Caveat lector:
- This schedule is subject to change. Check back frequently for the most up-to-date information.
- The notes below are offered solely on an "as is" basis. There may be errors in the notes, they may not be posted in a timely way, and the notes may not accurately reflect what is covered during classes.
- The notes linked below are required reading, but they are not a substitute for attending lecture.
Readings key: PP=Pfleeger and Pfleeger; B=Bishop; FSK=Ferguson, Schneier, and Kohno; S=Schneider.
Introduction to Security | ||||
Week 1 | ||||
01/22/15 | Lecture 1 | Introduction to Security I | [Notes] [Syllabus] | [S1] [PP1] [B1] |
Week 2 | ||||
01/26/15 | Lecture 2 | Introduction to Security II | [Project] | |
01/28/15 | Lecture 3 | Applied Cryptography I | [Notes] | [FSK1–9] [PP7,16] [NIST key length recommendations] [TLS 1.0 spec] |
Week 3 | ||||
02/02/15 | Lecture 4 | Applied Cryptography II | ||
02/04/15 | Lecture 5 | Applied Cryptography III | ||
Week 4 | ||||
02/09/15 | Lecture 6 | Principles of Security | [Notes] | [S1] [PP3] [B12] [Saltzer and Schroeder 1975] |
02/11/15 | Lecture 7 | Security Goals I | [Notes] | |
Week 5 | ||||
02/16/15 | No class: Feb. Break | |||
02/18/15 | Lecture 8 | Security Goals II | ||
Week 6 | ||||
02/23/15 | Lecture 9 | FindBugs | [Lab] [Video] | [PP13] [Grindstaff part 1] [Grindstaff part 2] |
Accountability | ||||
02/25/15 | Lecture 10 | Audit | [Notes] | [PP5] [B21] |
Week 7 | ||||
03/02/15 | Lecture 11 | Authentication of humans | [Notes] | [S5] [PP2] [B11] |
03/04/15 | Lecture 12 | Passwords (Guest lecture: Eleanor Birrell) | [Notes] | [S5.1] [NIST SP 800-63-2] [FSK21] |
Week 8 | ||||
03/09/15 | Lecture 13 | Tokens | [Notes] | [S5.2] |
03/11/15 | Lecture 14 | Certificates | [Notes] | [B9,13.5] [FSK17–20] [Gutmann] |
Week 9 | ||||
03/16/15 | Lecture 15 | SSL | [Notes] [5430 CA instructions] | [PP10] [FSK13,14] [Clark and van Oorschot] [TLS 1.2 spec] |
03/18/15 | Lecture 16 | DAC | [Notes] | [PP6] [B2,14] [S7] |
Week 10 | ||||
03/23/15 | Lecture 17 | MAC | [Notes] | [PP4] [B5–7] [S8] |
03/25/15 | Lecture 18 | Information flow (Guest lecture: Tom Magrino) | [Smith] | [B15–17] |
Week 11 | ||||
03/30/15–04/03/15 | No class: Spring Break | |||
Week 12 | ||||
04/06/15 | No class: Easter Monday | |||
System Security | ||||
04/08/15 | Lecture 19 | Bitcoin (Guest lecture: Prof. Sirer) | [Eyal and Sirer] | |
04/10/15 | Lecture 20 | SSL certificate validation (Guest lecture: Prof. Shmatikov) | [Georgiev et al.] [Brubaker et al.] | |
Week 13 | ||||
04/13/15 | Lecture 21 | Civitas | [Clarkson et al.] | |
04/15/15 | Lecture 22 | Proactive obfuscation (Guest lecture: Prof. Schneider) | [Roeder and Schneider] | |
Week 14 | ||||
04/20/15 | Lecture 23 | Authentication tokens (Guest lecture: Prof. Juels) | [Håstad et al.] [Bowers et al.] | |
04/22/15 | Lecture 24 | Fabric (Guest lecture: Prof. Myers) | [Liu et al.] | |
Week 15 | ||||
04/27/15 | No class: Charter Day | |||
04/29/15 | Lecture 25 | Hyperproperties | [Clarkson and Schneider] [Clarkson et al.] | |
Week 16 | ||||
05/04/15 | Final project public demo in Gates 114 | |||
05/06/15 | No class: Final project private demos | |||