RedblackRed-Black Trees
- Red-Black Trees in a Functional Setting, by Chris Okasaki.
Journal of Functional Programming, 9(4):471-477, July 1999.
Available from
Archived at
- Purely Functional Data Structures, by Chris Okasaki. Section 3.3. Cambridge University Press, 1998.
- Efficient Verified Red-Black Trees, by Andrew W. Appel, September 2011. Available from
We use the int type axiomatized in Extract as the key
Definition key := int.
Inductive color := Red | Black.
Inductive tree : Type :=
| E : tree
| T : color → tree → key → V → tree → tree.
Definition empty_tree : tree :=
Inductive color := Red | Black.
Inductive tree : Type :=
| E : tree
| T : color → tree → key → V → tree → tree.
Definition empty_tree : tree :=
The lookup implementation for red-black trees is exactly the same
as the lookup for BSTs, except that the T constructor
carries a color component that is ignored.
Fixpoint lookup (x: key) (t : tree) : V :=
match t with
| E ⇒ default
| T _ tl k v tr ⇒ if ltb x k then lookup x tl
else if ltb k x then lookup x tr
else v
We won't explain the insert algorithm here; read Okasaki's
work if you want to understand it. In fact, you'll need very
little understanding of it to follow along with the verification
below. It uses balance and ins as helpers:
- ins recurses down the tree to find where to insert, and is
mostly the same as the BST insert algorithm.
- balance takes care of rebalancing the tree on the way back up.
Definition balance (rb : color) (t1 : tree) (k : key) (vk : V) (t2 : tree) : tree :=
match rb with
| Red ⇒ T Red t1 k vk t2
| _ ⇒ match t1 with
| T Red (T Red a x vx b) y vy c ⇒
T Red (T Black a x vx b) y vy (T Black c k vk t2)
| T Red a x vx (T Red b y vy c) ⇒
T Red (T Black a x vx b) y vy (T Black c k vk t2)
| a ⇒ match t2 with
| T Red (T Red b y vy c) z vz d ⇒
T Red (T Black t1 k vk b) y vy (T Black c z vz d)
| T Red b y vy (T Red c z vz d) ⇒
T Red (T Black t1 k vk b) y vy (T Black c z vz d)
| _ ⇒ T Black t1 k vk t2
Fixpoint ins (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree) : tree :=
match t with
| E ⇒ T Red E x vx E
| T c a y vy b ⇒ if ltb x y then balance c (ins x vx a) y vy b
else if ltb y x then balance c a y vy (ins x vx b)
else T c a x vx b
Definition make_black (t : tree) : tree :=
match t with
| E ⇒ E
| T _ a x vx b ⇒ T Black a x vx b
Definition insert (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree) :=
make_black (ins x vx t).
The elements implementation is the same as for BSTs, except that it
ignores colors.
Fixpoint elements_tr (t : tree) (acc: list (key × V)) : list (key × V) :=
match t with
| E ⇒ acc
| T _ l k v r ⇒ elements_tr l ((k, v) :: elements_tr r acc)
Definition elements (t : tree) : list (key × V) :=
elements_tr t [].
Case-Analysis Automation
Lemma ins_not_E : ∀ (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree),
ins x vx t ≠ E.
intros. destruct t; simpl.
(* Let's destruct on the topmost case, ltb x k. We can use
destruct instead of bdestruct because we don't need to know
whether x < k or x ≥ k. *)
destruct (ltb x k).
unfold balance.
(* A huge goal! The goal begins by matching against a color. *)
destruct c.
(* Another match, this time against a tree. *)
destruct (ins x vx t1).
(* Another match against a tree. *)
destruct t2.
(* Yet another match. This pattern deserves automation. The
following tactic applies destruct whenever the current goal
is a match against a color or a tree. *)
match goal with
| ⊢ match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end ≠ _ ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct t
(* Let's apply that tactic repeatedly. *)
match goal with
| ⊢ match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end ≠ _ ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct t
(* Now we're down to a base case. *)
(* And another base case. We could match against those, too. *)
match goal with
| ⊢ T _ _ _ _ _ ≠ E ⇒ discriminate
(* Let's restart the proof to incorporate this automation. *)
Lemma ins_not_E : ∀ (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree),
ins x vx t ≠ E.
intros. destruct t; simpl.
- discriminate.
- unfold balance.
match goal with
| ⊢ (if ?x then _ else _) ≠ _ ⇒ destruct x
| ⊢ match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct t
| ⊢ T _ _ _ _ _ ≠ E ⇒ discriminate
This automation of case analysis will be quite useful in the rest
of our development.
The BST Invariant
Fixpoint ForallT (P: int → V → Prop) (t: tree) : Prop :=
match t with
| E ⇒ True
| T c l k v r ⇒ P k v ∧ ForallT P l ∧ ForallT P r
Inductive BST : tree → Prop :=
| ST_E : BST E
| ST_T : ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (T c l k v r).
Lemma empty_tree_BST: BST empty_tree.
unfold empty_tree. constructor.
Let's show that insert preserves the BST invariant, that is:
It will take quite a bit of work, but automation will help.
First, we show that if a non-empty tree would be a BST, then the
balanced version of it is also a BST:
Lemma balance_BST: ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (balance c l k v r).
intros c l k v r PL PR BL BR. unfold balance.
match goal with
| ⊢ BST (match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ BST (match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct t
(* 58 cases remaining. *)
- constructor. assumption. assumption. assumption. assumption.
- constructor; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* Now the tree gets bigger, and the proof gets more complicated. *)
constructor; auto.
+ simpl in ×. repeat split.
(* The intro pattern ? means to let Coq choose the name. *)
destruct PR as [? _]. omega.
+ simpl in ×. repeat split.
× inv BR. simpl in ×. destruct H5 as [? _]. omega.
× inv BR. simpl in ×. destruct H5 as [_ [? _]]. auto.
× inv BR. simpl in ×. destruct H5 as [_ [_ ?]]. auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ inv BR. inv H7. constructor; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* 53 cases remain. This could go on for awhile... *)
Let's use some of what we discovered above to automate.
Whenever we have a subgoal of the form
ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _)
we can split it. Whenever we have a hypothesis of the form
BST (T _ _ _ _ _)
we can invert it. And with a hypothesis
ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _)
we can simplify then destruct it. Actually, the simplification
is optional -- Coq will do the destruct without needing the
simplification. Anything else seems able to be finished with
constructor, auto, and omega. Let's see how far that can
take us...
ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _)
BST (T _ _ _ _ _)
ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _)
Lemma balance_BST: ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (balance c l k v r).
intros. unfold balance.
(match goal with
| ⊢ BST (match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ BST (match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct t
| ⊢ ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ repeat split
| H: ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ destruct H as [? [? ?] ]
| H: BST (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ inv H
(try constructor; auto; try omega)).
41 cases remain. It's a little disappointing that we didn't clear
more of them. Let's look at why are we stuck.
All the remaining subgoals appear to be about proving an inequality
over all the nodes of a subtree. For example, the first subgoal
follows from the hypotheses
ForallT (fun (k' : int) (_ : V) ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k0) r2
Abs k1 < Abs k0
The other goals look similar.
ForallT (fun (k' : int) (_ : V) ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k0) r2
Abs k1 < Abs k0
To make progress, we can set up some helper lemmas.
Lemma ForallT_imp : ∀ (P Q : int → V → Prop) t,
ForallT P t →
(∀ k v, P k v → Q k v) →
ForallT Q t.
induction t; intros.
- auto.
- destruct H as [? [? ?]]. repeat split; auto.
Lemma ForallT_greater : ∀ t k k0,
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k) t →
Abs k > Abs k0 →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k0) t.
intros. eapply ForallT_imp; eauto.
intros. simpl in H1. omega.
Lemma ForallT_less : ∀ t k k0,
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' < Abs k) t →
Abs k < Abs k0 →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' < Abs k0) t.
intros; eapply ForallT_imp; eauto.
intros. simpl in H1. omega.
Now we can return to automating the proof.
Lemma balance_BST: ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (balance c l k v r).
intros. unfold balance.
(match goal with
| ⊢ BST (match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ BST (match ?s with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct s
| ⊢ ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ repeat split
| H: ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ destruct H as [? [? ?] ]
| H: BST (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ inv H
(try constructor; auto; try omega)).
(* all: t applies t to every subgoal. *)
all: try eapply ForallT_greater; try eapply ForallT_less; eauto; try omega.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (balanceP)
Lemma balanceP : ∀ (P : key → V → Prop) (c : color) (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
ForallT P l →
ForallT P r →
P k v →
ForallT P (balance c l k v r).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (insP)
Lemma insP : ∀ (P : key → V → Prop) (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
ForallT P t →
P k v →
ForallT P (ins k v t).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (ins_BST)
Lemma ins_BST : ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
BST t →
BST (ins k v t).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
lookup k empty_tree = default
lookup k (insert k v t) = v
lookup k' (insert k v t) = lookup k' t if k ≠ k'
The next two equations are more challenging because of balance.
Prove that balance preserves the result of lookup on
non-empty trees. Hint: automate the case analysis similarly to
Exercise: 4 stars, standard (balance_lookup)
Lemma balance_lookup: ∀ (c : color) (k k' : key) (v : V) (l r : tree),
BST l →
BST r →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' < Abs k) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k) r →
lookup k' (balance c l k v r) =
if Abs k' <? Abs k
then lookup k' l
else if Abs k' >? Abs k
then lookup k' r
else v.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (lookup_ins_eq)
Lemma lookup_ins_eq: ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
BST t →
lookup k (ins k v t) = v.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (lookup_ins_neq)
Theorem lookup_ins_neq: ∀ (t : tree) (k k' : key) (v : V),
BST t →
k ≠ k' →
lookup k' (ins k v t) = lookup k' t.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (lookup_insert)
Theorem lookup_insert_eq : ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
BST t →
lookup k (insert k v t) = v.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem lookup_insert_neq: ∀ (t : tree) (k k' : key) (v : V),
BST t →
k ≠ k' →
lookup k' (insert k v t) = lookup k' t.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
That concludes the verification of the map equations for red-black trees.
We have proved these main theorems:
Check empty_tree_BST : BST empty_tree.
Check insert_BST :
∀ (t : tree) (v : V) (k : key),
BST t → BST (insert k v t).
Check lookup_empty :
∀ k : key,
lookup k empty_tree = default.
Check lookup_insert_eq :
∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
BST t → lookup k (insert k v t) = v.
Check lookup_insert_neq :
∀ (t : tree) (k k' : key) (v : V),
BST t →
k ≠ k' →
lookup k' (insert k v t) = lookup k' t.
We could now proceed to reprove all the facts about elements
that we developed in SearchTree. But since elements
does not not pay attention to colors, and does not rebalance the
tree, these proofs should be a simple copy-paste from that
chapter, with only minor edits. This would be an uninteresting
exercise, so we don't pursue it here.
- Local Invariant: No red node has a red child.
- Global Invariant: Every path from the root to a leaf has the same number of black nodes.
Inductive RB : tree → color → nat → Prop :=
| RB_leaf: ∀ (c : color), RB E c 0
| RB_r: ∀ (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB l Red n →
RB r Red n →
RB (T Red l k v r) Black n
| RB_b: ∀ (c : color) (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB l Black n →
RB r Black n →
RB (T Black l k v r) c (S n).
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (RB_blacken_parent)
Lemma RB_blacken_parent : ∀ (t : tree) (n : nat),
RB t Red n → RB t Black n.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (RB_blacken_root)
Lemma RB_blacken_root : ∀ (t : tree) (n : nat),
RB t Black n →
∃ (n' : nat), RB (make_black t) Red n'.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Inductive NearlyRB : tree → nat → Prop :=
| NearlyRB_r : ∀ (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB l Black n →
RB r Black n →
NearlyRB (T Red l k v r) n
| NearlyRB_b : ∀ (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB l Black n →
RB r Black n →
NearlyRB (T Black l k v r) (S n).
Exercise: 5 stars, standard (ins_RB)
Lemma ins_RB : ∀ (k : key) (v : V) (t : tree) (n : nat),
(RB t Black n → NearlyRB (ins k v t) n) ∧
(RB t Red n → RB (ins k v t) Black n).
induction t; intro n; simpl; split; intros; inv H; repeat constructor; auto.
× destruct (IHt1 n); clear IHt1.
destruct (IHt2 n); clear IHt2.
specialize (H0 H6).
specialize (H2 H7).
clear H H1.
unfold balance.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Corollary ins_red : ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
(RB t Red n → RB (ins k v t) Black n).
intros. apply ins_RB. assumption.
(RB t Red n → RB (ins k v t) Black n).
intros. apply ins_RB. assumption.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (insert_RB)
Lemma insert_RB : ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB t Red n →
∃ (n' : nat), RB (insert k v t) Red n'.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 4 stars, advanced (redblack_bound)
- Prove two auxiliary lemmas, one about height and the other
about mindepth, and then combine them to get the result. The
lemma about height will need a slightly complicated induction
hypothesis for the proof to go through.
- Depending on how you defined height and mindepth, the tactic zify (defined in the standard library may be useful as a preliminary to using omega when proving these lemmas.
Fixpoint height (t : tree) : nat
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Fixpoint mindepth (t : tree) : nat
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Lemma redblack_balanced : ∀ t c n,
RB t c n →
(height t ≤ 2 × mindepth t + 1)%nat.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_redblack_bound : option (nat×string) := None.
Extraction "" empty_tree insert lookup elements.
Run it in the OCaml top level with these commands:
On a recent machine with a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i9 that prints:
That execution uses the bytecode interpreter. The native compiler
will have better performance:
On the same machine that prints,
The benchmark measurements above (and in Extract)
demonstrate the following:
#use "";; #use "";;
Insert and lookup 1000000 random integers in 0.860663 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 random integers in 0.007908 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 consecutive integers in 0.004668 seconds.
$ ocamlopt -c redblack.mli $ ocamlopt redblack.cmx -open Redblack -o test_redblack $ ./test_redblack
Insert and lookup 1000000 random integers in 0.475669 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 random integers in 0.00312 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 consecutive integers in 0.001183 seconds.
- On random insertions, red-black trees are about the same as
ordinary BSTs.
- On consecutive insertions, red-black trees are much faster
than ordinary BSTs.
- Red-black trees are about as fast on consecutive insertions as on random.
(* Mon May 11 15:05:25 EDT 2020 *)