CUGL 2.5
Cornell University Game Library
No Matches
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
cugl::PerspectiveCamera Class Reference

#include <CUPerspectiveCamera.h>

Inheritance diagram for cugl::PerspectiveCamera:

Public Member Functions

 PerspectiveCamera ()
 ~PerspectiveCamera ()
void dispose () override
bool init (const Size size, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
bool init (float width, float height, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
bool init (const Rect rect, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
bool init (const Vec2 origin, const Size size, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
bool init (float x, float y, float width, float height, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
void set (const Size size, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
void set (float width, float height, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
void set (const Rect rect, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
void set (const Vec2 origin, const Size size, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
void set (float x, float y, float width, float height, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
void update () override
float getFieldOfView () const
void setFieldOfView (float fov)
- Public Member Functions inherited from cugl::Camera
 Camera ()
 ~Camera ()
virtual void dispose ()
const Vec3 getPosition () const
void setPosition (const Vec3 pos)
const Vec3 getDirection () const
void setDirection (const Vec3 vec)
const Vec3 getUp () const
void setUp (const Vec3 vec)
float getNear () const
void setNear (float value)
float getFar () const
void setFar (float value)
const Rect getViewport () const
const Mat4getProjection () const
const Mat4getView () const
const Mat4getCombined () const
const Mat4getInverseProjectView () const
virtual void update ()=0
void lookAt (const Vec3 target)
void lookAt (const Vec3 target, const Vec3 up)
void lookAt (float x, float y, float z)
void normalizeUp ()
void rotate (const Quaternion &quat)
void rotate (const Vec3 axis, float angle)
void rotateX (float angle)
void rotateY (float angle)
void rotateZ (float angle)
void rotate (float angle)
void rotate (const Mat4 &transform)
void rotateAround (const Vec3 point, const Vec3 axis, float angle)
void translate (const Vec3 vec)
void translate (const Vec2 vec)
void translate (float tx, float ty, float tz)
void translate (float tx, float ty)
void transform (const Mat4 &transform)
Vec3 unproject (const Vec3 windowCoords) const
Vec3 unproject (const Vec3 windowCoords, const Rect viewport) const
Vec3 screenToWorldCoords (const Vec2 screenCoords) const
Vec3 project (const Vec3 worldCoords) const
Vec3 project (const Vec3 worldCoords, const Rect viewport) const
Vec2 worldToScreenCoords (const Vec3 worldCoords) const
Ray getPickRay (const Vec3 windowCoords) const
Ray getPickRay (const Vec3 windowCoords, const Rect viewport) const
Ray getPickRayFromScreen (const Vec2 screenCoords) const
Vec2 windowToScreenCoords (const Vec3 windowCoords) const
Vec2 windowToScreenCoords (const Vec3 windowCoords, const Rect viewport) const
Vec3 screenToWindowCoords (const Vec2 screenCoords) const
Vec3 screenToWindowCoords (const Vec2 screenCoords, const Rect viewport) const

Static Public Member Functions

static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCameraalloc (const Size size, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCameraalloc (float width, float height, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCameraalloc (const Rect rect, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCameraalloc (const Vec2 origin, const Size size, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)
static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCameraalloc (float x, float y, float width, float height, float fieldOfView=DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV)

Protected Attributes

float _fieldOfView = 67
bool _initialized
- Protected Attributes inherited from cugl::Camera
Vec3 _position
Vec3 _direction
Vec3 _upwards
Mat4 _projection
Mat4 _modelview
Mat4 _combined
Mat4 _inverse
float _near
float _far
Rect _viewport

Detailed Description

This is a class for a camera with a perspective projection.

This camera is used for 3d rendering.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PerspectiveCamera()

cugl::PerspectiveCamera::PerspectiveCamera ( )

Creates a degenerate camera.

All of the matrices are the identity and the viewport is empty.

◆ ~PerspectiveCamera()

cugl::PerspectiveCamera::~PerspectiveCamera ( )

Deletes this camera, disposing all resources.

Member Function Documentation

◆ alloc() [1/5]

static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCamera > cugl::PerspectiveCamera::alloc ( const Rect  rect,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

rectThe viewport bounding box
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ alloc() [2/5]

static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCamera > cugl::PerspectiveCamera::alloc ( const Size  size,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

The viewport origin is assumed to be (0,0).

sizeThe viewport size
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ alloc() [3/5]

static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCamera > cugl::PerspectiveCamera::alloc ( const Vec2  origin,
const Size  size,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

originThe viewport offset
sizeThe viewport size
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ alloc() [4/5]

static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCamera > cugl::PerspectiveCamera::alloc ( float  width,
float  height,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

The viewport origin is assumed to be (0,0).

widthThe viewport width
heightThe viewport height
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ alloc() [5/5]

static std::shared_ptr< PerspectiveCamera > cugl::PerspectiveCamera::alloc ( float  x,
float  y,
float  width,
float  height,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

xThe viewport x offset
yThe viewport y offset
widthThe viewport width
heightThe viewport height
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ dispose()

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::dispose ( )

Returns this camera to the denegerate one, with all matrices the identity.

Reimplemented from cugl::Camera.

◆ getFieldOfView()

float cugl::PerspectiveCamera::getFieldOfView ( ) const

Returns the field of view for the given camera.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

the field of view for the given camera.

◆ init() [1/5]

bool cugl::PerspectiveCamera::init ( const Rect  rect,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

rectThe viewport bounding box
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ init() [2/5]

bool cugl::PerspectiveCamera::init ( const Size  size,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

The viewport origin is assumed to be (0,0).

sizeThe viewport size
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ init() [3/5]

bool cugl::PerspectiveCamera::init ( const Vec2  origin,
const Size  size,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

originThe viewport offset
sizeThe viewport size
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ init() [4/5]

bool cugl::PerspectiveCamera::init ( float  width,
float  height,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

The viewport origin is assumed to be (0,0).

widthThe viewport width
heightThe viewport height
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ init() [5/5]

bool cugl::PerspectiveCamera::init ( float  x,
float  y,
float  width,
float  height,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Initializes a new PerspectiveCamera for the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

xThe viewport x offset
yThe viewport y offset
widthThe viewport width
heightThe viewport height
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees
true if initialization was successful.

◆ set() [1/5]

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::set ( const Rect  rect,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Sets this PerspectiveCamera to have the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

rectThe viewport bounding box
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees

◆ set() [2/5]

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::set ( const Size  size,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Sets this PerspectiveCamera to have the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

The viewport origin is assumed to be (0,0).

sizeThe viewport size
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees

◆ set() [3/5]

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::set ( const Vec2  origin,
const Size  size,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Sets this PerspectiveCamera to have the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

originThe viewport offset
sizeThe viewport size
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees

◆ set() [4/5]

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::set ( float  width,
float  height,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Sets this PerspectiveCamera to have the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

The viewport origin is assumed to be (0,0).

widthThe viewport width
heightThe viewport height
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees

◆ set() [5/5]

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::set ( float  x,
float  y,
float  width,
float  height,
float  fieldOfView = DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOV 

Sets this PerspectiveCamera to have the given viewport and field of view.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Offseting the viewport origin has no affect on the position attribute. It only affects the coordinate conversion methods Camera#project() and Camera#unproject(). It is supposed to represent the offset of the viewport in a larger canvas.

xThe viewport x offset
yThe viewport y offset
widthThe viewport width
heightThe viewport height
fieldOfViewThe field of view of the height, in degrees

◆ setFieldOfView()

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::setFieldOfView ( float  fov)

Sets the field of view for the given camera.

The field of view given is for the height, and is measured in degrees. The field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio. Furthermore, the aspect ratio is derived from the viewport size.

Changing this value will have no effect on the underlying matrices until you call the update() method.

fovthe field of view for the given camera.

◆ update()

void cugl::PerspectiveCamera::update ( )

Recalculates the projection and view matrix of this camera.

Use this after you've manipulated any of the attributes of the camera.

Implements cugl::Camera.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _fieldOfView

float cugl::PerspectiveCamera::_fieldOfView = 67

The field of view of the height, in degrees

◆ _initialized

bool cugl::PerspectiveCamera::_initialized

Whether or not the camera has been initialized

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