I am sorry that there was confusion about "surveys" in 5150 for so long. I was
trying to decide what I wanted to accomplish with them. The result is that there
will be no surveys as such. Rather there are two different kinds of feedback that
you can/will give regarding the course and your team.
- General course feedback. Of course you are welcome to contact any of the course
staff with concerns at any time. Soon in this spot you will find a mechanism to
provide anonymous feedback, if there is something you want to say and you have some
concern that it will color the course staff's perception of you.
- Teammate feedback. Along with your team report and presentation for each
remaining milestone, I would like you to write some constructive feedback for your
teammates. I will collect these comments and anonymize/summarize/filter them into
a short report for each of you at the end of the semester. My hope is that this
feedback will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses in interpersonal
teamwork skills.
There will be a small portion of your final grade (1%) attached to how much
thought you put into the comments you write (not how positive your
teammates' comments about you are). These comments should be concise; I expect a
paragraph or two per teammate. You should write one piece of feedback per teammate
over the semester, which means that you should probably write one or two per milestone.
I will be "grading" your feedback very liberally; you will get full credit as long
as you write something that shows you spent more than a minute reflecting on how
you and your teammates could work together better.
An assignment called "Teammate Feedback 1" should be available on CMS now.
All the details should be there. Let the course staff know if they are not.