A | |
aexpr_to_string [Printer] | aexpr_to_string returns the canonical string representation
of an annotated 3110Caml expression.
alpha_vary [Infer] | alpha_vary is used to rename a type with fresh type
annotate [Infer] |
annotate function is used to type annotate the
expressions that are returned by the parser to ensure that they
are semantically valid in 3110Caml.
apattern_to_string [Printer] | apattern_to_string returns the canonical string representation
of an annotated 3110Caml pattern.
apply [Unify] | apply s t applies the substitution s to the type t ,
right to left.
C | |
circular [Exceptions] | circular is a helper function that is used to throw the
CircularDefinition exception.
collect [Infer] | collect collects a list of constraints generated by an annotated
expressions for unification.
commands [Repl] | commands is the list of commands available to the user.
concat [Eval] | concat env env' concatenates the environments env and
env' .
const_to_string [Printer] | const_to_string returns the string representation of a 3110Caml constant.
constr_to_string [Printer] | constr_to_string prints out the canonical string representation
of a constraint for unification.
constraints_to_string [Printer] | constraints_to_string prints a list of constraints.
D | |
debug [Printer] |
debug flag is used to enable all of the debug_print
statements that appear throughout the codebase.
debug_print [Printer] | debug_print is used to print a string based on the value of the
debug flag.
diag [Streams] | diag ss takes a stream of streams and returns a stream of the
diagonal elements.
E | |
eval [Eval] | eval contains the main logic for evaluating 3110Caml
eval_arith [Eval] | eval_arith is a helper function used to evaluate purely
arithmetic expressions in 3110Caml.
eval_bool [Eval] | eval_bool is similar to eval_arith , but is used for boolean
eval_comp [Eval] | eval_comp is similar to eval_arith , but is used for
expressions involving the polymorphic comparison operators.
eval_def [Repl] | eval_def is used to evaluate a toplevel definition.
expr_to_string [Printer] | expr_to_string e prints the canonical string representation of a
given 3110Caml expression.
F | |
fibs [Streams] | fibs is a stream whose n th element is the n th fibonacci
fork [Streams] | fork is a combinator for executing two functions on the same
input and returning the results.
H | |
handle_file [Repl] | handle_file is used exlusively to handle the Use <filename>
hd [Streams] | hd returns the first element of a stream.
I | |
inexhaustive [Exceptions] | inexhaustive is used to raise the InexhaustiveMatch
infer [Infer] |
infer function combines the annotation and unification
phases to accomplish type inference for
3110Caml expressions.
interleave [Streams] | interleave s t returns a stream with the elements of s and t
in alternating order.
L | |
look_and_say [Streams] | |
M | |
main [Main] | main is the entry point of the interpreter.
map [Streams] | map f s creates a new stream by applying f to each element of
s .
N | |
next_type_var [Infer] | next_type_var () returns a fresh type variable wrapped in the
TVar constructor.
O | |
occurs [Unify] |
occurs function is used to figure out if a given identifier
occurs within a given type.
opstring_of_binop [Printer] | opstring_of_binop op takes a binary operator and returns the
string representation of that operator.
opstring_of_unop [Printer] | opstring_of_unop op takes a unary operator and returns the
string representation of that operator.
P | |
parse_definition [Repl] | parse_definition parses the input string to a definition.
parse_error [Exceptions] | parse_error is used to raise the ParseError exception.
parse_expression [Repl] | parse_expression parses the input string to an expression.
parse_toplevel [Repl] | parse_toplevel s calls the Parser on the string s with entry
point toplevel_input to the grammar.
pattern_match [Eval] | pattern_match v p takes the value v and the pattern p and
outputs the following data: A bool that indicates
whether the v matches the pattern p ., An environment that
contains the bindings of the variables in the pattern that witness
the match.
pattern_to_string [Printer] | pattern_to_string p prints the canonical string representation of a
given 3110Caml pattern.
pi [Streams] | pi is a stream that contains a sequence of approximations that
converge to the real number pi.
print [Printer] | print to_string value prints to_string value to standard
print_constraint [Printer] | print_constraint c prints the constraint c to standard
print_list [Printer] | print_list to_string values prints each of the values in
values on a new line to standard output.
print_substitution [Printer] | print_substitution s prints the substitution s to standard
print_type [Printer] | print_type t prints the type t to standard output.
print_val [Printer] | print_val v prints the value v to standard output.
R | |
repeat [Streams] | repeat x returns a stream that has every element equal to
x .
repl [Repl] | repl env fvs is the entry point for the REPL loop.
reset_type_vars [Infer] | reset_type_vars resets the values of the type variables back
to 'a .
runtime_error [Exceptions] | runtime_error is used to raise the RuntimeError exception.
S | |
show_binop [Printer] | show_binop is used to print out expressions involving binary
show_circular [Exceptions] | show_circular is used to print out a helpful error message for
circular types.
show_inexhaustive [Exceptions] | show_inexhaustive is used to print out a helpful error message
for inexhaustive match cases.
show_parse_error [Exceptions] | show_parse_error is used to print out a helpful error message
for parse errors.
show_runtime_error [Exceptions] | show_runtime_error is used to print out a helpful error message
for runtime errors.
show_type_error [Exceptions] | show_type_error is used to print out a helpful error message for
type errors.
show_unbound [Exceptions] | show_unbound is used to print out a helpful error message for
unbound variable exceptions.
show_undefined [Exceptions] | show_undefined is used to print out a helpful error message for
undefined value exceptions.
show_unify_error [Exceptions] | show_unify_error is used to print out a helpful error message
for unification errors.
string_of_list [Printer] | string_of_list lst returns the string representation of the 3110Caml list, lst .
subst [Unify] | subst t x t' substitutes the type t for all occurences of the
type variable x in type t' .
subst_to_string [Printer] | subst_to_string prints out the canonical string representation
of a substitution.
suffixes [Streams] | suffixes s returns a stream whose n th element is the substream
of s starting at the n th element of s .
T | |
take [Streams] | take n s returns the first n elements of the stream s in a
tl [Streams] | tl returns the stream without its first element
type_error [Exceptions] | type_error is used to raise the TypeError exception.
type_of [Infer] | type_of e returns the type associated with the annotated
expression e .
type_of_pattern [Infer] | type_of_pattern p returns the type associated with the annotated
pattern p .
type_to_string [Printer] | type_to_string returns the canonical string representation of a
3110Caml type.
U | |
unbound_var [Exceptions] | unbound_var is used to raise the UnboundVariable exception.
undefined [Exceptions] | undefined is used to raise the UndefinedValue exception.
unfold [Streams] | unfold f s takes the seed s and a function f that produces a
tuple containing two values: a value to be placed into the
stream, and, the next seed. The function f is applied
successively to generate all of the values of the stream.
unify [Unify] |
unify function takes a list of constraints and finds a
substitution that satisfies all of the constraints.
unify_error [Exceptions] | unify_error is used to raise the UnificationError exception.
univ [Streams] |
univ function is the composition of unfold and
fork .
update [Eval] | update x v env updates the value of the identifier x to the
value v in the environment env .
V | |
val_to_string [Printer] | val_to_string returns the canonical string representation of a
3110Caml value.
vcompare [Eval] | vcompare is the analog to OCaml's Pervasives.compare .