CS465: Computer Graphics I—Fall 2006


8 December: A treasury of vintage exams is now available for your perusal as you study for the final. The final is scheduled on Monday (11 December) at 2:00 pm in Hollister 110 and runs for 2.5 hours.

25 November: There is a small change to the file format spec for antialiasing. See the ray2 assignment page.

20 November: John K.'s office hours that were scheduled for Tuesday 21 Nov will be replaced by an extra office hour the following week, on Wednesday 29 Nov, from 3:30 to 4:30.

20 November: The Ray II help session will be tonight at 6pm in Rhodes 455.

1 November: Greg's office hours that were scheduled for Thursday 2 Nov will be held on Friday 3 Nov, from 12:30 to 1:30.

31 October: The pipeline help session scheduled for tomorrow night will take place on Thursday 2 Nov instead. Also, Michael will not hold his office hours tomorrow, 1 Nov.

11 October: The model help session originally planned for tonight will be held next week at the same time, instead.

25 September: The schedule is slightly rearranged. The first midterm will be on Wednesday, October 4, and one homework has been removed to prevent deadlines piling up too close together.

16 September: There is a small revision to hw4.

6 September: There is a fix to the ray1 framework; see the ray1 assignment page.

5 September: There are new test scenes posted on the ray1 assignment page.

4 September: There are updates to the hw1 FAQ, and the ray1 assignment page has some information on IDE setup.

1 September: Due to slowness in setting up TA support, we are accepting hw1 on the due date for hw2, though we urge you to turn it in if you are done with it, so that you can get on with hw2.

25 August: Welcome to CS465! Be sure to check this space regularly, because we'll use it for announcements you won't want to miss.


Homework 10

Assignment | Solutions
m-rgb.txt; columns: wavelength (nm); spectral power density for red, green, and blue primaries (relative units)
skin-d65.txt; columns: wavelength (nm); reflected spectral power density (relative units)
xyz.txt; columns: wavelength (nm); values for the CIE X, Y, and Z color matching functions


Homework 9

Assignment | Solutions


Homework 8

Assignment (v. 2) | Solutions


Homework 7

Assignment | Solutions


Homework 6

Assignment | Solutions


Homework 5

Assignment | Solutions | Solution figures


Homework 4

Assignment (v.2) | Solutions


Homework 3

Assignment | Solutions | Solution diagram


Homework 2

Assignment | Solutions


Homework 1

Assignment | Solutions