CS 381 - Introduction to Theory of Computing, Summer 2004

Important course rules and policies are given here; they are intended to ensure the course runs smoothly and productively for everyone. We will expect you to read, understand and follow all of them.

Attendance and preparation:

Particularly in a condensed, six-week course, regular attendance and thorough preparation on your part is essential. You should try your utmost not to fall behind, as it will be very difficult to catch up if you do. If you are having any trouble in the class, please talk to Lucja or Peter as early as possible; we want to help you, and it is much easier to do so if you come to us early.


Due dates: These are firm; absolutely no late work will be accepted (but see the Exceptions section below if you have a genuine emergency). Homework must be handed in at the beginning of class on the day it is due.

Format: Your homework may be typeset or (legibly) handwritten.

Regrade requests: If you wish to request a regrade on any homework assignment, talk to Peter within 3 days of the date the homework was returned. For regrades on prelims, talk to Lucja, also within 3 days of receiving your exam back. Bear in mind that while we will treat each regrade request with an open mind, your grade can go up or down due to the regrade process.

Acceptable collaboration and academic integrity:

The prelims and final exam are individual work - no collaboration is allowed.

When working on the homework assignments, you are allowed - indeed, encouraged - to discuss solution ideas with other people, in or outside of class. However, you MUST write up and hand in your own solutions. This means that it is ok to talk to others, but only as long as no one writes or types anything down. Moreover, if you talk with others, you must mention all their names on your assignment as people you discussed solutions with.

If you are unsure about anything in the above rules, please ask Lucja; it is far better that you ask and make sure than that you end up being accused of plagiarism or cheating.

Note that we reserve the right to ask you to explain your homework solutions to us if we are not sure that you fully understand them.

Please do not hand in work done by or with someone else under your own name; this is a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, and will be taken very seriously indeed. Penalties for violations of the Code may include grade penalties - up to and including a grade of F in the course - and beyond. More information about the Code is maintained by the CS Department and by the University.

Student Disabilities:

If you are registered with the Office of Student Disability Services and require special accommodation (such as additional time to complete exams), please speak to Lucja during the first week of class so that I have time to make suitable arrangements.


Every policy needs to make provision for unexpected emergencies. If you have a major problem - you fall very ill, you have an accident, or have any other situation which severely affects your performance in the course, please talk to Lucja and we will work something out. Please do understand that exceptional concessions will only be made in cases which are genuinely exceptional.