CS 415: Practicum in Operating Systems
Fall 2000
Monday 3:35-4:25, 205 Upson

posted on 5th December, Tuesday : The grades of cs415 should be finalised by noon on Thursday, the 7th of December. If any of you have questions regarding the grade, please approach me by the 5 o' clock on that day. No regrades for the Linux assignment will be accepted after Thursday. For the 4th Java assignment you could get in touch with Rama(5154 Upson) for a regrade. The grades would be avaibale with me till Thursday 5pm, after which you would have to get in touch with Tammy Howe(4119 Upson).

posted on 3rd December, Sunday : BOOM '01: A good place to present any interesting project that you have done!!

posted on 1st December, Friday : Schedule for presentations on the linux project.

posted on 30th November, Thursday : Information on the presentation for the linux project.

posted on 26th November, Sunday : Keep on looking at the FAQ for updates on Project 4.

posted on 21st November, Tuesday : I will be out of town during Thanksgiving. Raoul would be more responsive to e-mails during that time.

posted on 21st November, Tuesday : Assignment 3 is graded. You could come over to my office to collect it!!

posted on 20th November, Monday : The deadline for submission of the Linux Project has been extended to Dec 2. The only time you could schedule your demos on Saturday is from 2 to 5pm. Your write-up is due by 10pm. This is the final deadline. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!

posted on 20th November, Monday : The deadline for submission of Assignment 4 has been extended to Dec 2, Saturday by 10pm. This is the final deadline. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!

posted on 3rd November, Friday : Assignment 2 has been graded. You may collect it from me after class on Monday or during my office hours on Wednesday.

posted on 30th October, Monday : The changes to the Assignment 3 can be found on the FAQ page.

posted on 26th September, Tuesday : Assignment 1 has been graded. You may collect it from me during my office hours on Wednesday, September 27th from 3:30 to 4:30 pm.

posted on 20th September, Wednesday : The steps for installing the storage server have been described on the CS415 FAQ page.

posted on 10th September, Sunday : Tomorrow, we'll meet in class first to discuss general questions regarding the assignment, after which i'll go to the csuglab to clear code-specific doubts, if any of you have them. After that I'll be in my office upto 4:30pm, and hold regular office hours.

posted on 9th September, Saturday : Following is the submission procedure for cs415 assignments.

posted on 9th September, Saturday : If you are doing the project in java, note that you are supposed to use jdk1.2.2. To use it you might have to do the following steps. Contact me if you face any problems.

posted on 6th September, Wednesday : If anybody still does not have a CSUGLab account, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.

posted on 3rd September, Sunday : The first assignment will be posted tomorrow. If anyone missed the class last Monday, he/she should fill out this information sheet and submit it during class tomorrow. Another thing to note is that the cs415 newsgroup is up!!!

Questions? Contact ranveer@cs.cornell.edu
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