Class Sessions

This page includes the instructions for the most recent class session, as well as an indication of where it will be located: Zoom or in person. Days are listed reverse order, so the most recent day is always first.

We do not record lectures in this course. You are expected to attend in order to learn the material.

Feb. 23. Nondigital Prototype

Nondigital Prototype

This class is a continuation of the nondigital prototype. It is important that you show up to class on time.    More ›

February 23, 2022 Upson 142 DELIVERABLE

Feb. 22. Milestones


The purpose of this lab is to give you time to work on your milestone document. This is a low-stress (but important) document that is due the same week as the nondigital prototype.    More ›

February 22, 2022 Snee 1120 ENGRC

Feb. 21. Nondigital Prototype

Nondigital Prototype

This class session is our first official presentation, the nondigital prototype. It is important that you show up to class on time.    More ›

February 21, 2022 Upson 142 DELIVERABLE

Feb. 18. Data-Driven Design

Data-Driven Design

One of the more unexpected features of your game is the level editor, which is due as part of alpha release. In this lecture, we talk about why this is an important part of game development.    More ›

February 18, 2022 Upson 142 LECTURE

Feb. 17. Game Lab 4

Game Lab 4

This is the last set of game labs for the course. You should immediately pivot to the gameplay prototype after this lab. The programmers will find this lab particularly helpful for that.    More ›

February 17, 2022 Snee 1120 GAME LAB