AltAutoMore Automation
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From Coq Require Import omega.Omega.
From LF Require Import IndProp.
Up to now, we've used the more manual part of Coq's tactic
facilities. In this chapter, we'll learn more about some of Coq's
powerful automation features.
As a simple illustration of the benefits of automation, let's
consider another problem on regular expressions, which we
formalized in IndProp. A given set of strings can be
denoted by many different regular expressions. For example, App
EmptyString re matches exactly the same strings as re. We can
write a function that "optimizes" any regular expression into a
potentially simpler one by applying this fact throughout the
r.e. (Note that, for simplicity, the function does not optimize
expressions that arise as the result of other optimizations.)
Fixpoint re_opt_e {T:Type} (re: reg_exp T) : reg_exp T :=
match re with
| App EmptyStr re2 ⇒ re_opt_e re2
| App re1 re2 ⇒ App (re_opt_e re1) (re_opt_e re2)
| Union re1 re2 ⇒ Union (re_opt_e re1) (re_opt_e re2)
| Star re ⇒ Star (re_opt_e re)
| _ ⇒ re
We would like to show the equivalence of re's with their "optimized" form.
One direction of this equivalence looks like this (the other is similar).
Lemma re_opt_e_match : ∀ T (re: reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re → s =~ re_opt_e re.
intros T re s M.
induction M
as [| x'
| s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
| s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
| re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2].
- (* MEmpty *) simpl. apply MEmpty.
- (* MChar *) simpl. apply MChar.
- (* MApp *) simpl.
destruct re1.
+ apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ inversion Hmatch1. simpl. apply IH2.
+ apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
- (* MUnionL *) simpl. apply MUnionL. apply IH.
- (* MUnionR *) simpl. apply MUnionR. apply IH.
- (* MStar0 *) simpl. apply MStar0.
- (* MStarApp *) simpl. apply MStarApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
Coq Automation
The try Tactical
Theorem silly1 : ∀ n, 1 + n = S n.
Proof. try reflexivity. (* this just does reflexivity *) Qed.
Theorem silly2 : ∀ (P : Prop), P → P.
intros P HP.
try reflexivity. (* just reflexivity would have failed *)
apply HP. (* we can still finish the proof in some other way *)
There is no real reason to use try in completely manual
proofs like these, but it is very useful for doing automated
proofs in conjunction with the ; tactical, which we show
The ; Tactical (Simple Form)
Lemma foo : ∀ n, 0 <=? n = true.
destruct n eqn:E.
(* Leaves two subgoals, which are discharged identically... *)
- (* n=0 *) simpl. reflexivity.
- (* n=Sn' *) simpl. reflexivity.
We can simplify this proof using the ; tactical:
Lemma foo' : ∀ n, 0 <=? n = true.
(* destruct the current goal *)
destruct n;
(* then simpl each resulting subgoal *)
(* and do reflexivity on each resulting subgoal *)
Using try and ; together, we can get rid of the repetition in
the proof that was bothering us a little while ago.
Lemma re_opt_e_match' : ∀ T (re: reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re → s =~ re_opt_e re.
intros T re s M.
induction M
as [| x'
| s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
| s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
| re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2];
(* Do the simpl for every case here: *)
- (* MEmpty *) apply MEmpty.
- (* MChar *) apply MChar.
- (* MApp *)
destruct re1;
(* Most cases follow by the same formula.
Notice that apply MApp gives two subgoals:
try apply H1 is run on both of them and
succeeds on the first but not the second;
apply H2 is then run on this remaining goal. *)
try (apply MApp; try apply IH1; apply IH2).
(* The interesting case, on which try... does nothing,
is when re1 = EmptyStr. In this case, we have
to appeal to the fact that re1 matches only the
empty string: *)
inversion Hmatch1. simpl. apply IH2.
- (* MUnionL *) apply MUnionL. apply IH.
- (* MUnionR *) apply MUnionR. apply IH.
- (* MStar0 *) apply MStar0.
- (* MStarApp *) apply MStarApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
The ; Tactical (General Form)
T; [T1 | T2 | ... | Tn]
T; [T' | T' | ... | T']
(* We can use this mechanism to give a slightly neater version
of our optimization proof: *)
Lemma re_opt_e_match'' : ∀ T (re: reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re → s =~ re_opt_e re.
intros T re s M.
induction M
as [| x'
| s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
| s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
| re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2];
(* Do the simpl for every case here: *)
- (* MEmpty *) apply MEmpty.
- (* MChar *) apply MChar.
- (* MApp *)
destruct re1;
try (apply MApp; [apply IH1 | apply IH2]). (* <=== *)
inversion Hmatch1. simpl. apply IH2.
- (* MUnionL *) apply MUnionL. apply IH.
- (* MUnionR *) apply MUnionR. apply IH.
- (* MStar0 *) apply MStar0.
- (* MStarApp *) apply MStarApp; [apply IH1 | apply IH2]. (* <=== *)
The repeat Tactical
The tactic repeat T never fails: if the tactic T doesn't apply
to the original goal, then repeat still succeeds without changing
the original goal (i.e., it repeats zero times).
Theorem In10' : In 10 [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10].
repeat (left; reflexivity).
repeat (right; try (left; reflexivity)).
The tactic repeat T also does not have any upper bound on the
number of times it applies T. If T is a tactic that always
succeeds, then repeat T will loop forever (e.g., repeat simpl
loops, since simpl always succeeds). While evaluation in Coq's
term language, Gallina, is guaranteed to terminate, tactic
evaluation is not! This does not affect Coq's logical
consistency, however, since the job of repeat and other tactics
is to guide Coq in constructing proofs; if the construction
process diverges, this simply means that we have failed to
construct a proof, not that we have constructed a wrong one.
Consider this more powerful version of the regular expression optimizer.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (re_opt)
Fixpoint re_opt {T:Type} (re: reg_exp T) : reg_exp T :=
match re with
| App re1 EmptySet ⇒ EmptySet
| App EmptyStr re2 ⇒ re_opt re2
| App re1 EmptyStr ⇒ re_opt re1
| App re1 re2 ⇒ App (re_opt re1) (re_opt re2)
| Union EmptySet re2 ⇒ re_opt re2
| Union re1 EmptySet ⇒ re_opt re1
| Union re1 re2 ⇒ Union (re_opt re1) (re_opt re2)
| Star EmptySet ⇒ EmptyStr
| Star EmptyStr ⇒ EmptyStr
| Star re ⇒ Star (re_opt re)
| EmptySet ⇒ EmptySet
| EmptyStr ⇒ EmptyStr
| Char x ⇒ Char x
(* Here is an incredibly tedious manual proof of (one direction of) its correctness: *)
Lemma re_opt_match : ∀ T (re: reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re → s =~ re_opt re.
intros T re s M.
induction M
as [| x'
| s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
| s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
| re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2].
- simpl. apply MEmpty.
- simpl. apply MChar.
- simpl.
destruct re1.
+ inversion IH1.
+ inversion IH1. simpl. destruct re2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
- simpl.
destruct re1.
+ inversion IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
- simpl.
destruct re1.
+ apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
- simpl.
destruct re.
+ apply MEmpty.
+ apply MEmpty.
+ apply MStar0.
+ apply MStar0.
+ apply MStar0.
+ simpl.
destruct re.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
- simpl.
destruct re.
+ inversion IH1.
+ inversion IH1. inversion IH2. apply MEmpty.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
intros T re s M.
induction M
as [| x'
| s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
| s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
| re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2].
- simpl. apply MEmpty.
- simpl. apply MChar.
- simpl.
destruct re1.
+ inversion IH1.
+ inversion IH1. simpl. destruct re2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
× apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH2.
× inversion IH2. rewrite app_nil_r. apply IH1.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
× apply MApp. apply IH1. apply IH2.
- simpl.
destruct re1.
+ inversion IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
× apply MUnionL. apply IH.
- simpl.
destruct re1.
+ apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
+ destruct re2.
× inversion IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
× apply MUnionR. apply IH.
- simpl.
destruct re.
+ apply MEmpty.
+ apply MEmpty.
+ apply MStar0.
+ apply MStar0.
+ apply MStar0.
+ simpl.
destruct re.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
× apply MStar0.
- simpl.
destruct re.
+ inversion IH1.
+ inversion IH1. inversion IH2. apply MEmpty.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
+ apply star_app.
× apply MStar1. apply IH1.
× apply IH2.
(* Use the automation tools described so far to shorten the proof. *)
Lemma re_opt_match' : ∀ T (re: reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re → s =~ re_opt re.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_re_opt : option (nat×string) := None.
A Few More Handy Tactics
- clear H: Delete hypothesis H from the context.
- rename... into...: Change the name of a hypothesis in the
proof context. For example, if the context includes a variable
named x, then rename x into y will change all occurrences
of x to y.
- subst x: Find an assumption x = e or e = x in the
context, replace x with e throughout the context and
current goal, and clear the assumption.
- subst: Substitute away all assumptions of the form x = e or e = x.
Defining New Tactics
- Coq has a built-in language called Ltac with primitives that
can examine and modify the proof state. The full details are a
bit too complicated to get into here (and it is generally agreed
that Ltac is not the most beautiful part of Coq's design!),
but they can be found in the reference manual and other books on
Coq. Simple use cases are not too difficult.
- There is also an OCaml API, which can be used to build tactics that access Coq's internal structures at a lower level, but this is seldom worth the trouble for ordinary Coq users.
Ltac impl_and_try c := simpl; try c.
This defines a new tactical called simpl_and_try that takes one
tactic c as an argument and is defined to be equivalent to the
tactic simpl; try c. Now writing "simpl_and_try reflexivity."
in a proof will be the same as writing "simpl; try
Decision Procedures
The Omega Tactic
- numeric constants, addition (+ and S), subtraction (-
and pred), and multiplication by constants (this is what
makes it Presburger arithmetic),
- equality (= and ≠) and ordering (≤), and
- the logical connectives ∧, ∨, ¬, and →,
Example silly_presburger_example : ∀ m n o p,
m + n ≤ n + o ∧ o + 3 = p + 3 →
m ≤ p.
intros. omega.
Search Tactics
The constructor tactic.
Example constructor_example: ∀ (n:nat),
ev (n+n).
induction n; simpl.
- constructor. (* applies ev_0 *)
- rewrite plus_comm. simpl. constructor. (* applies ev_SS *) auto.
This saves us from needing to remember the names of our constructors.
Warning: if more than one constructor can apply, constructor picks
the first one (in the order in which they were defined in the Inductive)
which is not necessarily the one we want!
Thus far, our proof scripts mostly apply relevant hypotheses or
lemmas by name, and one at a time.
The auto Tactic
Example auto_example_1 : ∀ (P Q R: Prop),
(P → Q) → (Q → R) → P → R.
intros P Q R H1 H2 H3.
apply H2. apply H1. assumption.
The auto tactic frees us from this drudgery by searching for a
sequence of applications that will prove the goal:
The auto tactic solves goals that are solvable by any combination of
Using auto is always "safe" in the sense that it will never fail
and will never change the proof state: either it completely solves
the current goal, or it does nothing.
Here is a more interesting example showing auto's power:
- intros and
- apply (of hypotheses from the local context, by default).
Example auto_example_2 : ∀ P Q R S T U : Prop,
(P → Q) →
(P → R) →
(T → R) →
(S → T → U) →
((P→Q) → (P→S)) →
T →
P →
Proof. auto. Qed.
Proof search could, in principle, take an arbitrarily long time,
so there are limits to how far auto will search by default.
Example auto_example_3 : ∀ (P Q R S T U: Prop),
(P → Q) →
(Q → R) →
(R → S) →
(S → T) →
(T → U) →
P →
(* When it cannot solve the goal, auto does nothing *)
(* Optional argument says how deep to search (default is 5) *)
auto 6.
When searching for potential proofs of the current goal,
auto considers the hypotheses in the current context together
with a hint database of other lemmas and constructors. Some
common lemmas about equality and logical operators are installed
in this hint database by default.
If we want to see which facts auto is using, we can use
info_auto instead.
Example auto_example_5: 2 = 2.
(* auto subsumes reflexivity because eq_refl is in hint database *)
We can extend the hint database just for the purposes of one
application of auto by writing "auto using ...".
Lemma le_antisym : ∀ n m: nat, (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n) → n = m.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Example auto_example_6 : ∀ n m p : nat,
(n ≤ p → (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n)) →
n ≤ p →
n = m.
auto using le_antisym.
Of course, in any given development there will probably be
some specific constructors and lemmas that are used very often in
proofs. We can add these to the global hint database by writing
Hint Resolve T.
at the top level, where T is a top-level theorem or a
constructor of an inductively defined proposition (i.e., anything
whose type is an implication). As a shorthand, we can write
Hint Constructors c.
to tell Coq to do a Hint Resolve for all of the constructors
from the inductive definition of c.
It is also sometimes necessary to add
Hint Unfold d.
where d is a defined symbol, so that auto knows to expand uses
of d, thus enabling further possibilities for applying lemmas that
it knows about.
It is also possible to define specialized hint databases that can
be activated only when needed. See the Coq reference manual for
Hint Resolve T.
Hint Constructors c.
Hint Unfold d.
Hint Resolve le_antisym.
Example auto_example_6' : ∀ n m p : nat,
(n≤ p → (n ≤ m ∧ m ≤ n)) →
n ≤ p →
n = m.
auto. (* picks up hint from database *)
Definition is_fortytwo x := (x = 42).
Example auto_example_7: ∀ x,
(x ≤ 42 ∧ 42 ≤ x) → is_fortytwo x.
auto. (* does nothing *)
Hint Unfold is_fortytwo.
Example auto_example_7' : ∀ x,
(x ≤ 42 ∧ 42 ≤ x) → is_fortytwo x.
Proof. info_auto. Qed.
Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (pumping_redux)
Use auto, omega, and any other useful tactics from this chapter to shorten your proof (or the "official" solution proof) of the weak Pumping Lemma exercise from IndProp.
Import Pumping.
Lemma weak_pumping : ∀ T (re : reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re →
pumping_constant re ≤ length s →
∃ s1 s2 s3,
s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ∧
s2 ≠ [] ∧
∀ m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_pumping_redux : option (nat×string) := None.
Lemma weak_pumping : ∀ T (re : reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re →
pumping_constant re ≤ length s →
∃ s1 s2 s3,
s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ∧
s2 ≠ [] ∧
∀ m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_pumping_redux : option (nat×string) := None.
Exercise: 3 stars, advanced, optional (pumping_redux_strong)
Use auto, omega, and any other useful tactics from this chapter to shorten your proof (or the "official" solution proof) of the stronger Pumping Lemma exercise from IndProp.
Import Pumping.
Lemma pumping : ∀ T (re : reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re →
pumping_constant re ≤ length s →
∃ s1 s2 s3,
s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ∧
s2 ≠ [] ∧
length s1 + length s2 ≤ pumping_constant re ∧
∀ m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_pumping_redux_strong : option (nat×string) := None.
Lemma pumping : ∀ T (re : reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re →
pumping_constant re ≤ length s →
∃ s1 s2 s3,
s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 ∧
s2 ≠ [] ∧
length s1 + length s2 ≤ pumping_constant re ∧
∀ m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
(* Do not modify the following line: *)
Definition manual_grade_for_pumping_redux_strong : option (nat×string) := None.
The eapply and eauto variants
Example trans_example1: ∀ a b c d,
a ≤ b + b×c →
(1+c)*b ≤ d →
a ≤ d.
intros a b c d H1 H2.
apply le_trans with (b+ b×c). (* <-- We must supply the intermediate value *)
+ apply H1.
+ simpl in H2. rewrite mult_comm. apply H2.
In the first step of the proof, we had to explicitly provide a
longish expression to help Coq instantiate a "hidden" argument to
the le_trans constructor. This was needed because the definition
of le_trans...
le_trans : ∀ m n o : nat, m ≤ n → n ≤ o → m ≤ o
is quantified over a variable, n, that does not appear in its
conclusion, so unifying its conclusion with the goal state doesn't
help Coq find a suitable value for this variable. If we leave
out the with, this step fails ("Error: Unable to find an
instance for the variable n").
We already know one way to avoid an explicit with clause, namely
to provide H1 as the (first) explicit argument to le_trans.
But here's another way, using the eapply tactic:
le_trans : ∀ m n o : nat, m ≤ n → n ≤ o → m ≤ o
Example trans_example1': ∀ a b c d,
a ≤ b + b×c →
(1+c)*b ≤ d →
a ≤ d.
intros a b c d H1 H2.
eapply le_trans. (* 1 *)
+ apply H1. (* 2 *)
+ simpl in H2. rewrite mult_comm. apply H2.
The eapply H tactic behaves just like apply H except
that, after it finishes unifying the goal state with the
conclusion of H, it does not bother to check whether all the
variables that were introduced in the process have been given
concrete values during unification.
If you step through the proof above, you'll see that the goal
state at position 1 mentions the existential variable ?n
in both of the generated subgoals. The next step (which gets us
to position 2) replaces ?n with a concrete value. When we
start working on the second subgoal (position 3), we observe
that the occurrence of ?n in this subgoal has been replaced
by the value that it was given during the first subgoal.
Several of the tactics that we've seen so far, including ∃,
constructor, and auto, have e... variants. For example,
here's a proof using eauto:
Example trans_example2: ∀ a b c d,
a ≤ b + b×c →
b + b×c ≤ d →
a ≤ d.
intros a b c d H1 H2.
info_eauto using le_trans.
The eauto tactic works just like auto, except that it uses
eapply instead of apply.
Pro tip: One might think that, since eapply and eauto are more
powerful than apply and auto, it would be a good idea to use
them all the time. Unfortunately, they are also significantly
slower -- especially eauto. Coq experts tend to use apply and
auto most of the time, only switching to the e variants when
the ordinary variants don't do the job.
(* 30 Apr 2020 *)