Course Requirements


There will be approximately 6 homework assignments. They will be a combination of problem sets (of a sort), programming, and critiques. Unless otherwise stated, all assignments must be typewritten --- we will be using an electronic submission and grading system.  

All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Assignments turned in late will drop 10% for each period of 24 hours for which the assignment is late. In addition, no assignments will be accepted after the solutions have been made available.


The course has two prelims and one final exam. The prelims are in-class examinations; the final will be given on the day and time slot scheduled by the university --- Friday, December 19, 12-2:30.

In-class prelim I:   Weds, Oct 1.
In-class prelim II: Weds, Nov 19.


  • Assignments: 50%.  All assignments equally weighted.
  • Prelim 1: 10%. 
  • Prelim 2: 10%. 
  • Final: 25%.
  • Participation: 5%.

Project (for CS473 students only)

The main assignment for CS473 is a course project. Students will work in groups (probably pairs) to design, build, and evaluate an intelligent system of their choice. Throughout the semester, project status reports and partial programs will be required. A separate “project” handout with details and due dates regarding the project proposal, status reports, and final project write-up will be made available from this home page.

See Materials page for tentative due dates.


  • Preliminary project proposal: 5%.
  • Project proposal: 15%.
  • Status report 1: 10%.
  • Status report 2: 10%.
  • Final report and demo:  60%.

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