CS 465 Program 5: Ray Tracing 2
CS 465 Program 4: Modeler
CS 465 Program 3: Pipeline
CS 465 Program 2: Resampling
9 December: The prelims and their answers have been posted. You can find them on the exams page.
9 December: For the exam week, only Prof. Marschner and Adam will be holding office hours and Adam is moving his Tuesday office hours from 6:00 - 7:00 to 1:00 - 2:00.
29 November: Theo is holding extra office hours in Rhodes 551 from 1 - 2 tomorrow.
2 November: Adam is cancelling his office hours tomorrow and instead will be holding an extra help session for the Modeler assignment from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in Rhodes 551.
31 October: Homework 5 solutions posted.
18 October: Andrew is changing his office hours from MW 6:00-7:00 to the weekend SS 3:00-4:00. His first weekend hours will start this coming weekend and he will not be holding hours on Wednesday.
13 October: The web page is finally working again!
7 October: Masato has changed his office hours from MF 7:00-8:00 to M 11:00-1:00. He will be not be holding hours today and will start his new hours after fall break. Additionally for the break, there will be no office hours on Monday and Tuesday.
3 October: The 3rd programming assignment is posted. Because the regularly scheduled date for the help session for this assignment would fall during break, the help session for this assignment will be held Thursday, October 13 at 6:00PM in Rhodes 551.
1 October: If you have not done so already, you can pick up all old, graded homework and programming assignments in class after the lecture on Monday October 3rd.
30 September: The prelim on Tuesday October 4th will be held in Phillips Rm. 203 at 7:30.
14 September: Adam has changed his office hours. Adam will now be holding hours on Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:00 instead of his original hours from 3:00 to 4:00.
2 September: There is a conflict between the first prelim on October 4th and a prelim in PHYS 214. We have arranged alternate prelim times for those students in both courses. The PHYS 214 course will offer its prelim an hour and a half early at 6:00 - 7:30PM and we will move our prelim a half hour later from 8:00 - 9:30PM. If you have a conflict and you have not already contacted us, please mail Adam,, and the PHYS 214 course staff as soon as possible so we will know who and how many will be taking the exam at the alternate time.
24 August: Welcome to CS465! Be sure to check this space regularly, because we'll use it for announcements you won't want to miss.