l$  
        $1. \bar{H} \vdash P$  

The justification takes the variables and labels of $\bar{x}$ plus some parameters $\bar{t}$ and generates the k subgoals $\bar{H}_i \vdash
G_i$. The hypothesis rule generates no subgoals and so terminates a branch of the proof tree. Such rules are thus found at the leaves.

By putting into the justifications still more information, we can reveal all the links between a goal and its subgoals. To illustrate this information, consider the $\Rightarrow$L rule and the $\&$L rule.

      $\bar{H}, f:(P \Rightarrow Q), \bar{J} \vdash G\ \mbox{by}\
\Rightarrow\!\!L\ \ \mbox{on}\ f$    
      $1.\ \ \bar{H}, f:(P\Rightarrow Q), \bar{J}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \vdash P$
      $2.\ \ \bar{H}, f: (P \Rightarrow Q), \bar{J}, y\!:\!Q \vdash G$
       $\bar{H}, pq\!:\!P\: \&\: Q \vdash G\ \mbox{by}\ \&\!L$
$\ \ \bar{H}, pq\!:\!P\: \&\: Q, p\!:\!P, q\!:\!Q, \bar{J} \vdash G$   

If the $\Rightarrow$R justification provided the label y, then all the information for generating the subgoal would be present. If the &L rule provided the labels p, q then the data is present for generating its subgoals as well. So we will add this information to form a complete justificationcomplete justification.

Notice that these labels behave like the variable names xi in the sense that we can systematically rename them without changing the meaning of a sequent or a justification. They act like bound variables in the sequent. The phrase new u, v in a justification allows us to explicitly name these bound variables.

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James Wallis