Academic Integrity
You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity
in all your academic endeavors. Please read and understand the following
excerpts from a longer version of the Cornell University Code of
Academic Integrity. "I didn't know it wasn't allowed" is not a valid
excuse; if you are in doubt, ask.
Violations of the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity
occurring in Computer Science courses are taken very seriously.
We find it necessary to impress upon you now the gravity of violations
of this Code. The following are excerpts from a longer version of
the Cornell University Code of Academic Integrity. The exclusion
of any part does not excuse ignorance of the code.

Absolute integrity is expected of every Cornell student in all
academic undertakings. He/she must in no way misrepresent his/her
work fraudulently or unfairly advance his/her academic status, or
be a party to another student's failure to maintain academic integrity.
The maintenance of an atmosphere of academic honor and the fulfillment
of the provisions of this Code are the responsibilities of the students
and faculty of Cornell. All students and faculty members must refrain
from any action that would violate this principle.

Definition of Academic Integrity
A student assumes responsibility for the content and integrity
of the academic work he/she submits, such as papers, examinations,
or reports.
A student is guilty of violating the Code, and subject to proceedings
under it, if he/she:
- knowingly represents the work of others as his/her own
- uses or obtains unauthorized assistance in any academic work
- gives fraudulent assistance to another student
- fabricates data in support of laboratory or field work
- forges a signature to certify completion or approval of a course
- in any other manner violates the principle of absolute integrity
Unless otherwise specified by the individual professor, the work
you do in Computer Science courses is expected to be the result
of your individual effort. The use of a computer in no way modifies
the normal standards of the Code. You may discuss work with other
students, and give or receive "consulting" help from other students,
but such permissible cooperation should never involve one student
having in his or her possession a copy of all or part of another
student's assignment, regardless of whether that copy is on paper,
on a computer disk, or in a computer file. This implies that there
is no legitimate reason to send a copy of a program from one computer
account to another, or to be logged on to another student's account.
Discussion of general strategy or algorithms is permissible, but
you may not collaborate in the detailed development or actual writing
of an assignment. This includes providing a copy, or accepting a
copy of work that is expected to be individual effort. It is your
responsibility to protect your work from unauthorized access. It
is inadvisable to discard copies of your programs in public places.
This applies to both handwritten and programming assignments.

The penalty for any violation of this Code in Computer Science
courses will be determined by the instructor according to accepted
procedures. It may be failure in the course.
Computer accounts are provided for coursework only. They are not
private accounts; they belong to the Department of Computer Science
and the use of these accounts may be monitored in various ways.
Accounts that are abused will be withdrawn.

More Information
- Cornell University Academic Integrity Handbook. Second
Edition, September 1990. Office of the University Faculty.
- The Code of Academic Integrity and Acknowledging the Work
of Others. August 1990. Office of the Dean of Faculty, Cornell
