Announcement for the Linux Project


Only 5 groups have scheduled the presentation for Saturday. I expect the presentation of each group to take around 30 minutes. This is not long enough given that you would have to compile the kernel. So what I suggest is that for each group 20 minutes would go into presentation and in the last 10 minutes the next group would get time to compile the kernel and keep it ready for the presentation. There are 11 groups => 5 and half hours. So on Saturday, you could schedule appointments from 3 to 5:30 and then from 7 to 10. I will be allotting the time slots on an FCFS basis. If you have already allotted a time slot, it will stay unless you ask for a change. Please seek an appointment early, with your preference. I will allot the closest time slot available.

For the presentations, it is fine if you could get your own laptop running your modified kernel. If you do not have one, I would give you mine 10 minutes before your scheduled presentation, to keep it ready. In either case, the real-time application would first be run on the modified kernel and then the existing kernel to study the performance improvement.



You would submit sched.c and your documentation in goose\courses\cs415-fa00\linux-assignments by Saturday 10pm. The submission directory name should be the same as previous assignments. Your write-up should be in the form of a paper, that is it should have:

1) A title and your names

2) Introduction

3) Motivation (Limitations of the Current Scheduler)

4) Proposed Idea

5) Implementation

6) Performance Improvement

7) Conclusions and future work.

I am not aware when the last day of classes are or when the exam week begins. So officially the write-up is due on Saturday at 10pm, but you have time till Sunday 7pm to make the submission with ZERO PENALTY. Note that the write-up should be good and will be given more weightage in case your scheduler is not well implemented.


Advice for the presentation:

I plan on giving you a real-time application. You should have some means of passing in the deadline as parameters to any application. For example an application X, could be run as X -d deadline. You should provide support for this. Or there should be some other way by which I can pass a deadline and other required parameters to any application.

Some of you might find it difficult to support any general application. In this case, I suggest that you "be prepared" with at least one application (of your own choice) during the presentation. This is not compulsory, but you are strongly advised to do this as a backup, in case my application does not run on your modified kernel, or it does not give the expected improvement.